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Luc Brusselmans

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Everything posted by Luc Brusselmans

  1. morning everybody, I took the leap of faith here and installed the DX10 mod. So far without major problems and crisp textures... great I thought... But just now I discovered that my airbus from wilco cannot load. I get the usual app crash and this points me in the direction of "A319IAE_feelthere.dll. Is there anybody that has experienced the same problem? Is it DX10? Or do I have to look in another direction to solve it? (if at all possible of course) The Bus flew just fine last night and the only thing I have changed is the DX10 mod. All help appreciated Oh, and another question before I forget. How does one "rebuild" the original shaders. I understand that I have to copy the General10.fx.orig to General10.fx but the rebuilding part I don't get... Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  2. Tom, I see that you had no response to your question so I will try to fill the gap for you. First things first however... The good news is that you really don't have to buy another stick because of the self-centering nature of the one you are using now. If you read through the manual of the bell 206 from dodosim you can find on page 12 (creating the control) and page 33 (how to use it) a solution for your problem. It's called "force release (cyclic trim) and even if it's not the real thing, it does help you with the pressure you have to keep on the stick. I use a Thrustmaster Warthog combo myself. It is a great stick/throttle combination alround but a bit heavy on the muscles when flying choppers. However, when you program one of the buttons on your stick to enable the "force release" you can (almost) fly the 206 with your thumb and forfinger. To the bad news... I don't know of any stick without any form of selfcentering. You can always buy a cheap stick (I would preffer one without ruddertwist and really... the cheapest you can find will do the job) and remove the spring yourself. I did that once but it does make your flightstick almost unusable for other planes. The most logical buy would be a combination with a separate throttle/collctive control to make life easier. A hotas combination of Saitek comes to mind here but you will have to remove the tensionspring yourself. The other option is the one where you buy a dedicated helicopter setup but those don't come cheap. Around a 1000 USD is the mark for cyclic and collective. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  3. Dave, and all the others of course, I have the same problem since early this morning. Finding a specific post is, ... mmmm, difficult this way. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  4. hello again, I just noticed that this thread is still active. Like I stated before, this stick is a no brainer and an all-round player. I started using it as delivered (as a combo) but one of the great attractions is the fact that you can use stick and throttle independently from each other. I use the stick as sidestick for an airbus but I can use the throttle together with my pfcflightyoke when flying a boeing... So far, I have not encountered any issues with it and I still find it the best stick I have ever bought (and that includes all previous Thrustmaster hardware I used in the past. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  5. Hello Howard, Great video and I sure want to try this for real. I even might get away with the original springs because, at the moment, I use the stick most of the time for helicopter flying. Loosened springs are not really a problem then. I leave for spain in a few days time (a short but well-overdue vacation) and since I don't have to get back to work until the end of Octobre, I will have plenty of time to fiddle around with this stick... Thanks for the video Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  6. Howard, (or Rockliffe if you like), One small sentence in one of your posts in this topic caught my attention. It seems that you have replaced the original springs to modify the tension. That is something I also took in consideration and I even removed the springs altogether in the previous version of the Tm stick (cougar). This worked alright but the stick itself (the potentiometers) wasn't accurate enough (after years of abuse in a combat environment) so I ditched the cougar in favour of the warthog. To fly helicopters, changing the springs, is certainly an option to fly with a little more comfortand less fatigue. But what did you use as a replacement for those original springs? It is either that or, asking very politely at the big boss here, saving up for a dedicated helicopter control... Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  7. Alec, here's an idea I truly like to support. Even for an 'old' guy like me who still finds a paper manual something to love for a product like they are produced by PMDG. It would make flying those birds it little easier just by keeping my desk less crowded. happy landings Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  8. This is a no-brainer. This stick is worth every penny (and you have to have quite a lot of those because, if this stick is one thing, it is expensive) I have the stick for about two years now. Using it for the dodosim bell and a number of warplanes and it works like a charm. It is compatible with all normal simulators but beware.... I see you mention H.AW.K.S... and that is more of an arcadelike simulator and when I tried it, I didn't like the way it handled in thge game. Other games, like rise of flight, the combined DCS series, FSX, X-plane, they all benefit of this great stick. Still, when you really want to use the stick to its full capacity, you need to master the software that comes with it. Not something to tackle lightly and it takes some time to create the profiles you really want. When used in FSX however, you can use 'LINDA' to program the stick (not quite true because you will not use the inbuild ROM) and that is fairly easy to master. And quite a number of modules can be found on the forum here at avsim. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  9. And is there anyone who can tell me where to find that Script? I did find 'autohotkey on the web but I don't find that particular script. (Probably because I am not a seasoned 'googler') thanks in advance Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  10. Ryan, While it is true that a dedicated setup is useful to flying choppers, it doesn't need to be somehing expensive. Here is what I did the first time I ventured into flying the dodosim... I looked for a cheap (and I really mean cheap) joystick which I then dismantled by taking out the springmechanisme. It doesn't take more than that if you have already rudderpedals (which I presume you have for flying ga-aircraft) And if you're really into flying those birds, then you can start saving to buy a more elaborated set but until then, that crippled joystick will do. I was lucky and I bought a shelved thrustmaster stick from a friend and it works just fine. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  11. Well, this thread is for old times sake... I finished my education in 1983 (i am talking about education and not 'growing up') and my last year in college gave me a little taste of things to come. In that year we had a student among us and who we could call a 'geek' and he introduced us to the first personal computer and programming. It was all very rudimentary but I was hooked (and for life it seems). A few yaers later my employer gave us the chance of buying a PC (at a reduced price) as an invcentive for a job well done. I jumped to the occasion and bought my very first IBM (XT with a HD of 10MB) and only a few weeks later I found a copy of 'secret weapons of the Luftwaffe'. It was the sim that started the addiction and I have still got a copy safely stacked away today. Later on pc's evolved and the simulators evolved but that very first one... I can still get in a nostalgic mood over it. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  12. You can copy or delte both of them but the one that matters is the one with .cfg at the end. It is the complete file because fsx will create a new one once you start up the program. Running fsx is just that. No need for an installation cd. And finally, yes, your addons will be safe Happy flying and good luck Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  13. Fabian, thanks for the info. I am curious about this one. Looks gorgeous so I hope it can live up to its looks when it comes to flying it... This one is certainly one for my wishlist for the holidays. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  14. Ok, This seems like sound advice and a confirmation of my original thoughts. Then comes the next question... Two physical drives or two separate partitions on one drive? Reason for asking this is simple. In the past one physical harddrive has always fine. There is no harm done when I botch this up. I can always start from scratch with two drives when needed. So maybe I should return to my original disk configuration and go from there. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  15. Hello, This seems a rather dumb question from somebody who's involved in flightsimming for more than 20 years. But the question stands as it is. Is there a penalty (smoothness, framerates, stutters....) for installing FSX on the same drive and partition as the operating system? I did so the last time I reinstalled and with only a fraction of the aircraft and scenery installed, I still can't get a smooth ride (following the guidelines from Word Not Allowed). The only two thing I have changed are the harddrive (smaller from 1Tb to 500GB but both with 32 Mb cache and 7200 RPM) and a new graphics card (from a standard GTX-580 to a GTX-670 FTW, both from EVGA) I don't mind to start all over again but only when it's useful. (Win 7 64bit is the used operating system) thanks Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  16. Chris, I am not using a 40 inch but I kept it down to 37 inch. At the beginning it took some getting used to but now I wouldn't go back for any price. (winning the lottery tonight would give me pause to reconsider though(190.000.000 euros). I was making the same objections at first but the resolution is quite acceptable and I am sitting bout 4ft away from the screen. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  17. Good evening everyone, actually a simple question... I have read about several dx10 tweaks and I would like to try them. Is there somebody who can point me to a place/site where I can find them? Thanks Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  18. Bruce, There is another option. I myself find it very difficult to maintain a clean, working fsx.. With some 400 Gb of scenery and aircraft, there is always somthing that goes wrong. To solve my problem, I have turned to multiple os's on removable harddisks. At the moment I have 6 harddrives (500Gb are cheap to come by and if you pick them right - 7200 rpm and 32 Mb cache - they are quite fast) with Win 7 and six times FSX installed. So I have I copy for flying low and slow in the regions where ORBX has scenery, one for military aircraft and little or no extra scenery. Such a setup can only work with fast HDD's and some means to make swapping disks easy. I use a diskbay from sharkoon to accomplish that and so far it works great. Biggest drawback... it takes a bite extra cash (extra copy or two for win 7 and FSX) and a LOT of time. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  19. Rick, The option is indeed on the last installment of the series only. (asia & oceania) I have checked the website but I can't find more info ether. Maybe I can give you more info in the course of next week. It looks like I will have to reinstall fsx and the three volumes will be part of it. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  20. Well, I had the same problem and in the end, the only solution was to add a serialport to the back of my pc. In fact I was lucky that my motherboard had a spare connection and I ordered a separate backplate/connection and I never looked back. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  21. Rick NEW: There is an option for a faster installer available. If our setup dedects system requirements are met, you will be prompted for this option. However, this installer is available in english language only, but it will be considerably faster. Just follow the instructions on the screen. You can use this installer for other FS Global installations as well. It works will the complete FS Global Ultimate series and FS Global 2010. You can find it on DVD 1 at the folder \FSX. For installing older FS Global versions in Prepar3D, use the installer on DVD 1 at the folder Prepar3D. This is a small part of the readme file on disk I of the third part of the series (Asia-Oceania). Indeed, when firing up the installation, it asks if it has to use the 'faster' method which I did but I can't figure out what it does differently. I also used it only once and didn't try this method on the first two volumes because they were already installed on my pc and I haven't reinstalled fsx since then. Maybe you could contact the developer about it. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  22. Hello, Check out the new OPUSFSX program. It has been develloped with that purpose in mind... Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  23. Hello, On the latest part of the series (Asia) there is an alternative installmethod which shortens the time considerably. In the doc's they claim that the same method can be used on the first two volumes as well. I don't know for sure that that claim is true or not and where you can find that alternative method. Maybe you could check their website. Luc Brusselmans Belgium PS I used it when installing the last volume and it did reduce the time by more than 50%
  24. hello, it is not just smoke in the picture. Taking a closer look, you'll notice sparks slightly above the right engines. So it sure seems like a fire. Maybe some effect files are corrupt or overwitten... Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  25. Hello Hendrik, For the community, I will post this in English but feel free to PM me in Duych if you like. Since my last post in this topic, I have 'hangared' my Katana. Whatever I would try, selecting the Katana always results in an error message and dropping out of FSX. Your problems are different from mine because you get the Katana to load alright. Selecting the Katana on the runway and getting smoke, it indicates some kind of 'crash'. Have you tried to turn of crashdetection? And what do you mean with 'scheef vliegen'? Does it bank al the time or can't you get it staying on course? Banking can be caused by a faulty calibration of your hardware but it is also a normal behavious for all propellor driven aircraft. This because of the torque of the engine/propellor. Counteract it with ailerontrim... Or try to recallbtrate your joystick. In one thing you are absolutely correct. It a plane with a number of hickups that are hard to solve. And since I rather fly than tweak, I have stored my copy in a safe place....There are more than enough planes to fly in my hangar. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
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