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Luc Brusselmans

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Everything posted by Luc Brusselmans

  1. I would not go as far as calling Nick a false prophet. But it is true that his bible as you call it is not a scientific work off but a bundle of observations that was gathered over a long time of flightsimming. So, even if Nick's bible hold quite a lot of truth, it's mileage will differ from one system to another. In fact he makes that statement in his opening piece... And talking about the overall colours in fsx, it is still the user who does the liking or not Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  2. Hello Michael, Sorry, my first attempt to send you a message was sent prematurely... Second attempt... I just read your reply to a post of mine about EZCA/OPUSFSX. And how hard I try, opusfsx just won't work for me. At least not as ezca does (and that program is by no means perfect). Maybe you can help me on my way...? The last version is 3.10.2 (last official version that is, because I don't use betaversions). The weather engine is just fine but the viewsengine doesn't work... What are my problems? - the switch between two views in the virtual cockpit is Always jerky. Maybe I should try to explain. The default zoom is 0.70 (default setting in fsx for me too). And everytime I switch between two views (and with the same zoom of 0.70) the view pulls back and zooms in again to the new position. In Ezca this goes very smooth but in opusfsx it's like I am thrown around the cockpit. Even when I set camera transitionspeed to 100 (slow). It is as if opusfsx throws in a third view in between the two I am switching between. At first I thought it had something to do with the creation of the views but I have the same problem with imported camera definition files. Following the step by step instructions (which are written by someone who knows the program from a to z,and are not that clear if you ask me) doesn't solve my problem. The switching between views still is jerky and unusable. Do you have any tips? Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  3. Well, To the op, I would say that he can try the original fsx viewsystem in the tripple seven. If he is happy with it, then there is no need to spend extra cash. As for the debate between ezca and opusfsx... After more then 6 months trying to get the viewsystem of opus fsx working for me, I simply gave up and returned to ezca. Am I happy with ezca? Not completely but it does the trick and that is what matters to me. Opusfsx is jerky at best and people that complained the manual of ezca... Wait until you get hold of the one that is supplied by opusfsx... The part about the viewsystem is terrible...,filled with screenshots that are not even in the program anymore,... If there is somebody who can put together a documented step by step tutorial... I will be gratefull Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  4. Well, this looks almost too good to be true... I am almost tempted to reinstall fs9. Any more info on this? Luc Brusselmans
  5. Forget Airdisplay. It is slow and buggy. Completely unreliable and unsuitable to be used as a second window as far as simming is concerned. I tried it and I can't remember how many flights I had it shut down on me, becoming unresponsive. For a while I contemplated buying a real FMC until I found Xdisplay/splashtop. It is a great app, cheaper than virtualCDU and since it works just like airdisplay, you can use it for every single plane that has some form of FMC. But, just like airdisplay, you have to run it while in windowed mode. Luc Belgium
  6. Good morning, For some obscure reason, I cannot start the V35B from cold and dark. I have tried every trick in the book in know off but without succes. - Battery is on, - Fueltank selected (both or middle position) - aux fuelpump running - mixture full rich When I turn the ignition, starter engine comes to live but dies after 2 turns of the propellor. So I tried loading the aircraft in the freeflight screen, I have tried to load a default cessna (running engine) and switching to the Bonanza once the flight has loaded, I have tried the default cessna with no engine running... It all results in the same situation. Once I cut the engine of the Bonanza, there is one one way to get it running again and that is CTL+E All help appreciated Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  7. Jim, stupid me... I should have thought about that solution myself. When I get home tonight I will give it a try. and to Oliver, the part I understand is indeed straight forward. However, a part of the instructions point me to the terrain.cfg. And I don't like to change anything that I don't understand (not even if the original file is backuped) Thanks for the info Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  8. Hello, Last night I stumbled upon a file (over, at the other site) called aon_3_3.zip. Inside are a bunch of reworked airports in Norway. Installation is a no brainer for those who understand English. However, inside the readme file the author reffers to another file that is supposed to be needed to have his file work properly. That other file is called NSX_II.zip and can be found on a Norwegian site. (link is present in the readme of aon_3_3.zip). And there I am stuck. The installation isn't very straight forward and all instructions are in Norwegian (is that the correct name for the language?) So now I am looking for somebody who can translate the instructions in English. The file itself is called " NSX_II_beta_ver_094.zip " Thanks Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  9. Hello again, After using Xdisplay and splashtop for two weeks now, I came to the conclusion that this is a winning combo if you want to slide your fmc to the ipad. One remark though. Always start Xdisplay AFTER starting FSX! If you reverse the startsequence, panning in the cockpit gets jerky and framerates drops. But when you start fsx first, all is well. Luc Brusselmans Belgiu
  10. correction to my previous post... As it stands, Xdisplay is not compatible with android.... Shame because it works great on my ipad.... Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  11. hello, you could try airdisplay but I don't know if it would work on android (The Galaxy tablet uses android...?) There is an app called splashtop that has been developped for both the ipad as well as for android. I am using it to connect my pc to the ipad, move the fmc from the pc to the tablet, enlarge it to full screen and voila... It works rockstable, almost no impact on framerates. The only limiting factor is batterylife. If you want to make a 8hour flight, you risk draining the battery before touchdown. Search the web for Xdisplay and Splashtop. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  12. Hello everyone, After numerous attempts to get 'Airdisplay' to work on a stable basis I just gave up to have my FMC relocated to my ipad. Today however, one of my friends showed me his ipad connected to his PC by means of another little app called 'Xdisplay'. You can find the webpage here: http://www.splashtop.com/home There is a demoversion that works for about ten minutes at a time so that is what I did today. And guess what... it works. And I found that the app at the moment only costs about 5 dollar. There is hardly any loss (1) of framerate, is, as far as my testing reached today, quite stable so for now I think I have spent my 5 dollar wisely. Tomorrow I will try a complete flight. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  13. Hello, What you want to achieve is, as far as my knowledge reaches, very well possible. You have an internetconnection -> connected to your router -> that same router is WiFi ofcourse and can send a wireless signal -> this signal is send to a 'accesspoint' (= a receiver to catch your original signal. -> The access point can be connected to a computer but also to a switchbox (= in fact a router but without all the whistles and bells that make up a complete router - so no firewall, no dns server,.... just a box with some ports on it to connect one or more 'devices') -> one of the ports of the switchbox can then be connected to the accesspoint, the other ports can then be used to connect two pc's. That should solve your problem. Both pc's are connected (can see eachother) through the switchbox and share at the same time the one signal from your original connection. I haven't tried it myself but this should work. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  14. Hello guys, First things first to all members, readers, contributers.... a very prosperous 2013, happy flying and a lot of quality addon's for whatever flightsimulator you fancy. and my question. Can Pro-ATC be installen over a network? Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  15. well, if for christmas I can make a wish... Give us some Europe, give us Scandinavia...) just a wish, only a wish but is is mine Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  16. Hello, I have a simple question. The original bus was a complete no go for me because I couldn't control the throttle with my PFC throttle quadrant (serial connected). I did understand that the original bus had some other issues with the controls and I am wondering now if the extended version has the same throttle logic. If so, then again this will be a bus I cannot use on my setup. All tips appreciated Luc Bruselmans Belgium
  17. For all to read It seems like it has been released. I checked simmarket only a few minutes ago and it is there. Added to the shop on december 14th it says on the product page. Unlike the scenery of orbx, I am not downloading right now. I am waiting for the first comments on this one Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  18. Andy, Go for the e-jets version 2 175/195. And... If you search the avsim library, you will find updated air and cfg files for the 175/195. I can only advise to install those updates which create an even more realistic behaviour. The files are created by Paulo Palmeira and all credits go to him. There are three files E175LR E195AR E195LR It is posible that there is also a 175AR but I have never been able to find it. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  19. For PDX flyer, just go to Flightsim Store where all other sceneries are situated. It's there alright but at ORBX they haven't updated there frontpage yet. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  20. Heads up for everybody... it has been released. I am downloading now Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  21. Hello, All answers make a lot of sense... But I am 100% sure there is something more to it. The split screen is not working. How am I so sure... I activate all effects... So there is no way that 'before' equals 'after' and in splitscreen 50/50 there is no difference between left and right. So there is something going on and I can't figure out what. And I am running only one monitor and windowed mode. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  22. Hello, That is what I thought also but even the splitscreen doesn't work. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  23. Hello, I just spent some three hours the forumthread on sweetfx and installing (if you can cann call it that) this little tool. But for some dark reason it will not work. I am running FSX in Dx9 mode on windows 7 64bit. A few GA light aircraft of Carenado and the complete set of the sceneries of ORBX. When I stumbled on this little tool, i downloaded it to my harddisk, read the included readme file and copied the whole bunch to my FSX directory. Afterwards I checked that all files were present and in the location they were supposed to be. Since the default keys (scrolllock and pause) are also used in FSX I opened 'injector.ini' and changed those two keys (for me page up and page down). I did some tweaking in the 'sweetFX_settings.txt' but for some reason it just doesn't work. There is a log file "full path: D:\Flight Simulator X\ redirecting CreateDevice initialising shader environment device->GetBackBuffer failed redirecting CreateDevice initialising shader environment redirecting device->Reset initialising shader environment initialising shader environment" But I can't figure out what it means. Can anybody shed some light on this? Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  24. Good morning, I had to clean a system a few waaeks back from a nasty ransomware virus. It took me a while but in the end I downloaded the rescuedisk from Dr. Web. Most important advantage is that you can start your computer from this disk (so no files in your OS are active or blocked). For me this one did the trick. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  25. Chery, thanks for the tips. I have still one question. When I don't use opusfsx to control the views, I have (right hand top corner) a zoomfactor of 0.60. Don't ask me why but it is the view I like best, finding the right balance between inside the plane and the outside world. If I start using the xyz, do I change the zoomfactor in fsX? Luc Brusselmans
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