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About Nathan3219

  • Rank
    Stop Global Whining

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Flight simulation, airliners, basketball

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    I belong to both VATSIM & IVAO
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  1. My JS4100 isn't working correctly with my FSX installation. Whenever I load the JS4100 up (after being in a cold and dark C172) the battery switches are on but all the screens are black and if I connect a GPU to the aircraft and turn on the GPU it still gives me no power. The throttles also don't move in the VC even if I move the throttles back and forth, and it is not a controller issue since the tool tip will display the throttle percentage moving up and down. Does anyone know why, or what is going on here?
  2. I would be interested. With Airhauler 2 coming in a few months, I like airports that help fill in the map and create interesting locales for bases.
  3. Well it's obvious to me (after reading this thread) - wait for a week's worth of responses to the SP before deciding whether to buy this plane. As for the title of the thread, at least we got a couple of zingers out of it: Bert should have a paypal icon so the developers (and us) can click it and donate to his beer fund.
  4. Thanks for the link. Time will tell.
  5. Long-term study finds zero link between violence in video games and real life. http://www.sciencealert.com/definitive-study-finds-zero-link-found-between-video-game-and-youth-violence
  6. I was shocked and deeply saddened to hear this. I am praying for a miracle for you and your family.
  7. The bright side is that there are many, many addons to choose from, so your available options when seeking value are better than ever. PMDG products are always worth saving for. Last year I dumped the change out of my pocket each day into empty plastic milk jugs. In October I took it to the bank, dumped it in their counting machine and had over $200.
  8. CARENADO HAWKER 850XP for FSX/P3D - "ON FINAL" Coming Soon!!! ...according to their FB page today.
  9. Yes. Sometimes the internet goes down for hours because of weather, car hitting pole nearby, etc. I should be able to use FSX-SE regardless of internet connectivity.
  10. Thanks for all the information Kyle. And thank you in general. A lot of us here appreciate your help and knowledge.
  11. They'll get it back in the future when you read the incredible review that is yet to be written on the DC-6 for XP.
  12. Looks great. A lot better than having cumulus clouds buried in the ground.
  13. I'm sure there will be nice detailed step-by-step description of how and what to install in a new thread when the SP is available to us.
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