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About Perry333

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  1. I have same problem too with tbm, but sounds like other planes are having same problem. Looks like a bug hopefully it will get sorted out. Right now I just manually insert flight plan.
  2. what is the as16 wx web companion do. can't seem to connect to a web page.
  3. Can anyone tell me if any of ASCA cloud textures compare to REX soft clouds. I really like REX soft clouds, but like the idea of the clouds changing as the weather changes. My understanding is you have to use their cloud textures.Thanks
  4. 1st the HGS advisory panel is never lit is there a on off button? 2nd can't seem to get the take off to work. As far as I can tell I have set up according to manual but when I line up on runway I don't see the TO appear in upper right hand corner. I also don't see runway length. I have added all info into HGS control panel. Thanks for help.
  5. 1st the HGS advisory panel is never lit is there a on off button? 2nd can't seem to get the take off to work. As far as I can tell I have set up according to manual but when I line up on runway I don't see the TO appear in upper right hand corner. I also don't see runway length. I have added all info into HGS control panel. Thanks for help.
  6. Yep already tried safari does the same thing, thanks
  7. Hey thanks for the reply I am running 9.2.1 on my IPAD2 and I am using firefox as my browser, still no go. Hope they can help me it is one of the reasons I bought it.
  8. Hi I just bought a used IPAD 2 to use with FSX, one of the things I wanted to use is Aurasim app. I can sign in but when I click on performance it just goes to a black screen, with the Majestic website banner above it. I have no problem on my pc or samsung phone. Thanks for any help.
  9. Hi Steve sorry it took me awhile to get back. Yes I have this checked already. Also have light ( alpha/ halo ) on 0 setting and Light glare halo on 0 setting too. Lights ( emmisive) is still on 100 not sure if this would make any difference. Nothing seems to have change anything yet Thanks.
  10. Hi Steve or anyone else that can help. I did the fix for the landing lights being to high on the planes by reverting back to the original halo.bmp file. Now the lights are in correct position, but they have a huge halo around them until they get very close and then they look as they should. Is there any setting in Fixer or do we just have to live with this thanks.
  11. Thanks for the replies do you know if you should uninstall my traffic 5.4c. It looks like 6 is completely new not just an upgrade. Thanks : )
  12. Just checking if anyone has tried this yet and how they like it. I have Pro 5.4c right now. Thanks
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