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Everything posted by cobrakev1526

  1. yep your right they were quick with the key and now its running and fully registered. Now if I can only figure out how to use it.
  2. ok Got it to install Finaly. I went in to msconfig and disabled my startup programs. it finaly installed. Now i wonder how long it will take to get the registration key emailed or what ever i need to do.
  3. ok I downloaded it from their sighte and tryed to run setup.exe and still getting that error message... HELP
  4. will do but man o man is the download slow 22 kbs 9 hrs left to go
  5. ok so i just dropped $60 over on Flightsim.com's Pilot shop and downloaded MCE. when I double click setup it it says "This will install Multi Crew Experience, continue? and I click Yes. Then Instantly i get a message saying "Setup has Encountered an Problem! Please contact vender. Now i only have the version that Flightsim.com's Pilot shop is giving me. should i download it from the Venders websight and try it? Has anyone else had or have this problem Not beeing able to inatll this program.
  6. Ok so here is the deal. I've been using Windows 7 for years now and have gotten so fed up with all the various CTD. From G3D.dll (now fixed by FSUIPC) to Stackhash, ntdll.dll you name it. I've used the aiautomation tweek from vista and I've never had that crash but everyone of them besides that. Anyways over the last week now I've decided to take a completely different approach with my system. I remember when FSX came out in 2006 and it was to showcase windows Vista. So I thought way back when I hade windows XP and how FSX ran back then. I honestly don't remember having very many CTD back then I had a bunch of freezes then but that was due to my nvidia GeForce 7800 gxt which was known to have that problem in FSX. Then I got vista and acceleration pack with a nvidia 8800 and I didn't have any more freezes or lookups. CTD to my memory back then were rare at best. Ok fast forward to January of 09. I build a new system just to run FSX. Core i7 965 OC to 4 ghz 6 gigs of ram, 4 hard drive one dedicated to FSX. Nvidia gtx 295 later upgraded to gtx 480 and all way fairly ok albeit running on Vista64 Ultimate with sp1. I think it was later that year windows 7 came out but I got it and never looked back to vista. Ok fast forward again to this last week. Ever since I've been running Windows 7 64 FSX has been getting so unstable. Ever with a fresh operating system install I would get CTD in every flight situation be it with addon scenery, aircraft, or even default setups with no addons installed yet. It seemed like the more windows7 updated itself the more FSX became unstable. I've finally started to relize that mabe FSX isn't such a broken program as I was starting to believe. So I decided to take a different approach... I went to try and find my copy on Vista and having dusted it off I inserted it in the drive. I then formatted and deleted every drive and partition. The on my c drive I created a new partition and split the drive in half. Formatted and install vista on 0 then installed windows 7 on 1. Now I have a dual boot configuration with vista and windows7. My thinking was to dedicate vista to FSX only and w7 for everything mon FSX related. I updated vista to the point were there isn't anymore updates left and then began the tedious task of installing FSX and everything else. PMDG, CARENADO, REALAIR, REALITY XP, FLIGHT 1, CAPTAIN SIM, AEROSOFT, ORBX, UTX, GEX,REX ESSENTIALS, FS CAPTAIN, SAITEK PANELS, LOGITECK G940, SAITEK YOKE W/3 TQS, THRUSTMASTER COUGAR, TRACK IR 5, and on and on. I've used *******'s auto tweeks and set my FPS to 30. All sliders are to the right except for water is high2 and mech res is set to 2 meters. Mytraffic x5.4 is set to 25 25 and cars is at 10 boats ships 40. I'm running dx9 at 1920 x1200 6/10. I took a Carenado Skymaster from orbx daring ton 1s2 to skagett Kbvs to Seattle ksea to kors back to Kbvs . Not CTD of any kind to report during the entire flight. Btw Rex essentials was running. Next I took a Flight 1 Cessna 182t with the g1000 from Kennedy Kjfk during hurricane sandy using Rex Essential to fly Tampas Boston Logan and back. Again no errors of any kind. All PMDG aircraft are stable now and using fs2crew. YBBN with the Flight1 mustang is stable and at 17 FPS wich is good considering aircraft and scenery are maxed out. So for now FSX fly great under vista 64 sp2 not CTD to report and I am finally happy!!!
  7. Their is a new kid on the block called Pro ATC X from Point Software. It's still in its infancy but it is now assigning SIDS and STARS at airports. And also will give taxi instructions. I've givin up on waiting for RC5 but I've use RC4 extensively. But this new ATC programe shows promis plus it's still being developed which is great.
  8. Your right about that THANK YOU TO ALL THE FREEWARE DEVELOPERS ASWELL!!! I personally love the work and dedication to this hobby that you have given to the community. I one made aircraft in a program called Flight Sim Flight Shop for I believe it was FS5. I made the Berkut, Lancair 320 and 360, the Cirrus VK 30 and a Gruman Tiger. I think I was one ov the first to make a non functional vc. I believe they are still downloadable in this sight someware.
  9. Well then I realy hope XP 10 grows up and becomes what we all want and need. Same for P3D. I don't know much about xplane10 but from a post a few posts up is it true that there isn't any seasonal textures? Generic airport buildings? I remember someone flying XP10 in Las Vegas and it looked green and had no resemblance of the real city. Is that true? Is there plans to fix these issues or is that up to 3pd to fix? This is one of the questions I have had and why I haven't taken XP 10 on yet.
  10. I just posted last night asking if we have heard anything more on Aerosoft's new sim that was in the planning stages. But I keep thinking about the future and direction of Prepar3d. I know it's a comercial sim and not for use for entertainment but with the release of 2.0 could that change? Some 3rd party developers have made it so their products won't work in P3D such as Flight 1 and Reality XP EZCA all under the Flight 1 wrapper. PMDG is also one of them also. With the advent of X-Plane 10 some of the major developers have stated that X-Plane architecture is not conducive for their time and development ( that's my words as I understand their position). I belive REX game studios mentioned that they can use there weather textures in xp9 but their weather engine would never work in that sim. As far as XP10 I'm not sure. So p3d seems to be the next step in the evolution of our hobby. However I know how P3D has been marketed and is not for the average consumer. But their seems to be a growing user base using it for that reason. If v2 comes out can or wouldn't that change things around so we could finally replace FSX and continue to grow? I'm not sure how this all works with the ESP licensing and all but it seems to me that when you change a version number from 1 to 2 that represents a significant change to the code and could possibly change everything. But I have no idea only hopes for the future of our hobby.
  11. It's we're you will have to avoid thunderstorms or you risk having your wings ripped off. That is somthing that haven't been simulated yet in Flight Sim. Latitude meaning turning left or right to avoide a thunderstorm. Maybe...
  12. Just to add to my last post. I think we need all the dedicated developers we can get like Pete Dowson doing what they do for our hobby. They are the people trying to fix FSX and make it more stable and flyable for us. Microsoft dropped the flightsim community and support for FSX. So these peoe are all we have left to keep our hobby alive at this point. We have been able to break in and fix some things within the FSX code without actually changing the code because Microsoft has it locked up. Developers like A2A and PMDG have expanded on and made modules within their coding to provide external fixes and enhanced characteristics of their products. When you think about it, it's realy remarkable what can be done inspite of a locked code. Anyways I'll get down of the soap box now...
  13. I believe it does but you should realy consider purchasing a registered copy of it. It can setup and calibrate any and all of your controllers for each aircraft you have for instance. Plus it adds so much more to FSX that you never knew you needed. PLUS you would be supporting a remarkable FS God named Pete Dowson who has helped change and fix FSX for the masses. His utility is used by so many 3pd to interface with FSX.
  14. I'm am going to say that to fix the DX10 aircraft lights and airport lights issue I've found that A2A 3D lights redux has fixed that problem for me.
  15. I agree that xp10 is a great sim but I just don't think it's the future yet I could be wrong though.
  16. I believe the newer FSUIPC has the ability to trap that error and prevent the sim from crashing. I don't know if you are running FSUIPC but I've had my limiter set to unlimited in orbx YBBN and would get that error every time within 2 minutes. When FSUIPC (the newer versions) were installed it never G3d.dll CTD on me. There was a log that showed the trapped G3D.dll crash prevention in FSUIPC.
  17. I thought I would post this question here on the FSX Avsim fourm. I haven't heard anything in a long time about this simulator. I've looked on their fourms and haven't even seen a place to ask about this. I remember there was a huge section on this topic a while ago that had archives but that's either not there or I just missed it. So as of today Oct 23 2012 AD do we know anything on this sim or did it fail before it was even built? I've heard they were looking for a viable engine to we are now looking to X-Plane 10 instead of the new sim. I am an Avid FSX users but I am tired of all the CTD and problems with FSX. I Haven't gotten X-plane 10 yet only because I am more of a systems model guy and not so much of a flight model guy. I just bought Aerofly FS on steam and I like it but its still a simple flying sim and MS Flight Well... I've hung up my coconut bra a while ago. I love FSX it's like an old girlfriend that you hate but can't leave for some reason ie (add ons). I thought I would get the Prepar3d bug and I when and bought it however its not everything I need yet because on the addons that I require such as Reality XP and Flight 1 programs like EZCA. So what's the deal with Aerosoft???
  18. i was able to get to the go ahead and still could get it to respond after that. The green bar was reflecting exactly wat i say but the crew didnt respond after that. I also use GSX.
  19. exactly what I say and no mater whay i say it responds "flaps up" I can say before start checklist and the green bar shows that but the FO responds Flaps up.
  20. Same here I can't even restart a checklist flaps up flaps up flaps up
  21. Unfortunately we are dealing with Microsoft here and they do have a history. So I do believe that you are more right than me and my wishfull thinking.
  22. To me MS Flight is just a platform just as FSX was platform I witch to build on. I think MGS has made a "simplified version of Flight Simulator" that was me quoting that by the way, for a reason. If you remember when FSX came out before the service packs, everything was single core driven and not set up for dual core. Windows Vista was right around the corner and FSX was its debut program. SP1 came out and fixed a few things here and there, but then came SP2 and it changed the way textures were handled, it added limited multicore functions and changed the way autogen was addressed. I hade paywere aircraft that no longer worked right. My canopy glass turned opaque and I needed to find a work around using a texture conversion tool that never really fixed the problem. 3pd had to issue SP2 fixes to their products. It became a big mess. Now we don't need to worry about SP2 issues with addons because it's the normal platform for FSX.It is my opinion and my belief that MS Flight is still a work in progress and has been stripped of most of the features we would expect from a Flight Simulator of the past because MGS wants to get it right the first time and not have to go backwards in development. Take ATC for instance, if we already had a basic FSX ATC in flight and the comunity wanted a much mor realistic ATC experience like Radar Contact mixed a little VATSIM and VOX ATC that gave us the complete experience, they would have to go back and reprogram the source code that would change many other parameters like AI aircraft, Gates, Taxiways, and so on. Then everything there could be affected and have to be redone and optimized. In the end you end up with a simple or not so simple thing snowballing into a huge mess with unexpected results. Instead when you start from scratch or "building from the ground up" you can taylor to the needs and wants of other more effectively. Maybe after A year or so when Flight is stabilized they will start letting the 3PD develope for flight with a much more refined SDK and a much more powerful platform to work with. I hope this is the case!!!Just my opinion.
  23. YES Awsome I'm so glad to hear that thanks. It's yet another improvement from FSX.
  24. But have you flown through them yet and did they disappear behind you?
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