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About joherszch

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  • Birthday 08/04/1987

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    Aviation, Music, Guitar, Computers, Technology

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  1. Was a bit quick to answer, forgot the REX Texture Direct / Soft Clouds. 1. ASCA 2. REX Texture Direct 3. REX Soft Clouds
  2. Not sure, but my initial thought was: Set 1 - ASCA Set 2 - REX Set 3 - ASCA
  3. vcarlo, you can just ask ATC to deviate due to wx or other factors!
  4. Taken directly from their website: http://www.desk-pilot.com/ News Get those turbines spining! We're getting that close to release the tarmac is starting to crack! We're now under going final testing and have gained all the required permissions from PMDG Simulations. We will be pumping out some images and videos over the next few weeks. Stay tuned! Ticket support is now online. I don't know when this was updated, but I visited the website in late september/early october. So hopefully it will be released soon!
  5. Try to replace the panel texture files from the Level-D livery to the TUIfly Nordic directory.
  6. For weather, myself and many more recommend: http://www.hifitechinc.com/products/activeskynext Sceneries for Australia: ORBX https://fullterrain.com/
  7. Hi, Everytime I say "on" the Majestic Dash8 Q400 it interprets it as "arm". I followed the guide http://forum.avsim.net/topic/372413-the-new-way-to-train-the-speech-recognizer-for-specific-words-like-auto/ and added "on" and "armed" with totally different pronunciation but without any luck. The NGX interprets the command "on" and "armed" correctly for me. I know that "arm" and "on" are VERY close to each other pronunciation-wise. Is there a way to "reset" the interpretation for the Dash? Or how to fix it? UPDATE: I will try to create an alternate "Recognition profile" to see if that works. UPDATE 2: It worked!
  8. This is exactly what I was afraid of......Too bad, I know how much Landvetter means to you too Niclas!
  9. Could you report back your impressions Richard? One review is up on SimMarket and it was positive as well.
  10. It's the same scenery if you referring to the pictures by saabpilot . However, what Scandinavian 407 posted won't be released due to copyright of the photo-scenery I think.
  11. Haven't bought it yet, I am tempted though. But I get this FS 2002/FS9 feeling when looking at the screenshots. And I am somewhat sure that they have used the old Swedflight version, at least for the .bgl files. But the price is kinda fair if you look to todays standards.
  12. Theres is a thread of the development of the scenery here: http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/new-scenery-g%C3%B6teborg-landvetter-fsx-p3d2-rc-scenery.432664/
  13. aaka, You have to know the different airspeeds that exists. You will never reach 400 kts INDICATED airspeed with a 747, even less change when you're are at high altitude, you will however reach 400 kts TRUE airspeed rather easy at FL310. Read up on IAS, CAS, EAS, TAS and Mach and how they all relate to each other :smile: You know, "ice tea is a pretty cool drink" (google that)
  14. Hi Ian, http://aero.sors.fr/navaids.html provides navaids, fixes and magnetic variation update. Good luck! /Johan
  15. YES! As a "Gothenburgian" this is long awaited! Will the gates have the updated yellow on black text as shown on the picture below? http://www.swedavia.se/PageFiles/13033/Goteborg.jpg Keep up the good work, this is a must buy!
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