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Everything posted by luckyman

  1. So this means my GTX470or a GTX480 is better than the GTX460 I think im starting to love the results!this is what your saying right
  2. Looks like a good rig, when can you get it?The GTX460 will boost you frames, as you've prably seen in the chart.Glad I convinced you to make the best possible upgrade!
  3. Just look at the results he even make a table hold on... https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ahq4ws8Rx4gudEtLYlE5ZGdDanc1ZG1WcVdZY1FIMUE&hl=en&authkey=CKrfrI8D#gid=0 And thats even with a low end GPU
  4. Trust me the i3 system will give you really good results for less, read the results bangoman got vs me and Dazzhttp://forum.avsim.n...sx/page__st__50 look at post 57 thats about 53FP/s average with a modest overclock. And the DDR3 ram gives a really really small improvement
  5. I agree with Dazz There are many results in the forums. But anyway what I think is it isn't a big difference but the thing is how much are you williing to pay for a small improvement, it doesn't make sense to some
  6. So yea If you have some extra money, a quad i5 is better the a C2 quad and is similar to an i7.But an i3 is still the best deal.
  7. I say go for the i3-530 which is like 112$ and it will be quite an improvement over your dual core!
  8. how do you know, did you have both, don't lie... And to bad there's no such thing as the GTX485 yet
  9. Not at all seems like you haven't been reading around the forums have you...would someone back me up here
  10. Yea im not telling you to get an i7 but im saying for 50$ less you can get an i3 and 1156 motherboard which sets you up later for a i7-875K for example. And you will have the DDR3 RAM already, and it's less than just that Quad!
  11. The GTX460 is nearly identical to the 470 in FSX, why are you saying it makes such a big difference! I could understand for some other game but spending 500$ right now is completly unessesary.
  12. What he said is worng.... so your gonna get the 9650??It defies logic it performs very close than that quad and if you want to get an i7 after you still need to change the motherboard and RAM! The thing is SO overpriced it costs 320$, you can get an i7 for less!
  13. Overcloking won't damage the card if you do it properly but I isn't worth it in FSX you'd be lucky to see 1 more frame per second. When you get the rig and if you have the money why not take out that card and get yourself a GTX460.If not you'll just have to live with it, just don't put your AI traffic too high and you'll get by fine.
  14. Don't bother it performs similarly to the GTX470 and even 460 for 230$It's a waste of money.
  15. Ok so he can pick up http://www.newegg.ca...5-260-_-Product for 90$ and it performs better than a quad and costs the same. Plus then he can go for an i5 or i7 later on.
  16. I get around 85-103FP/S with 10% AI on the ground at a big airport such as Vienna and with a lot of REX HD clouds and the Wilco 777.But near big cities I get around 50FP/S and it never drops under 30, never. Unless I set the Ai really high... But I'm running a i7 at 4Ghz btw and no 460 vs 470 isn't a big differnce as Chris said.
  17. No ther's no way you could get a i7 MObo and an i7 for under 350$ but I suggest this get this i3 http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115222&cm_re=i3-530-_-19-115-222-_-Product overclock if you can and get this motherboard or similar http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131634&cm_re=1156_motherboard-_-13-131-634-_-ProductYou total is only 250$ and this can deliver performance on par with an i5 check out this thread http://forum.avsim.net/topic/292181-i3-530-fsx/page__st__75but if you wanna go all out a i7-950 and a decent motherboard will cost around 500-600$
  18. YES! Dazz didn't call me off this time, thank you.And I didn't read the part about no AI in that case yes 20FP/S seems reasonable!
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