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Everything posted by jakov

  1. Grzegorz, thanks for your reply! I'll try to work something out with FSUIPC at least. I have an unregistered version, so for a start, I'll just get it registered. Cheers! Jakov J.
  2. I just had a weird flight with my 737-800. It was a flight from EBBR to LEBL. At FL360 the NGX suddenly started losing speed. It fell from 260 to 210, MPC showed BUFFET ALERT and the plane started descending rapidly. I disconnected the A/P and A/T and floored it. After a brief struggle I managed to get the plane leveled and the speed climbed up a bit. I engaged A/T, but when I tried to engage A/P, it wouldn't start. There were no failures present. Also, it was almost unflyable by hand, almost like the plane is caught in a microburst. My hardware setup (X52PRO) is working flawlessly. I tried to download new weather in FSX since sometimes it helps resolve these types of problems, but it didn't help. The slightest yoke move resulted in vertical speeds ranging from +4500 or -5000 and high bank angles. I tried the same flight again. This time, however, the speed suddenly went up from 260 to 360! Of course, I got overspeed warning. Again, I paused the FSX, downloaded new weather and it this time it worked. I applied speed brakes and let the plane slow down. For some reason it didn't disintegrate in the air since it took me at least a minute to slow down. And now, while I'm writing, the plane started losing speed again, but not too much. So, my questions are: 1. Why didn't the A/P start after my brief struggle in the first flight? I am sure that there are some limitations when A/P will not engage. What are they? 2. I am aware that using FSX weather is not the best option and I know that losing speed and overspeed are FSX related issues. But can the weather engine in FSX be tweaked somehow so it doesn't happen again? I am not using any add-ons because my computer is not quite capable of running add-ons smoothly. Thanks! Jakov J.
  3. Any news on Brussels Airlines? Would be sweet!:):)Jakov Jandric
  4. Thanks for the advice, Kenneth, I'll check it out. Unfortunately Sabena nor Brussels Airlines fly the NG in real life, but since the NGX is the best virtual plane for the time being, I would like to add a bit of a flavour to the flying experience with this livery :) Jakov
  5. Hi! I was hoping if someone made a Sabena or Brussels Airlines livery for NGX. I know that these companies did not have 737 NG (at least Sabena), but since I'm flying with their VA, it would be great to have it. Cheers! Jakov
  6. Thanks for all the info! I'll see what I'll do next, but for now it seems that I'll just ignore ATC and then when I'll have time to learn basics, start to fly online. You guys were very helpful! Cheers!
  7. Hi, everyone! After quite a long time sailing virtual skies I decided that it would be prudent to learn how to properly create a flightplan. Until now I was using software Wilco/FeelThere PIC 737 and I didn't have a need for learning how to create a flightplan in FMC or to use SID and STARS and so on. Now, though, the new NGX is out and I really want to fly this bird properly. When you create a flightplan in FSX and then use it to make a flightplan by manually inserting waypoints in the FMC, you should get a flightplan that ATC will follow. The problem is that ATC does not understand STARS, for instance, so it gives you instructions that you will obviusly not follow and then ATC gets annoyed ("please expedite your turn to ....). So, the question is How do you fly a fully programmed NGX flightplan and still work with FSX ATC? Also, in every tutorial that I've read the pilot already knows the arrival runway and STAR. In FSX IFR you don't know that. Also, I am always guessing SID's as well, considering that there are sometimes more than one SID's going to the same waypoint. Thanks for the help! Jakov Jandric
  8. Firstly, I would like to congratulate the PMDG team for creating such a remarkable piece of software! Don't care actually when it will come out, as long as I know that it WILL come!:( I know it's a bit off topic, but is there a chance to include Sabena livery (or at least Brussels Airlines) for NGX? I am aware that Sabena does not exist anymore and (as far as I know) they never flew 737NG, but it would be a nice touch for us flying with SVAG.Jakov Jandric
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