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Gramps ZA

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Everything posted by Gramps ZA

  1. When I start taxing and touch the brakes the aircraft needs in excess of 40% of thrust to keep taxing when the brakes are released. If I use the parking brake and release it I have no problem,it seems that the brakes are binding although they are fully released ,help...
  2. After 6 touch and goes finally did it, quite a challenging approach. Love to try at night with the HUD
  3. Ha Ha Ha, I could not stop at end of runway. You have to slam her down right on the beginning of the runway, max brakes and reverse. I could not do it with a low cloud base. FANTASTIC.
  4. Must say I have tried some suggestions and there are some tough flights out there. I think it's fun to try them at night, wow talk about spatial disorientation.
  5. Seems to show US only? What do you do with the weather??
  6. That one is excellent, going to try the other suggested ones.ALL SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME, as I fly the same mundane routes and feel like a real "bus" driver
  7. Im not very creative and would love to try some shorthaul flights with some difficult procedures or landings etc, please share...
  8. It seems that a lot of 64 bit users dont have problems. Could be mistaken.
  9. I have had no Ctds since I finally got it running after upgrading to 64bit. I fresh installed NGX after purchasing 600/700 and downloading SP1 and all is still 100% . I wonder how many others are flying smoothly.
  10. I can see a vast difference in the Clarity of the model since SP1
  11. Imagine if that idiot who was banned was a pilot!The problem with the world today is that there are to many people who only live for themselves.I must say that the people who use this forum are extremely helpfull and its fantastic how they share their knowledge.I sort of feel that the users of the PMDG products are almost like a sim family,by the way they assist and encourage etc.
  12. Most times ATC asks the pilots if they would like the visual. Summer is great fun at FAJS as there are a lot of late afternoon thunderstorms, especialy when the airport becomes busiest around 5 pm with lots of buildup dodging and go arounds happening due to windshear and excessive crosswinds. Lots of complaints by pilots of tailwinds at minimums and all sorts of fun during the storms. The 800 can really climbout on a go around, what an amazing aircraft.
  13. I monitor traffic most evenings and weekends via my transceiver at FAJS (JHB) and most approaches are visual weather dependent. When traffic volumes are high in the mornings between 7 and 9am and evenings between 6 and 8pm most of the flights are vectored by radar until finals.
  14. Guess it's all up to SP1 ?
  15. I am having the same,not every time,for instance in meters I inputed 10 meters back and a 90 degree right and it threw out 231 meters total distance . This has happened since the last hot fix only. A few days it almost pushed the length of the entire airport ha ha!
  16. Hi Bruce I suppose it would be frustrating to keep trying as I wanted to see if I could help given my perception of the similar systems we have. Well I hope your patience holds out. J41 is a great product but NGX will blow you away, so I am holding thumbs for you as I can imagine how you are feeling. RegardsShannon
  17. Hi Bruce I am wondering if you have tried again or have decided to wait for SP1? Its a mighty long time that you have been waiting since your last post to me when I had the same problems as you.Im sure you saw what fixed my CTD'S Steam ?
  18. I wonder how many posts are failures as a direct result of Sundays latest Hotfix? Are these failures on systems that have any altered DLL'S or config files or the likes?
  19. It looks like it, I still need to compare but so far I'm flying with all maxed climbing out of UK airspace towards Brussels , frame rates now at 102 FPS
  20. So far so good , 2 hours with new hot fix and all running well, good luck to all!
  21. Ha ha I tried this and got locked,best give it up.............
  22. I had installed all the C+++ Libraries from the beginning from 2005 to 2010 as well as Direct X. Windows 7 has direct X already. I had no problems with Vista and all ran well.New hard drive with fresh install of FSX and Ngx would CTD.All other PMDG products ran perefectly on the new system except NGX. No matter where I installed it ,it did not make a difference. I fiddled with DLL'S as directed etc , renamed files etc etc to no avail.I installed STEAM and went straight to NGX after I had activated the shooter and it worked straight away.Ryan gave some explanation on the ticket system but i can not reopen the ticket and cant remember his explanation.For those with WINDOWS 7 64bit having CTD'S all I can say is try STEAM and activate some game on it. It MIGHT work, I dont really know.Good Luck
  23. No, absolutely nothing. I originaly loaded on drive E then F then G ,then C and so on. I have 3 internal hard drives and one external. On Vista I had it on the external drive. I purchased a new drive which had a fresh install of Windows 7 put on and removed Vista completely. I cleaned and formated all. So it was exactly like a brand new PC.
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