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  1. maybe the big surprise will be they actually release it?? Corey Prefontaine CYEG
  2. About 6 weeks ago we had the windscreen spider on us in a 727 about 15 minutes out of CYVR. I was sitting in the jumpseat just about to fall asleep and heard a loud bang, maintence in YWG said the window heat failed. Gotta love the older 727's. The flight a couple weeks before, same airplane, the autopilot tried to flip us inverted a bunch of times. Just snapped about 70 degrees to the right out of nowhere about 30 seconds after "aux nav" was selected every time. Heading hold would not work either it just kept rolling to the right. And this is supposed to be our "newest" 727, new to us anyway. Needless to say the airplane has some problems. Last time it was here in Edmonton i had to help change a start valve on the #3 engine at -36c outside. That sure was fun, i just went out to see why they shut down.. Corey Prefontaine
  3. Count me in, I dont really have any experience with VA's but I would love to get involved in whatever way I can. I do work at the airport here in Edmonton if that will help in any way. Corey Prefontaine CYEG Edit.. I am actually currently parked on the cargojet ramp with my westjet ngx at CYYC as i wrote the post, getting ready to head up to cyeg. My hud won't work though so i figured I would come here for the solution and started reading this thread instead.
  4. there is a buy button for me on the ngx page... Corey Prefontaine CYEG
  5. I bet PMDG was going to release, but then got super creeped out by some people on these forums stalking their every move and decided to wait. It is RSR's birthday, give him the day off to relax, who cares... find something better to do than post every time a PMDG member comes online. Corey Prefontaine CYEG(23 hours a day 6 days a week)
  6. I have never seen a J41 in real life.. And I work at CYEG, two jobs. One as a fueler/rampie and another just as a rampie. I do however see many many dash 8's.. all 100, 200 and 300's. There is one horizon 400 that comes in and out but thats the only 400 I see. There are a couple jetstreams that do daily flights but they are the 31's not the 41's. Most of the aircraft in and out of here are 737's, 727's, erj 900, crj 200 and dash 8s. there is one 767 that does a daily flight to heathrow and a few a319/320's. I dont work at the main terminal. I work for an FBO down at the end of rwy 02 so most of the aircraft I see are buisness jets, king airs, metro's... etc. I would love to see a PMDG G5. We just had one in here last weekend and wow.. what a beautiful aircraft.
  7. Gotta love building with depron.. some foam safe ca and kicker and your good to go... I just repaired a couple ribs inside the wing of my seagull extra 300 with it. test flew it today and it flys like its new. Not bad for a quick 20 minute fix. I built a CT-114 Tutor (snowbird) pusher with depron a few years back, about 30" wing. Unfortunatly the maiden only lasted about 4 seconds. I tossed it from the top of a hill at full power, it started to climb and then flipped inverted and went strait in from about 50 ft. unfixable... still don't know what happened, all I know is I had no control... it may have been a tad windy but I just wanted to fly. That was my very first experience with depron and brushless.. but since then I love building with it. I even made myself a hot wire cutter for wing cores. Its fun to spend a rainy day building a few quick planes to go out and do combat with. That f-18 looks nice.Corey Prefontaine CYEG
  8. I missed the argument.. By the looks of things it got pretty heated here. People need to chill out about the NGX, up here in the northern hemisphere its summer so go outside and enjoy it. Before you know it winter will be here again and we'll be stuck inside for months (here in Edmonton anyway) and by then the NGX will be out so you can stop complaining about that and start complaining about the Dash and 777 updates or announcments or lack there of because Im pretty sure the guys at PMDG are real tired of the whining. Every single thread starts out with all the praise and thank you's and then the crap starts up again about the release date and it was supposed to be here a year ago.... blah blah blah. I don't post that often but I come here to read the forums, not read a bunch of whiners and complainers.. if I wanted that I'd hang out with the wife more often...Thank you to the civil people here that actually come here to talk about airplanes and the simulation that we all love. Ive learnt a lot from you all.Corey Prefontaine CYEG
  9. I think its funny that every time there is an update you get 4 or 5 pages of "wow, thanks, keep up the good work, etc." then all the negativity/release date crap starts up again.. look at every update thred and it is the same pattern every single time. People are far too stressed out about this aircraft, stress kills. go out and enjoy life, there is much more to life than fs, I know its a hobby that we all love but people need to just chill out about it. Corey Prefontaine CYEG
  10. you must mean "which aircraft would you prefer to program and watch the FMC fly for you in real life"?I would fly the 1900 because there is much more hands on.Corey Prefontaine CYEG
  11. I just paid for my tickets to go to Australia (Brisbane) for 2 weeks in January, first time Ill be on a 777, $433.33 J-Class CYEG-CYVR-YSSY then drive down..or up I guess to Brisbane.. Pays to know people I guess, its standby but J-Class for that price Ill eat some kraft dinner for a bit.. I feel the same way about the teasers but really what can you do? I was hoping for a release over the winter as most of my time is spent inside. Its spring here now and actually above 0 so I couldn't care less about when it releases now, I won't even buy it until the fall. Probly won't even be out then but... Summer is far to short to spend it inside on the computer, Im only on here right now because I am waiting for some paint to dry at the moment. Once my new radio arrives this week all my time will be out at the flying field. Find another hobby other than flight sim.Stop getting all worked up about it people, its been the same story of "impending release" for how long now? And the false promises like the night shots or announcing beta. Now its changed to announcing beta AFTER its started, They obviously like to keep us in the dark even though we are the ones that are going to pay for it.Spend some time with your kids, if you are a kid.. do your chores.. or live the dream and actually be a kid. Stress kills, and getting all stressed out about an FSX addon is a pretty rediculous reason to be stressed out. Corey Prefontaine CYEG
  12. Ive always wanted to try vatsim, like others Ive had problems getting it to work and givin up on it. Maybe this will have to be my excuse to actually figure it out. Corey Prefontaine CYEG
  13. Im just saying a pilot which has about $80,000 in schooling minimum shouldn't make less than someone like me on the ramp with really no schooling, nor should they have to work another job just so they can eat. That becomes a safety issue and me as a passenger would like to know that the person in control of the aircraft I am on is well rested and fully alert. I don't agree with low hour pilots making 100k a year but enough to live is reasonable in my opinion.I do have my drafting ticket but I can't jumpseat in a 727 working in an office so, plus I just like being around the aircraft everyday.Corey Prefontaine CYEG Edit: I wish I made 60k a year as a rampie... lol.. not even close, and healthcare is free up here.
  14. For the amount of money it costs to get yourself trained and actually hired by an airline I don't think pilots are paid enough. I work the ramp and make more than all of our second officers, and still I'm just getting by after rent, car payment, bills, gas, kid, food etc. theres not much extra after that. When I worked for an FBO one of the airlines in our hangar had a couple rampies, they were being paid $13 per hour, one of the girls after about 2 years on the ramp got put in the right seat of a king air and was making less per year then she was at $13 per hour. Most of them had second jobs because they couldn't make ends meet. Talk about fatigued pilots, not the girl Im talking about but the Chief Pilot and an up and coming Captain on his checkride forgot to lower the gear on landing with 7 passengers onboard, luckly nobody was hurt seriously as the belly pod full of rig gear too the brunt of the impact. They destroyed the engines too when the belly pod hit and they realized that the gear was up they went full power to try and go around but weren't able to as they came to a stop pretty fast, Ive never seen props bent like that before. We ran over to the aircraft after it came to a stop about 150 feet from us to make sure everyone was ok and sure enough the gear lever was in the up position. I don't know how you "forget" to put the gear down, especially on a checkride but fatigue was a major factor as they found out later on that the FO doing his checkride to become Captain worked the night before and only slept for an hour or so in his car before the flight. How the "Chief Pilot" for the company forgot the gear is beond me, isn't that what all the checklists are for?? As for the Colgan Crash, Im not a "real pilot" by any means but even I know that in a stall you definatly don't pull up. But they say that driving while very tired/fatigued is just as bad as driving drunk so Im sure that played a major role in the mistakes that were made. It is unfortunate thats for sure.The airlines know that there are people that desperatly want to fly for a living so they will pay next to nothing as there is always someone else that will take your place if you don't like the pay. I would love to be a pilot but unfortunatly I don't live at home with my parents and can't afford such a major pay cut, sure I would be flying but the tradeoff is just too much. I wish I would have started fresh out of high school 10 years ago when I could have afforded to make next to nothing as I didn't have all the expenses I do now. As far as I know once your established as a Captain and have thousands of hours under your belt the pay isn't too bad at all, just getting there is the trick.Corey Prefontaine CYEG
  15. who hasn't typed in "plane crashes" on youtube? Its not his fault that some moron decided to play "party music" to the video. Relax man. And FYI Im not scared of airbus or cars or air france, I just would rather not fly with them, whats the big deal? get over it, some people don't like airlines that have multiple fatal crashes. If you do its your buisness but don't get all offended when some people don't feel the same way you do. Im flying to Australia next Jan and theres a good chance I will spend roughly 15 hours over the pacific on an airbus, might be a 777 but since its a standby ticket its whatever has open seats ( can't complain $136 round trip Edmonton-Vancouver-Sydney ), doesn't mean Im not going to go because Im scared.. now if it was an airbus operated by air france...Corey Prefontaine CYEG
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