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    Copenhagen, Denmark

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  1. I'm having a multimonitor setup which every now and then gets obstructed when I go into fullscreen mode, which will result in 1 out of 2 monitors go black and leave me with only the main monitor effective. I then will have to shut P3Dv5.4 down and go into the Prepare3D.cfg file and delete a whole bunch of nonsense in there, that somehow have been created without my approval. However usually happens after I have changed some settings inside one of the P3D dialog boxes. Exactly what happens to the Prepare3D.cfg is, that this particular section will automatically duplicated into the cfg so it now will show up in 2 places which then will screw up my fullscreen view over two monitors!! [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070.0.0] Mode=3840x1080x32 [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070.0.1] Mode=3840x1080x32 How would I possibly be able to prevent this to happen?!! Cheers, Morten
  2. THANKS indeed for that one buddy! Had the exact same issue relating to the AIGTech AI plugin - suddenly all AI had gone when updated to version P3Dv5.4 and me spending bloody HOURS without any result whatsoever! No support from AIGT at ALL!! PS. Didn't even had to delete the current config.file before doing the repair in this case.:)
  3. Dear Alex 

    Some months ago I posted this topic "Fatal map issue and complexity of your user interface". 
    We came a bit across each other on that occasion I'm afraid, resulting in you closing the post.
    All of a result of some unfortunate misunderstanding between us, as it seems.The point is that I always have been very thankful to you for all of your effort developing Littlenavmap through the years - even for free!! (at least for none donators).
    In that perspective I want you to understand that I really appreciate your app and all it's facilities in general - My ONLY complain was about the user interface which I found rather complex to set up according to one's preferable layout. However after a long time experimenting I finally reached a perfect map layout fulfilling all my needs in my case!

    In addition to this, I mentioned an alternative Moving Map alternative, namely the PAYWARE Navigraph's moving map, which I intended to try out - and so I did!
    Their map setup turned out to be actually very straight forward in their user interface. Bingo! - HOWEVER TOTALLY USELESS, for me at least, and properly many others; as Navigraph's app doesn't include ability to integrate virtual AI traffic!! Which is a MUST if you fly along with ex.PROATC/X. 

    So, here I am, happily, back again to your LittleMap and my dedicated map setup!!!
    In that respect, once more, a little donation from me is on it's way, my friend.



    1. albar965


      Hi Morten,

      you were really going on my nerves in this thread, LOL.🙂 But forget it.

      I'm stuck between user requests (some really obscure) and the raising effort to maintain all these options. Removing one button from the toolbar (it was still in the menu) causes an uproar. Well, kind of. So my nerves were a tiny bit on the edge.

      And above all that I'm constantly (at least trying) to improve and simplify the interface.

      Although I closed the thread I was pushed a bit more into another direction: Make this thing easier to use.

      Anyway, glad you're back. Do not hesitate to ask if something is not clear.

      And thank you very much for your donation!




  4. Hi Dan Thanks indeed for taking your time to try and help me with solving this issue! However I think my particular issue is different from what is described here - that is, NOT regular straight lines rising from ground, but thin green lines CRISS-CROSSING all over the sky (Of course I have a screenshot of the issue, however Avsim seems outdated these days and apparently needs some update workaround, cause wont let me put an image directly into here, unless I'm able to refer to some "URL" BS - don't have any URL whatsoever!!) Anyway, the issue is in fact only appearing in the Asia/Oceania area - and started showing up after some "kids stuff" airport addon installations I executed recently. So my workaround will be to exclude those, one by one, in order to find the guilty addon. Cheers, Morten
  5. Cracky! 3 years after problem still remains! Disabling the “Hazards.bgl” won’t change anything to crazy green lines whatsoever! What the heck is going on here?!!!
  6. Woups! Never thought of livery aspect as a source to VAS escalation...! How can one tell before choosing a livery? Personally I use Emirates and British Airways.
  7. Arhh okay, sorry didn't notice your P3D, which obviously seems to have a little bit advantage regarding to the VAS aspect. Yesterday I tried Geneve - Heathrow with FSX and as usual I ran into the "ding, ding" OOM warning - however not so intense as it use to be...so I actually managed to land and taxi to gate this time, which of course shows some improvement! My plan is to go with P3D some day - but definitely not before they upgrade to a 64 bit version.
  8. No me neither! Same approach to everything, same scenery and so on....hmmmm.. On top of this, I'm even using SCE for excluding scenery not in use. What are your AI settings inside FSX?
  9. David, are your EGLL and EIDW addon airports, if so, from which developer? Do you use ORBX Global/Vector?
  10. Anyone yet DARED approach into Aeorosoft's Heathrow (LOD 3.5 - 4.5 let's be reasonable..:-)..????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink:
  11. slimfly

    Update confusion

    No odd issues! :smile:
  12. I'm having the FSX version of PMDG 777-200LR installed When executing the new update I have 2 options: Repair (same as install the update on top of the current version??) Remove As it is I already chose Repair, but not 100% sure I did the right thing, even though the OP center now says that I'm having the latest version 1.10.6492 installed. The "Repair" process went extremely fast which makes me kind of uncertain if everything really gonna work as it should? It would have been nice with a few words in the readme file about which option to chose in order to simply just make an update.
  13. WOW, can't appreciate this improvement enough. Wonderful! Thanks PMDG, Beta-testers and everyone here in this forum for identifying this serious VAS leak! :smile:
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