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Everything posted by Aerah

  1. I think I have fixed the problem now. First I changed the AA from 8xSQ to just 4x Multisampling (using NVIDIA Inspector). But after a test flight stutter was there during landing as usual (not to speak of the serious loss of image quality...). Then I just got the idea of replacing my installed REX airport ground textures with ORBX Aero`s textures. Using the FTX Central I changed the airport environment texture to "Coarse" bump map, "1024x1024" runway texture and "Yellow and Black" taxiway markings.And now my problem disappeared! So now I am back to 8xSQ with no stutter or problems whatsoever. Robert GTX 580, I7 980x, Win7 64
  2. I use "normal" autogen setting. The sim is very smooth at about 25-30 just about all the time (with vertical-sync). It didn't help to disable the HUD feature though.I use ENB bloom and super-sampling AA. It looks really good and plays very well, but somehow I got this one problem; so maybe I need to sacrifice some eye-candy to fix it...The only FSUIPC feature I use is wind smoothing. Robert My computer: GTX 580, Intel I7 980x, 12 Gig Ram, Win7 64
  3. The 737 NGX must one of the "nerdiest" piece of software ever written. (And I meant that as a compliment of course.) Thank you all in PMDG for creating the NGX! Robert
  4. Ahh thanks!!!I guess I can live without the HUD until SP1. But is it officially recognized as a problem? Robert
  5. I am very pleased with the NGX so far. It has great performance, no crashes/ CTDs and all the system work as it should (to my knowledge). But there is one problem though that I cant understand. During landing, right before coming down on the runway, the whole sim freezes for about half a second or a bit more,and then resumes without any further problems. This problem is first and foremost aesthetically displeasing as it takes away the pleasure of a smooth and perfect landing.Secondly it is practically very dangerous as it seems to activate, immediately after the freeze, all of the control movements you added during the freeze, resulting in loss of control. Why does it freeze/stutter like that? It seems like something (NGX? FSX?) is loading something to prepare for something during a landing scenario. Maybe there are some special sound files being loaded. Maybe NGX loads some special ground mode files to handle ground operation (like break temperature, wheel steering...) If this is a NGX problem then I hope it will be recognized as a problem and then taken care off. Robert
  6. I hope more people would try this out since it seems like a very promising solution to various CTDs, especially regarding manipulating the FMS in PMDG aircrafts. Robert
  7. Lol And then the storm calmed down again...and we all got some sleep... Good Night to you all folks!
  8. I use FSC and I have no problem with it. I actually used it just few hours ago and my plan loaded into the NGX FMC like it should. Robert
  9. You are not supposed to copy them into the Windows folder. They are meant to be copied into your FSX folder. Robert
  10. I use REX to give me looks and Active Sky Evolution to give me weather. No problems for me there. (I also use ORBX scenery btw). NB! I added the version data for each file to make sure you get the right one. Robert
  11. Either they are somewhere on your computer (just search), or you must download them (just google). Robert
  12. Regarding Win7 64 systems: This is probable old news for most of you, but if there are anyone out there who missed this it might be of some help. I have played with the NGX some time now, and I have yet to experience any CTD (knock wood). My suspicion is that putting these dll files into the FSX root folder will actually increase overall stability. This is not scientifically proven though...but it wont hurt either. The reason for my claim is that before getting hold of these dlls, I would experience CTD with 90% predictability when fiddling with FMC on the MD-11. And after I put these into the FSX folder I could no longer produce CTD no matter what I did with the FMC (even adding lots of various FIX points witch was a guaranteed killer). So here are the files: msvcp71.dll (version. 7.10.3077.0)msvcr71.dll (version 7.10.3052.4)UIAutomationCore.dll (version 6.0.5840.16386) Hope this help.Robert
  13. But will FS2crew become “integrated” with the program coding of the NGX , so it can communicate directly with NGX in the same way it did with the JS41 version? Or will it just simulate mouse clicks and key-presses, like it did with the 747 version? Robert
  14. Considering all the new knowledge you have gained, and all the genius technical inventions you have discovered during the development of the NGX, I was wondering if there is a possibility that you could use this to upgrade the old 747 “Queen of The Skies”. Since the 747 and 737 do have a lot of similar systems (I would guess), maybe you could give the old Queen a well deserved facelift without much work (I would guess there is no need to rewrite the whole code). Robert
  15. Just wanted to mention, if anyone was interested, that with the new Geforce 580 GTX you can now run FSX.exe in Vista compatibility mode without any issues. I was under the impression that the Geforce 200 series had serious problems with that setting (for some reason I don’t understand). Anyway FSX seems to be a lot more stable for me now (no more various ***.dll crashes) .Robert
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