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Everything posted by joolsd

  1. It's probably just the way I interpreted it. You see a file on the PMDG forum and people saying 'great' and so on. I'm sure there is nothing malicious about it. If people want to hack their sounds it is up to them. I will be sticking with the default sounds.
  2. Is the ISA Dev setting available in in the weather brief section of PFPX? I heard somebody say it was but I can't see where is is? Also I have heard that ISA DEV this isn't simulated at the moment? IE it won't effect the shallowness of decent, like the winds aloft would in that section? Jools
  3. I don't feel I'm as bad as that... I have noticed that at the front of the cabin you hear more of the engine mechanics, where as at the back you get more of the jet blast, the crackle. I do try and listen to the sound on the real 737. So I'm not a complete expectationist. Obviously I am limited to the cabin. Both sets of sound are good to me, but with a subtle difference in the doctored version . At first I thought it was a PMDG upgrade, so I wasn't trying to de-value the original default sound sets. If the original is what PMDG experts think the real a/c sounds like out the front then I won't argue with that. I trust your judgment.
  4. I must admit one of the things I liked about the new sounds was the sound of the noise wheel hitting the runway lights. And as it gets faster it becomes more prominent with speed. You hear this a lot on cockpit videos. What do people think of this? I kind of liked the hum of the engines spooling up. But didn't like the new flap sounds. They are very subtle tweaks, They didn't sound much different to be honest. Just a slightly different tone. I'm going to go back and listen to the original set again. With a new flight. The original set where still excellent.
  5. What you mean you didn't make these? The defaults where excellent , I liked the old flap sounds a bit more. OK I'm just twigging that these aren't PMDG sounds, I thought it was an upgrade for some reason. So these are doctored by another developer? So you are saying that the defaults are more real?
  6. I sorted it, I was just careful. I got my sounds off AVSIM, and I didn't see a exe, is that something on the pmdg site? The sounds are really good, I noticed the new flap sound on the wing view. :rolleyes: But by far the best sound are the engines spooling up, a nice hum to it. Seemed very loud the engine sound, I couldn't hear ATC, 'Please repeat squawk?' :mellow: at the same time thumbing with the volume settings. ATC decide to come on right after departure as well. Doooo!
  7. Or at least I'm a bit worried. In the read me file it says: Ok that's good, but there are folders in there already called SimObject/Airplanes. Is it really saying drag the files into the relevant folders. If I just extract it will it overwrite all the other aircraft? (not that I fly anything else) Bit of a newbee question I know.
  8. What is the hardware? Sometimes unplugging everything helps, especially if it a Saitek. Unplug throttle, peddles, yoke, and recalibrate. Sometime when programming with the Saitek profile editor you get conflicting commands that clash with the PMDGs.
  9. Ok I think I know what you mean. Maybe I should of bugged the speed in the MCP to 132 +20 then the flashing would go away. You noticed in the video that I changed the acceleration height to 2000f, what if it was a bit higher to 3000f, this would hold the speed back a lot more until I go round the bend? So are you saying flying this SID company policy? I can't really see much on this in the tutorials. Somebody kindly sent me a video, demo on YT about NAP. This is why I'd like to be a fly on a real cockpit wall. I fly this route a lot with different set ups, different result. A lot of the SIDs at EGKK, are U-turn. Also I better check the programed SID is correct in the first place, as the cross hair had other ideas.
  10. I'm wondering if the SID was wrong in the legs page. The charts says crossing DET 4000 or below by D29. I only noticed this in mid air, which doesn't help. I remember ATC having words with me for climbing too quickly on this SID. I would have yo look at the SID loaded up in the FMC. Maybe it was set up at 4000A. Do yo mean just using the A/T? You might have to elaborate here.
  11. How would you fly this this SID Kyle, just as a ball park guess, what sort of thrust, derate, acceleration heights, etc etc, Would you choose?
  12. I guess there are different ways to flog a horse. I could try this as well. I did try another method, using cutback, I'm not sure how standard it is but it worked. Cutback, seems a lot more controlled. Even vertical speed and flight level change seems more controlled than anything else.
  13. Thanks for the reply so quick. I tried to do this departure a while ago, and recorded it. And I tried to hand fly the first turn, just using the A/T. I assume all the thrust modes work without the CMD A? I still managed to bust through the bend and go a little over 4000f. It said 4000 or below by DET 29, but the cross hair was aiming up looking for 5000f , I didn't use and MCP modes, except L-NAV armed, Then switch on CMD A later on. I do make the odd video, not so I can teach, but so people can teach me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JzJqFjTDoI
  14. The first question, I saw a youtube video on setting up the PMDG, (cold and dark), It looked pretty good, but in one part the guy said that the packs must be off for take off. Quite often when I have been using FS2Crew there is option in the brief to have the packs and bleeds on or off, which might imply that they don't have to be off. I understand that having them on can reduce the power, because the resources needed from the engine. I have been taking off with packs and bleed on. Usefully on a long runway like EGKK 26L. The other question is what is the best way to use the thrust modes in the CDU for the departure below? I have tried two different ways. The first is to make the acceleration height a lot higher than to 2000f so that when I turn the aircraft on the u-turn it is nice and slow. It still ends up being to hot and the speed rises to 220k and there is a tendency to over shot the bend and be off the DET 260 course. The other method I was experimenting is using the cutback option, and this seems really smooth and controlled, but almost too slow. Once round the bend I am still 150K (is this right)? The flaps are still at five. Then it restores when past 2000f. What are peoples desired setup for really tight turn SIDS? http://www.ead.eurocontrol.int/eadbasic/pamslight-249E4D975622264D43DD491357A4754C/7FE5QZZF3FXUS/EN/Charts/AD/AIRAC/EG_AD_2_EGKK_6-1_en_2013-11-14.pdf
  15. I have not ever inadvertently activated the 737NGX TOGA, but that's not to say it couldn't happen. As it could arguably with the real one. The main reason I don't want to forget the A/T is that all the hard work that when into a nice take off thrust settings is wasted. Maybe the best place to check it is in the MCP section of pref light. The A/T is after all in on that panel. Funnily enough I had a couple of mishaps with the MD-11, and the plane started shooting off unexpectedly.
  16. Airbus call 100. Ive not seen it on 737 video, but they might do.
  17. I will try it...if I can remember.
  18. This happened to me in the MD-11. It seemed to happen more, because of the methodology. So I had to scramble and idle the throttles, before a unpleasant smash occurred. In the 737NGX I have been turning it on taxi. This hasn't been a problem.
  19. Well I'm sorry to say I did. In the BEFORE START CHECKLIST there is a bit on the MCP, I dial in the settings, but that is way too early for the A/T? Often on videos you see crews have a quick review before take off, where they check their flight modes on the PFD, but this is not necessarily part of a checklist.
  20. Well even 87% as it was meant to be set, on this take off. The thing is that it would of been more text book if I hadn't forgotten the A/T. Because of the limitations of FSX, and it not being a powered throttle this problem could easily happen. But you should be able to take off anyway if you choose to not use the A/T?
  21. The trouble is, that I did go somewhere :mellow: I advanced to 40%. Yes I used the TOGA and it still worked.(or at least I thought I was) I pretty sure toga still worked. Obviously with flight sim controls you have to advance the throttle, but toga worked. Hmmmm that is a bit strange. It doesn't happen all the time. It seemed like it was powering up on its own, but maybe I'm mistaken. Maybe it was my own force on the throttle, and the sound of the TOGA click. Which made me think it worked? Oh well I ill have to remember that one.
  22. This could apply to any Boeing aircraft. I mostly fly the 737NGX, at the moment. I use FS2Crew, which I must admit is really great. Every so often, despite getting the check list done, I forget to arm the A/T. I did this today, and I only released when I was airborne, and my speed was a bit hot. This item isn't in the BEFORE TAXI or BEFORE TAKE OFF checklist. Maybe it isn't regarded as a major safety item? But is annoying forgetting to arm this switch. How do you remember this item? I am thinking of modifying my own checklist and incorporate this into the BEFORE TAXI check list.
  23. It might be worth checking the weather settings in FSUIPC, I don't know about the mother board problems.
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