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Everything posted by joolsd

  1. Rob, are you saying it should be in the 'Program Files' and not the x86? I really needed to know that if this is the case. FSX seems to by default put everything in the x86 folders. I have always found FSX very buggy compared to Fs9. Maybe this is why? Yes All is running in Admin, and the program is using all admin rights. I forgot to say I have started using Frame rate limiter, I don't think this is a problem, it has been fine. But worth mentioning.
  2. It crashed again tonight, half way through the flight, when I tried to add a STAR into the approach, page again with the CDU. Should I try and tweak the memory? What is causing that? Thank you.
  3. I haven't even got the 777 yet. I know it is good of course, but it is too big and long range, for the sort of short range flights I enjoy. I knew my thinking would be like this, which is why I wasn't screaming at PMDG to finish thier development.
  4. Thank you Kyle, Yes I seem to have a bit of de-ja-vu, about the, UIAutomationcore.dll fix, but I will certainlty try it, My system is due for a re format as things generally are getting messed up. And I need a new PC.
  5. Different messeges before different CTD. One was insufficient fuel, so I had to correct it. Because of a strong wind componet average. The other messages was something like, 'Unable to decend' before a certain way point. But the crashes come when I am trying to fix these messages, almost as if I took one click too many. Yes it is a typical grey screen where it won't let you fly anymore, but the sounds of the cockpit and even FS2Crew are still playing. Nope I haven't tried that. Worth a look I guess. I have had a good run, witout too many issues but this problem is very persistent.
  6. As stated FSX locks up with the grey screen of dread. But only when clicking something on the CDU? I looked at the event log and I get this. i7core 2.8GHZ GeForce GTX 480 Just Activesky2012 and CS2crew in use. Another frustrating Windows 7 user experience
  7. joolsd


    I haven't got the 777 I had the PSS which was really bad...is it NAV/RAD on the CDU? And I think you can tune VOR and the radial ?
  8. Is that under equipment options? In the CDU? I'm sorry to say I can't find the KG option. Ok I got it, CDU->MENU->SETUP->AIRCRAFT->DISPLAYS->PAGE 9/9
  9. You need to buy an airbus, we are Boeing over here. Seems a bit pointless hacking a boeing to make it an airbus. The most complete add on in history and people want to change it. :(
  10. Many thanks guys, sorry for the late response. Jools
  11. How do you change Lbs to KG in with the cargo setting? I like using Lbs, but in Europe people use KG. also TOPCAT seems to use KG. Another question could be how do you change the all the KG units into Lbs in TOPCAT. many thanks Jools
  12. The transition is 6000f, in UK airspace, but this should not make any difference. We always fly this trans in the UK and europe has similar low transition levels. This could be the problem. I think I better be switching that option back.
  13. It is a must have, but I'm going to wait for the hype to level off. Then fly it without ATC or FS2Crew to get used to the systems. I still am learning the 737 NGX.
  14. Please delete. Double post
  15. Just lately, I have been getting a problem with over speed. Where the NGX end up doing 300kts very soon after take off. It seems to be a intermittent problem. Some take offs are a joy to behold, with a nice climb out on the V2 speed. And then scheduling the flaps. It is probably 'user error' somewhere along the line, but I would like to know what is causing it, because it is very bad if a airliner is doing 300kts over a built up area of London., at 3000f. I was experimenting with the debate thrust modes TO2 and using climb 2. Which produced a 87.7 N1, and a assumed temp of 47c Using FLAPS5. The take off weight was 59181KG, so quite light. I got this info from TOPCAT. Ok here is the take off. SAM2M out of EGKK. The A/T is armed, LNAV and VNAV not armed. I start the take off and I can hear that the engines are a little bit sluggish as they aim for the 87 N1. Soon after V1 which was bugged at 125K speed increase almost immediately to 170K by 200f, blasting through the Flaps 1 marker. Speed then remains at 160KT by 2000f. The auto pilot is defiantly on. Then at 5000f I switch on VNAV (I think this is the problem) the speed trend vector shoots up to 270KT even though I am at 5000f. I can't remember of the top of my head but I think the speeds on the SID in the FMC where something like 250/3000 250/4000 by MID. I don't know why the VNAV is ignoring the speeds in the FMC? The speed shot up to 300K, so I had to disconnect all the automatics and hand fly to get things back to normal. I was messing about with a setting in the PMDG options. Throttle overrides A/T, could this be it? I was flying very light, and the climb out speed was barely above the V1 VR speeds. Any way please let me know what is going on? As I said it doesn't always do this, some take offs are a dream.
  16. I have experience this problem, but to be honest I never was able to fix it. I have Nvidea a GTX480. If it was stable with a multi monitor set up, I would of gone to town on it, buying an expensive GPU, and have a lot of monitors spread out. But because 2d is not in PMDG plans for the future I have stopped this idea of making the desk a cockpit. I find that flying full screen is a little unstable. And when I tried 2 monitors the displays got corrupted. Now however, I have gone down the virtual cockpit route. Using Ezdok for better interaction, and now I can't go back. My advice is, try and get used to the 3d cockpit, and use Ezdok. 3d is hard to get used to but after a while it is very rewarding. I can't wait untill 3d goggles become more practical.
  17. Are you sure the CMD A is on? I use FS2Crew, and sometimes I find that the F/O, for some reason doesn't always engage the auto pilot. I made that exact mistake tonight. So I was pressing all the MCP modes, thinking it A/P was on, wondering why nothing was working, and assuming that there is a bug in the software. Was the green CMD mode visible in the PFD, and not just F/D? I think I'm going to make a rule that I select CMD A myself, I don't trust the robot next to me.
  18. You get the jet blast sound when behind the engines. You can hear the mechanics of the engine at the front. But what would you really hear if you had a radio headset on? Maybe a new option for PMDG to work on? :Idea:
  19. That's the trouble, a good virus isn't going to be obvious. I have heard so many different opinions on this. All good points. Generally for me the rule is if you go looking for trouble, your going to get trouble.
  20. Ok Cool, I really looking forward to using Ezdok. The effects look great, and the main reason why I got it.
  21. Yeah just a false positive, just let the wrapper though.
  22. Thanks, well as long as it is safe. It's their word against somebody else, with the 'fause positive'. It doesn't really help the user if everything that isn't published correctly, is seen as a virus. They seem like a reputable company anyway. At least, I haven't heard any complaints.
  23. Why is the flight1 wrapper for Ezdok interpreted as a virus? I had trouble downloading the software from the site, also I ran a virus scan, and guess what it delete the wrapper? I had to disable to get Ezdok to install.
  24. OK cool, I had to do a system restore, so I will have to re-install EZdok. Due to a boot problem. For some reason my anti virus software thinks the flight 1 wrapper is a virus. :mellow:
  25. Maybe that's what I am lacking a edit key stroke. Yes difficult not clashing with exhisting keys. But in all honestly I tried a flight tonight, and it is a really cool tool. Although the bumps are a bit extreme, so will have to tone that down.
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