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Everything posted by joolsd

  1. Do you use FSUIPC.or any other modules in your current build? Not a lot to go on at the moment. It doesn't sound like your flying wrong.
  2. Parked up as base EGKK. And resting. This is where I have been. http://www.vataware.com/pilot.cfm?cid=926992 I am too tired to fly right now. A tough week. I enjoy it more when fully alert, and I don't miss things,.
  3. This is why I do short flights, lasting no longer than a hour. I don't get any time to do long flights. Sometimes I have to do quick and dirty flights, on VATSIM where I would like to do things better but, can't always. For example it would be a plus if the fuel was worked out perfectly, instead of using more than I need etc etc. This is where the extra software helps, and the route planning programs help. You could just pinch the flight from Vataware, or somewhere that gives information about company routes, like a VA , You only need to put the airways into the route page in the CDU. For example GORLO UL980 REFSO Y76 KOPUL DCT, which will include every way point in the legs page. You can get away with not using a flight planer, but it is just quicker with PFPX. It is more like a dispatch office. In theory you don't need any extra software, flight planners, take off performers. But the software just increases speed and efficiency, in getting a realistic flight together.
  4. This is a known known! There are ways to tweak the CFG file. But i can't find the thread for this. My honest opinion is to use the 3d Cockpit. It took a while to get used to, but now I love it. I think re set is alt-space.
  5. I think what people really meant to say was, 'I wish i knew about PFPX before I bought TOPCAT', :rolleyes: which might imply that their expectations of TOPCAT were wrong. Not to say that TOPCAT isn't important as a take off and land performer. For more realistic TO and landing configs. etc etc. But if you want a quick and dirty flight set up quick PFPX is the way to go. The nice thing I like about PFPX is that it gets a route together which exports out to everything in one hit. It does a lot in one programme. So I think people are talking from a money belt point of view. And what is the most important thing it offers them as virtual pilots. That said the two programmes are good at what they do. Software can be expensive so I understand if people want to prioritize which software is more important.
  6. Have you tried the UIAutomationCore fix? Google this. This has happened to me as well (almost exactly as you describe) and I think this fixed it. Also maybe look at you memory settings. Custom page file.
  7. I think people know that, they just love saying that they own it. Even though the title of this post is route planning.
  8. Good thank you Dave. I certainly haven't forgotten Dave, I am just c+@p at keeping in touch. Even with my own family. I think , also that I like my beloved airports, and just flying the PMDG 737NGX, I am very set in my ways. EGKK to ECCC then EGCC to EGKK, then EGKK to EGPF and so on, almost in a superstitious OCD manner. And this might be too boring for most people. :rolleyes: I still have your email.
  9. I have started using PFPX. integrated with TOPCAT. This month. Although I still have to check against past VATSIM flights other pilots have flown, for quality. I felt on occasions that the route PFPX was giving me was slightly unorthodox. Not necessarily wrong, but different to what people might expect.
  10. That's why I am cautious, I wouldn't expect anything like this to be done over night. Perfectly switch for switch, although this desktop pilot sounds good. It would be a more social plus if people were flying with each other, I would probably learn a lot more as well.
  11. I have not seen or heard of this at all. Does it actually work with the 737 NGX? Does every switch work for both pilots?
  12. I didn't think dumping fuel was possible on a 737? Maybe they have to hold for a while to burn off? If there is a engine out the plane has to land with a cleaner configuration, flaps 15. This would be a lot faster landing than normal, and the aircraft would be still very heavy. The poster hasn't really given much detail on his weights, but like you say it's a good idea not to have too more fuel than is needed.
  13. Great video, Is this a fixed base or full motion? I am still early on in the video with the pre-flight. The instructor could of varied the weather a bit more. QNH1013 and 2kts of wind :rolleyes: Merry Christmas
  14. It's a bug with the forum, the user thinks that the thread hasn't posted with a 'not found message' when in fact it has several times. It needs to me fixed if possible, as this takes up a lot of space.
  15. On auto land the aircraft FD seems to start its flare at 50 feet. Even with a late flair I can still stop. I don't think it is his (posters) landing technique. Something is interfering possibly FSX, or maybe the calibration of the thrusters. I have the Saitek Yoke, and throttle. I have had it a while, over 2 years, sometimes it seems to surge power on the ground unexpectedly, going a bit goofy sometimes.
  16. That probably says it all. FSX is a restrictive environment. Of the few flying lessons I have had it is nothing like FSX.
  17. Sure I understand, that is what the PPL,VFR flight is for. Basic flying skills to fly rather than pushing knobs. Sometimes I do feel the need to get some flying in, so I do circuits, in a Piper. The joy being, that you get to experience as many take offs and landings as possible in a short space of time. My only concern was that if you hand fly all the time in a high fidelity add-on like the 777, (I haven't even got it yet)... you would be wasting a good add on hand flying. I am not implying that you meant this, just how I interpreted it. So My bad. I do hand fly the NGX 737, but only at the most critical stage of flight, and always do this when ever possible. It is a bit boring doing auto lands all the time. With Air France. If the pitot heat tube, froze like it did in that video, and I lost by airspeed, maybe I would be forced to hand fly. At FL350. Easier said than done. No moon, just black and water. Although maybe he did have the FD on, pointing up, so why he didn't dip the nose we will never know. A bit of confusion over the alert sounding like a over speed warning , when it was a stall warning.
  18. AP is good if pilots use it in the right way, SOP and so on. The trouble begins when pilots mix different disciplines up You still have to watch what the aircraft is doing even if AP is on. If you are in thick fog IMC conditions you have to fly a CAT 3 down to minimums. This is done with both APs. Assuming the airport has this equipment. If not you would have to do a non precision approach using VORs. Ron are you saying that you like to monitor the instruments, but not necessarily use the AP? Is this done with no visual cues from outside? I see where you are going from and so on, with situational awareness, providing you have your instruments? There are couple of good Air Crash Investigations. Which look at AP use, and pilots freezing at the controls etc. You probably seen these, but always good to watch again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq0ER7qou1c
  19. Anyone is entitled to make a video on the PMDG, we live in a democracy. You don't have to click on the link. Some of these youtube video are partnership sponsored by youtube advertising. So maybe people make a bit of money out of it. I don't know if this is spam or not, that is up to this forum. If it is imparting information in a constructive way with software purchased, then all the better for the blogger. I have seen a few good 'walk though' tutorials from a few bloggers, and they are great. Some are not good as well, as you would expect. I have seen this guys video before and they are very good. I would imagine it is extremely difficult to do a perfect video without any mistakes, and you have to be prepared to take metaphorical punch on the nose from time to time. The PMDG software is design for amateurs, pros and students. If people feel they are experts, they should make a video!
  20. Now I use FS2Crew, I can hand fly more with VATSIM. I hand fly the first turns of the SID and hand fly when visual with the runway on landing. Sometimes I fly the ILS, using the bean bars, as reference. I try and use the AP when established on a radial on the SID. I always enjoy using the AP. Why not take advantage of the systems, if work load is high? I feel it is easier the check stuff with the AP on. Maybe because FSX is quite restrictive from a vision point of view. Hand flying that high, (10000) doesn't really do it for me, Sometimes you just want to see how the plane flys by itself. As long as I know I'm the boss. Transision Alt is a lot higher in the US, so Alt10000 is just a small hight for you guys. I'd be hand flying at FL100 in The UK or Europe.
  21. I think it is always easier not to add SID or STARs in a saved route, from a flight planning program. Just have the bare bones of the route. Then you can add the SID/STAR more easily in the APP page.
  22. I think I got it now, thanks. Like you say the PMDG is the final weight. And the thing I am trying to fly. I will tweak PFPX to reflect the weight of people on the PMDG. Just one question, when I go on holiday I am aloud 20KG, with easyjet or Tomas Cook, what is the weight of an average suitcase on the PMDG? (in abstract terms) In the simulation I mean?
  23. I have 8400KG of people in the program options of PFPX. 100 people. Baggage 11KG per person 1100KG ( guess I should change this to 20KG) PMDGs weights would be a bit different.
  24. I am looking at the 'Details' page of a released flight plan. Using the PMDG737-800 with WL. If I have a payload of of 9810KG is this including the passengers? Do I have to subtract the weight of PAX when in the MENU of the PMDG payload page? I have 100PAX just to keep the numbers simple and to try things out. The ZFW looks like it is a bit different in PFPX to the PMDG by a few tones. PFPX is ZFW 52,801 PMDG in the CDU is saying ZFW 59.7 tones Sorry for the rushed post in advance.
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