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Everything posted by B747tebs

  1. update for today: made things fast - even though i am developing in PHP, i managed to reduce the delay to 0.5 seconds. I also cleaned up the code, improved reliability and prepared the whole thing to include something that hasnt been there yet as well (in the fsx world). i also just received new sound files (i guess that makes it a total of 500$ by now) and started to look into "how to develop with c++" as i dont wanna wait until some developer contacts me. learning probably takes a bit longer but at least i am then able to do everything on my own. I think i will be done with the ground part by tomorrow and will then redo the "inflight" part. Shouldnt take long,.. in the last 3 days, i deleted everything and started all over at least 4 times. Right now, its the first time i am happy with the ground part. The inflight part is a bit more complex but there are functions i created earlier, that will make it possible, to complete everything within a week from now on. I have some Honeywell manuals here and will spend my weekend reading them. Next video will be released tomorrow.
  2. well, i dont really use the same voice of the honeywell RAAS, i let another person (who is the voice of the first real I TRIED TO USE A PROFANITY HERE - AREN'T I STUPID!in betty and which you can hear in the F14,F18 and a few commercial airliners) do the job to redo the sounds as honeywell didnt want to give their original sound files (I hope my sounds are close enough). I paid a few hundret $ to get these sounds, also there is a new soundset coming for a predictive windshear system (which will probably be included in the RAAS). Right now, i also replaced the whole GPWS sounds of my PMDG 737 with new sounds from the same person mentioned above. My GPWS in action starting at 1:20 (thats an old video and i edited a few sounds already, will show a complete demo later on) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLisZggh8TA
  3. well, i just saw that but it looks like his tool does not have the inflight part. however, if he will develop that, i may stop developing my addon or only use it as personal addon for myself, as i dont see any reason to continue if there is already a software for this :) or maybe i release my software as a freeware open source thing (even though, i dont like the open source part of it).. dont know yet this whole project was planned to be for myself only. therefor, it doesnt matter if there is someone else doing it (as far as he does it accurate which he doesnt do yet, also the sounds are not the same as from the honeywell raas)
  4. Update: the approaching runway aural warning works now for every runway and from every intersection. However, due to some performance problems (i have to clear some debug PHP code tomorrow) there is still a delay of about 2 seconds and if i am between two runways, the aircraft does not clear the first runway (in case its crossed already) and doesnt announce the next one. That will be something i am working on tomorrow (should be easy). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4he9L45CG4
  5. just a short update found a way to get all 4 edges of the runway (looking into the possiblity of displaced thresholds), therefor "onrunway" is now 100% accurate (wasnt before, if you werent close to centerline, system wouldnt identify you as being on a runway but instead being on a taxiway)
  6. i am using fsuipc and the fsx gps coordinates. i didnt even think about using afcad but hell, thats a good idea, as there are the rea runway coordinates (ignoring displaced threshold) and as far as i can see, i can also read out the gate information (making it easier for me to automatically activate/deactivate the RAAS without the need of a switch). but i have to check that, i just took a first look into one of those files with a software called "airport design editor". if you need help with this fsuipc thing, just tell me. at least i know how to read out data there. however, i dont have a clue about developing for iPad /edit: just checked the afcad´s (bgl-files) but i cannot read them as they are compiled in some way.. dont know how to decrypt them. you have any idea? /edit2: just found a tool called bgl2xml and could check the files.. problem is, the coordinates of taxiways are relative to the bgl´s centerpoint (or something like that, couldnt really figure it out). i am also searching for runway-coordinates for every edge (not for centerline start/end like it is in the airac´s)
  7. almost done here.. wonder that no developer worked on something like that yet... well, whats left is the taxiway thing, some crossing runway verifications and change runway on backtrack.
  8. its not yet published because i am still developing..
  9. no i didnt, seems he is developing for another simulator. i know a lot of guys who could code that but i dont have the time to write them all a mail. i have 3 forums where this thread is running at and if there is someone who thinks that he can do the job, he can contact me. in the meantime, i will continue to develop it in PHP (that will take some days anyway so i am not actively searching for someone at this time)
  10. yes but selling stuff that contains my code (that was initially published as freeware) is something i hate. therefor, it wont be open source (and i wont change my mind about it).
  11. i dont want it to be open source. there were scripts i have done in the past and i could see a lot of other scripts that contained my code. dont want someone to steal it. @MMartinov: i contacted PMDG about that already but there is no answer to that yet. Maybe they have something better already
  12. its quite complicated so i search more for a very experienced developer, otherwise it will be very hard to understand and redevelop that script. thanks anyway :)
  13. well its not like i have much of a choice. i am not a c,c++,c#,java,... developer. i only develop in php and therefor, i have my limitations. that exe thing only works maybe (need some software to compile it). if i am unable to put it into an exe-file and if no developer wants to convert it, there is no other option than to use it with a xampp lite or something later on.
  14. KBFI... wonder why no one made that already..
  15. next update: line up is possible from every intersection (an "on runway XX" aural warning activate once you are entering the runway from every intersection) however, "approaching runway XX" does not (yet) work with intersections here a video.. and this time, with the NGX to actually stay on topic here ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bTyW8T4vDw /edit: i maybe found a way to compile my "addon" into an exe-file, it might be possible, that i can publish it right away once i am done with it !
  16. update for today: - "on runway" will repeat after being on the runway for 2 or more minutes (and will repeat every 2 minutes) - "on taxiway, on taxiway" accidently used IAS instead of GS, fixed that - better accuracy for "approaching runway XX" and "on runway XX" - script now works with the following runways as well: EDDF[18], EDDW[23] only exception is EGPD[36] which is a heliport nowadays - system is only activated when bat-switch is in the on position
  17. the "incapacitate-crew-and-let-that-guy-on-24F-fly-that-bird-because-he-seems-like-he-can-do-it"-function
  18. alright guys, i made a new video. you see 3 aural warnings in there: takeoff from taxiway aural alert (it comes 2 times as i wanted to be at the runway asap) approaching runway XX on runway XX keep in mind, that i develop with PHP and it has its limitations. To not kill my apache server instantly with requests and calculations, i had to put it to "sleep" for 1-2 seconds between each request. I will work on optimization but dont expect too much, this is only a testbed for a future conversation to a native fsx/fs9 module. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1Zu7cGVfSY
  19. because its just not that easy as you might think it is. you need data to automatically compute all the airport around the world and that data is not cheap or you need manpower to do it by hand. as far as i could see, the sim seems to be a good one. if its possible to convert scenery,aircraft and addons i might give it a try (as i usually do not land on default airports)
  20. in fact, that feature is already included ;) will do some ground tests at EHAM and EDDF today to see if there are any problems
  21. Ground part almost complete. missing parts: aural warning when crossing a runway, Insufficient Runway Length on Ground,Extended Hold On Runway shouldnt be a big problem.. then, there is an aural warning for wrong flaps setting at takeoff, but as most addon aircraft already have such a sound, i dont think that i will implement it (or make it optional), as there is no official priority system in fsx when its about sounds Inflight part will take some more days. missing parts: approaching taxiway during landing (this requires own entries in the AIRAC database which will later be published as an AIRAC extension maybe), altimeter setting,
  22. thanks but i think as long as i am not done, you should wait with it :) because i cant do it alone and need help of someone else.. however, no one contacted me yet, so i just work to the point where everything works (but with php) and see if i can find someone who can translate my code into something like a dll file
  23. thats something i can not do or only with the help of PMDG. I am working on the aural warnings. However, as i stated before, i develop in PHP and that wont be the final language. Someone else has to convert it in the end. I dont know if there is someone who is capable to do that and what else is possible. I think i can trigger the caution lamp (have to check PMDG SDK) but thats not what i am working on yet.
  24. yes, it will. Check this page to see what is included in what package: https://honeywellrunwaysafety.com/demos.php
  25. yes, it will include smart runway and smart landing (you can see a part of it in the video, which however is included in both)
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