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Posts posted by nrcrate

  1. It's crazy this was in March, now it's approaching half way through JULY! Shows how time flies. I'll never forget seeing the Interior and Exterior for the first time. I freaked the heck out ha. Hopefully time will fly by to the end of the year where we'll hopefully see a release!

    Oh yea- I'm getting a new machine in September that will be able to handle the 777 in VC. (current can barely get past about 8 fps in the NGX VC) It will be just in time for the release and I should have plenty of time to get the new system tweaked out. Can't freakin wait haha. Memphis to Dubai (Real World FDX route), here I come.

  2. 1. Check your pedal/brake axis null zones. They are probably too sensitive and giving off a signal which is releasing your parking *brake*.


    2. Buy a full version of FSUIPC and suppress wind gusts, variance, turbulence, and changes. This overspeed and S-Turn is caused by flight sim's awful weather engine and it's wind shifts / changes. It's been beat to death over on here.

  3. Hi Guys, I have NGX 737 with latest SP1c. If I turn the battery on I get minimal sound, but if I step through the views and come back to the cockpit I get quite a loud sound as if something has turned on or an external appliance has been connected. Its like everything has fired up but should not have.Could someone please advise. Regards Brett Nicholls

    Hit Q twice?

  4. Figured I would share a little story about one of my experiences since we are on the topic.


    I had a deja vu moment a few months ago at Toronto. If you've never seen this video, take a second to watch it:



    I had the exact, and I mean exact thing happen to me, only at Toronto not JFK. Even down to the terminology. Of course the missed approach was different, but it was an awesome feeling pressing the TOGA button and remembering that video.

  5. I dont see it - must be customer/livery option then.

    No, it's there- just not labeled what you are thinking.


    Up-select a point and on LSK6R you'll see the course that you would take to go direct to it. You can change this to what you want.

  6. so what would cause an overheat? Also, does the overheat have to be set up in the failures menu, or would being out on a very hot day trip it?

    Probably a failure of a temperature sensor. I'm sure there are others, but I can't think of any off the top of my head. I use serviced based failures, so I'm just waiting for an overheat.

  7. oh ok that would make sense. I thought they always remained on while the switch was on (unless an overheat). I guess this characteristic would happen more on hot days?

    Exactly- do a flight out of Tuscon when it's a 40C day and you could probably turn them on during pre-flight and they would go off within minutes.

  8. The window heat lights in my NGX won't stay on. They will randomly turn off and on. There is no failure indicated, there is no overheat, there doesn't seem to be anything going on. This issue has only been happening in probably the last month or so. I think it may have happened to me before any of the Service Packs came out, but then it was resolved. Now its randomly acting up again. Any insight?

    They are maintaining their temperature by flipping on and off to keep 'em toasty. Don't sweat it- it's normal and just like the heater that you use in your house during the winter.


    You're probably just seeing it because now it's into summer and warmer temperatures.

  9. I'll admit that I'm the cheese standing alone for the go around vote haha. I love the sound of the engine spooling up and roaring at full power as you frantically struggle to get everything under control and alert ATC at the same time. (They never seem to hear me the first time and the response is always "FDX016, are you going around?! Nah, I just figured I would do a roller coaster move for the pax/animals in the back...) ah, and lots of stories are made from go-arounds. Good times...

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