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About nrcrate

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    Nick Crate
  • Birthday November 12

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    Flying... that's about it!

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  1. Bert, I'm having the same problem but I'm using the Flight1 GTN750.... I wonder if this method will also work for that?
  2. Very much looking forward to the 747 and I know many of our pilots are. I will continue waiting patiently :wub:
  3. Hey All, I'd like to give a quick update to anyone interested in the event. We have added a LARGE number of prizes since the initial announcement. These can be found on our current list, located here: PRIZE PAGE Also, we will have an event teamspeak available beginning Friday night USA at 10:00pm Eastern Time, 0200Z. All are welcome. The TS3 sever address will be events.fedexvac.org. This will be a friendly and welcoming environment for anyone participating in the event to meet each other and chat while they fly. I look forward to meeting many new people. See you in the skies!
  4. Hey All- So I am thoroughly enjoying using the data uplink features of the 777. It was one of those "wow, look at that!" moments that you might get when you discover something profound. However, I have a question. This isn't necessarily a problem or I guess a direct question for the 777, however it is something of a fairly good inconvenience I have now that I am using the wind uplink features with Active Sky Next and the 777 SP1. So this is my scenario: I load into the sim, get all the necessary things done for pre-preflight: Start the ADIRU aligning, start FSINN, connect to VATSIM, file my flightplan, set payload and fuel, close the doors, etc. I then set my departure/arrival airports and datalink request/load my flightplan. This creates the .WX file AND loads it into FSX. Now ASN picks it up and populates it's flightplan and route coverage, allowing me to step along with my pre-flight and uplink route winds and descent forecast winds. This is where my problem begins. I noticed an abnormally frequent request of the destination METAR from VATSIM being performed, which shows at the top of my screen. It only usually happens at my own request or when I file/update a flightplan, however I assumed it was happening automatically because of the 777s WX creation and loading of the flightplan into FSX. I next notice that the filed flightplan on FSINN, and subsequently VATSIM, has changed to a waypoint-by-waypoint list of my flightplan, just like what is loaded in ASN and FSX. But this isn't really a proper flightplan. My problem is that no matter how many times I refile the correct plan, any adjustment to the route in the FMC or passing of a waypoint triggers it to refile on VATSIM. I don't think controllers would like me very much if I kept doing it. I know that as a controller myself, I wouldn't like just a point by point route in a long flightplan. What I have resorted to is just letting the FMC create the WX file and then I go and load it into ASN manually. Of course this is no fun because I really like how I can have it all do it automatically and work together. So what do you do? Have you experienced this as well? Again, I wouldn't normally post this question here because it's not strictly a 777 thing, however it only happens with the 777 so I want to catch those who are in my same situation. What do you think? Thanks in advanced!
  5. I thought I should post our current list of prices: The FlightSim Store AUD$50 coupon (4x) Aerosoft Airbus X Extended (1x), Anchorage X (1x) Commercial Level Simulations (CLS) 747-200/300 (5x) Orbx/FullTerrain Product of Choice (1x) A2A Simulations Product of Choice (1x) FS2Crew Product of Choice (1x) Simmarket 10 Euros off coupon (10x) More on the way!
  6. Steve, Thanks for trying to get it done for the event. I'll gladly fly it if you have it finished in time. Oh, and thanks for mentioning the event. You could say I'm pretty excited
  7. Greetings! On behalf of FedEx Virtual Air Cargo, I would like to happily announce our yearly, community-wide VATSIM event. Last year, we hosted the PMDG 777 release celebration, dubbed “The Triple Ripple”. That event was a huge success and we hope to achieve even more with our event this year. We host these events because you, the great Flight Simulator community, allow us to exist and be as successful as we are and we like to give back a little bit of fun here and there. But let’s cut to the chase! This year’s event has been named The Long Haul Luau and will be held annually. Just as last year, we will have a booking system to keep track of participants. Information for booking and charts are further down in this document. Event details are as follows: When: Saturday, July 26th (USA time) The Objective: Fly from one of four designated departure airports during the time you have booked to end up at PHNL Honolulu in the given time window. The Options: Departure airports, estimated times en route (ETE), and departure times in ZULU- Departure Airport Time en Route Departure Times KOAK - Oakland 4:30 – 5:00 ETE Starting @ 2100Z PANC - Anchorage 5:30 – 6:00 ETE Starting @ 2000Z RJAA – Tokyo Narita 6:30 – 7:00 ETE Starting @ 2000Z YSSY – Sydney 8:30 – 9:00 ETE Starting @ 1900Z The Arrival: The arrival window will be between 0100Z and 0500Z. (SUNDAY ZULU time which would be SATURDAY evening in the USA) What to fly: Whatever you want! This year’s event isn’t directed toward a certain aircraft, so let’s see what you’ve got! The Prizes: Prizes are still being collected. We will update the main booking page with prizes as we get them. All participants will be entered into a random drawing for each prize. You must book a slot and fly the flight to be counted in the drawing! Important Notes PLEASE be confident in a high traffic environment for this event. We do anticipate a busy airspace at each of the departure airports and most importantly at Honolulu where everyone will converge. Patience is key here, and we ask that you have current charts onboard (attached below), be aware of procedures for each area, and bear with the controllers. They will most likely get very busy! But also, remember to have fun and let’s test their skills! BOOKING Flight bookings can be made by following the link below. Please book only once, and if you have issues with your booking, contact crm@fedexvac.org with your name and description of your problem. Slots will be added as necessary if airports fill up. CLICK HERE TO BOOK ----------------ROUTES---------------- KOAK – PHNL OAK6 OAK BEBOP R464 BITTA MAGGI3 PANC – PHNL ODK 55N154W 50N155W 45N155W 40N155W 35N155W 30N156W ZIGIE RJAA – PHNL CUPID1 CUPID Y808 ACQUA OTR14 VACKY OTR13 SEALS 35N150E 34N160E 32N170E 29N180E 25N170W HOOPA A450 KATHS OPACA4 YSSY – PHNL NOBAR B580 BARKR CHOKO OPACA4 ----------------CHARTS---------------- KOAK PACKAGE: CLICK HERE PANC PACKAGE: CLICK HERE RJAA PACKAGE: CLICK HERE YSSY PACKAGE: CLICK HERE PHNL PACKAGE: CLICK HERE ----------------OCEANIC PROCEDURES---------------- Oceanic operations over the Pacific Ocean do not differ greatly from North Atlantic procedures. The following two guides should give a complete understanding of Pacific Oceanic procedures. Note: The first guide is old, however it should still apply. ZAK PROCEDURE GUIDE VATPAC PROCEDURE GUIDE Questions? Need info? Help? Contact the appropriate FedExVAC Staff: For Booking Support: Lance at crm at fedexvac.org Support for FedExVAC Pilots: Don at ec at fedexvac.org For all other concerns/questions: Andy at president at fedexvac.org Josh at coo at fedexvac.org For suggestions/recommendations/other: Nick at ceo at fedexvac.org
  8. Run Flight Simulator as an administrator by right clicking on the icon.
  9. Hmmm that's interesting... Have you tried pressing Q twice?
  10. Trent- I have also noticed the winds changing in the manner that you describe, however it was not the case in the scenarios I'm talking about. The wind was steadily gusting... That's an oxymoron, isn't it haha :blink: About the SOP- We don't have an SOP detailing aircraft operation as such. I'm certainly not a button pusher nor do I rely solely on the automatics, but simply curious about something that I thought would be a normal situation for the airplane to handle and it handled it not-so-normally.
  11. Thanks for the replies guys- I'd like to add that I am using Active Sky 2012 and have been since it was released, and I am using a FSX cfg as well as a FSUIPC INI that is tweaked as per the AS2012 manual. So far it has been flawless. I'd also like to echo that it only happens in the 777. I don't have such an issue with the 737 or MD11. I'm totally fine with disconnecting the automatics, but I am interested to see if anything is tweaked with SP1. I tend to believe the speed hunting is abnormal, but I can't say for sure.
  12. Greetings, I've been enjoying the heck out of the 777 since it was released, and just about flying the wings off her! However, this week I have come across some odd behavior while operating into and out of Keflavik, Iceland. I've included both cases below: Scenario 1: Keflavik Approach and landing last night. I did my usual flight from Moncton to Keflavik in the 777 for the first time last night (usually in an MD-11). The weather at Keflavik was nasty and they were experiencing very bad storms at the time. Winds were gusting up into the high 20's and peaking in the 30's. (This is why I like flying up there) So I knew I was in for an interesting approach and landing. I descended as I always have, and it was fairly uneventful until I got closer and lower to the field. As I got closer, I started having really bad turbulence, but it was nothing I haven't had before in a plane of this size. VNAV commanded 250 as I approached 10,000ft and I was surprised at how difficult it was for the plane to do this. It seemed like with every gust of wind, the autopilot would freak out and think that it was going to decelerate past 250 (even though I was still at 280) and adjust pitch to compensate. I ended up switching to VS and extending spoilers to slow down until I got slow enough to extend slats. After that it seemed to be fine going back to VNAV. Now for the approach- I decided to do a visual for RW20 and I descended to 3000 for the downwind. I leveled out and set speed to 220 to begin to slow and extend flaps. (Note that I'm still in pretty bad turbulence) I was surprised when the autothrottle began the same behavior as the autopilot did before, and began looping increase and decrease of thrust while never actually slowing down. I ended up commanding 180 and still it never left 250. In fact, it began to accelerate slowly and I ended up disconnecting autothrottle, pulling the thrust levers back to idle, and allowing the plane to slow while extending flaps. Turning final, I reengaged autothrottle to see how it would cope, lowered gear, and the last notch or two of flaps. Speed was commanded at VREF +5, but to my surprise it started chasing the speed again and allowing a gradual increase of speed. I ended up going around (which worked flawlessly I might add) and tried again. By the time I got back around for the downwind the wind was still strong but not gusting as bad and I made a much more normal approach and landing. Scenario 2: Keflavik Departure, about 30 minutes ago. I do my usual preflight, startup, taxi-out, and takeoff as normal. Winds were 200, at 15-18 gusting to 25. After the climbout, I engage autopilot, VNAV, and HDG SEL to turn towards my course. I noticed it was taking longer than usual for the seed to increase past my retract speed... It was like deja vu all over again, except this time it was that the plane was hesitant to accelerate. With every bump, the pitch would fluctuate and it never gained any speed, and in fact started to decelerate to the point where I pressed altitude hold and waited to get past my retract speed before re-engaging VNAV. I went now and set LNAV and we were on our way. At this point I was perplexed, so I got up to get a nice Cherry Coke and think about why it was doing this. Upon returning to my chair, I see that I am at about 14,000 feet and down around the stick shaker. I went into VS mode, set 2000fpm, and waited. To my surprise, now the autothrottle is fluctuating and I ended up leveling off to gain enough speed where I felt safe enough to continue the climb. I engage VNAV, and watch as it does the same thing- pitching in the turbulence but never gaining speed. I actually got up to FL230 before the turbulence started to die off and everything went back to normal. The rest of the climb to FL350 was uneventful. Phew- that was long. I tried to describe in detail what exactly I, and my little friend, did in order to see if anyone could pinpoint if it's my fault, a fault of the aircraft, or if I am just expecting too much of the autoflight system in turbulence. I was just surprised because I have encountered the same severity in other aircraft, such as the 737 and MD11, and they never had a problem like this. Anyone else having something similar? Or have any suggestions? I'm also wondering if this falls under the "FBW tweaks and review" which is still on the Progress list in the SP1 fixes thread. Thanks in advanced!
  13. I'm intrigued... Can you post a picture?
  14. Just departed Jakarta, headed to Cairns. (Click on my online status banner below for details)
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