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Posts posted by nrcrate

  1. You know- this is something that I've been having to deal with for a while. I've done everything I can think of and nothing seems to work. I'm sorry, but I can only think that this is a NGX issue. I'll add my general experience:


    Let's say I'm cruising nicely along at FL370 and I reach my top of descent. I've dialed my altitude down as desired and as I hit the T/D point, RETARD is annunciated and the throttles come back to idle, then ARM is annunciated. If I hit F1, the engines will temporarily reduce thrust slightly and then return to the proper flight idle limit that is determined by the EEC's at the time.


    Now here is where I think the bug is. (Mind you, throttle override is disabled for me) During this whole descent, the EEC's should be gradually lowering the flight idle limit- which they do properly... But the actual current thrust does not follow this limit as it decreases. I must continue to hit F1 about two more times during the descent. This is where I think the bug lies- the current thrust is not following the idle limit, but staying at its initial limit (when it was back at FL370) until it's taken down by our intervention.


    Phew- that was a lot for typing on a phone. That's my theory at least. I'd be interested to know if this is also describing what others are seeing.

  2. Hi All,


    Earlier today I was climbing out of Memphis in the NGX and was recording my takeoff with FSRecorder. To end the recording, I have to hit ESC... Well, my two engine master cutoff switch hot keys are right below the ESC key and I bet both of them on accident. I quickly hit my two engine master idle hot keys and the flight resumed normally. I must have hit them quick enough as not to totally interrupt the flow of fuel to the engines.


    Ok, now for the part I'm wondering about- why did the left and right engine/spar valve closed lights stay on for the entire remainder of the flight? I figured they only come on when the two master switches are in cutoff, but why would they stay on in this case despite the master switches being in idle?


    Thanks in advanced!

  3. For the record, cycle 1206 is really screwed up. It seems to be affecting the main point on STARS (KOOLY in the KOOLY4 for example) and IAF for approaches. I crosscheck every star and approach that I fly and will continue to do so under this cycle. Every, and I mean every approach that I have flown this month is missing the IAF. And if it has options for the IAF, usually they come up as not in database even though putting them in manually works just fine.


    As others have said- I hope they fix whatever it is in 1207.

  4. I'm going to be flying the SNJ cross-country (literally) later in the summer. If I take the northern route, I'll probably be stopping somewhere up in that area to see George Morris (our senior beta tester). If I do- I'll throw a note in the forum here and maybe we'll find some time to do a bit of show and tell.

    Eastbound I assume? Maybe through Ohio?

  5. Here you are: (Quoted from the introduction document)


    While any autopilot is engaged in CMD mode, yanking at the

    controls really hard will result in "breaking" the controller shear

    rivets (real value 110lbs of force) and destroy the onside FCC

    (flight control center). The associated autopilot cannot be reengaged.

  6. Great video- the thing that caught my attention was the last few captions for the spotting part and the one text-only screen just after them. They were pretty fast- I had to pause or go back again to read them.


    Anyhow- good work overall!

  7. Tried the tutorial again and I was able to complete it. One strange thing was that on final approach with GS locked I didn't see "LAND 3" in PFD. Instead, SINGLE CH popped up. But the autoland went without a hitch. I just need to be more careful following the tutorial to avoid any mistakes.

    It would be because you aren't in a dual channel mode where both autopilots are active for the approach (Or you you haven't gotten to about 1500ft agl). You must the nav frequency set in both nav radios, as well as the course in both course selectors. Then you will be able to perform a dual channel approach and autoland.


    Now, if your aircraft is fail-passive, then you can conduct an autoland and rollout where it will be able to maintain the centerline until disconnect. This is an expensive option in real-world, so very few carriers have it installed.

  8. Just tried Tutorial #1 again with just 1 axis set for all throttles. A/T doesn't disconnect but doesn't advance the throttle to takeoff speed after clicking TOGA. It stayed at 49% N1 and wouldn't go up. The tutorial says to establish 40% N1 which I did (and stayed at 40% for about 5 secs), but for some weird reason TOGA doesn't kick in completely.

    Maybe attach a picture and we can see if it's a config error. Remember that you do not arm spoilers, and you must have both FD's on.

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