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About KLM149

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  • Birthday 09/14/1944

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  1. Hi, V2.5 including ORBX global+vector+OLC takes ± 60GB;
  2. Hi Pete, do this Map Network Drive Check Reconnect at Sign in Browse the network and select the pc/folder that has been shared Check box Connect using different credentials and then call your pc with the credentials that belongs to that pc to login Jan
  3. Hi haztronichave a look here http://janvaane.org/virtualfsx/?p=5713May be this gives a point of viewKLM149http://janvaane.org/virtualfsx/?p=5713
  4. KLM149

    FPS Limiter

    Press 10 times on F11 wwhen the dos screen must be activatedyou will see a reduction until ~ 20 fpspress F12 for ibcrease
  5. KLM149

    FPS Limiter

    Do you get the black DOS screen?Skype me now jan.vaane
  6. KLM149

    FPS Limiter

    This is how it works:http://janvaane.org/virtualfsx/?p=2565Please get back to me if any problem arises
  7. Run this appl. http://janvaane.org/virtualfsx/?p=113
  8. I don't realy see anything to complain about in the movie...Do you have FSUIPC activated fro Autosave? If so, Uncheck AutoSave on the AutoSave/GPSout Tab
  9. Just forget all about FPS. First get the pc runningRun this checklist http://janvaane.org/virtualfsx/?page_id=287
  10. Page 51 of the manualFull Screen LOGO Show&&Allows you to determine whether to display the GIGABYTE Logo at system startup. Disabled skips the GIGABYTE Logo when the system starts up. (Default: Enabled)Get back to page 34To access the BIOS Setup program, press the <Delete> key during the POST when the power is turned on.
  11. Have a look here http://janvaane.org/virtualfsx/?p=455 for SPAD
  12. Please read this stuff http://www.anandtech.com/show/4344/nvidias-geforce-gtx-560-top-to-bottom-overclock You're confused with Memory Clock Frequency and Data rate
  13. Does this help: http://virtualfsx.wordpress.com/2011/07/05/unlimited-frames-external-frame-locking/
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