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Everything posted by ohsirus

  1. Well if it was like the upgrade path, pretty sure they didn't send a email letting users know.
  2. Still upset at that shoddy upgrade path for previous owners.
  3. Crystal is not for everyone, it's heavy, cumbersome, sometimes buggy, it has better clarity, but not edge to edge to clarity. The Quest 3/Pro really needs a strong PC to shine. My opinion is the Aero, Crystal, and Quest 3 all would be grouped as current Gen Headsets and the opinion of going from one to the other will depend on the person and usage. Also there is no VR program to really break out and show a big difference in capabilities. It's still MSFS graphics rendered in VR.
  4. Sounds like you are rendering beyond your PC's capability. What Video Card are you running?
  5. I get 45+ FPS in my PMDG 737 on KSFO runway. Take off I range in the 40+ fps, smooth no stutter. Airborne 45+ fps.
  6. Crystal is not sharp once you leave it's sweet spot. It's also a bear to to keep it balanced to enjoy it. Everyone seems to acknowledge the G2 has a tiny sweet spot and I personally can't see how that is enjoyable in a sim. The Quest 3 has so many hardware/software variables and it seems we sometimes end up on two extremes of visuals & performance. I feel mine is running near native and close to the visuals I had in my Crystal's sweet spot as far as legible text and rendering distance. I do have a beefy system though.
  7. Quest/Pico/Vive BETA version 1.29.3 - Release Notes @everyone To install this beta version, navigate to the store page of Virtual Desktop on the Meta website (https://www.meta.com/experiences/2017050365004772/) or phone app. Scroll down to the version number, click it and select the BETA channel. You will also need to manually install the Beta Streamer from here: https://download.vrdesktop.net/files/beta/VirtualDesktop.Streamer.Setup.exe • Improved AV1 performance with AMD • Improved SSW quality on Quest • Added custom OpenXR runtime called VDXR on the PC side providing up to 10% improved performance • Added OpenXR runtime selection box in the Streamer window (Automatic, SteamVR or VDXR) • Added Exit Game button in the Virtual Desktop menu for non-SteamVR games • Removed regular AV1 codec option (only AV1 10-bit now available) • Fixed compatibility with many games on the Rift store: Pistol Whip, Onward, Population: One, Zenith, etc. • Fixed issues with audio device restoration and monitor resolution change when shutting down/restarting computer in VR • Fixed incorrect 5 GHz / 7 GHz appearing in computers tab / performance overlay when using 6 GHz band • Fixed Head Lock feature to work when moving around your play space • Fixed field of view edges on Quest 3 For Pico/Vive users, you can install this Beta by installing the APK from the GitHub page here: https://github.com/guygodin/VirtualDesktop/releases/tag/v1.29.3
  8. Yeah, I agree. Using software rendering allows a wider range of visuals when compared to DP and then HMD experiences. I put my Quest 3's visuals above the Quest Pro and near enough to the Pimax Crystal to not justify the price difference. Since I wear my HMD sloppily around my head, Pancake lenses are all I look for now.
  9. I don't have a G2 to compare, but have you tried adjusting the distortion curvature in the Oculus Debug tool? If you have a Nvidia Card you can set trilinear optimization to off for a little more sharpening. I use VD as I can't gt Oculus to look or perform well on link anymore. Probably need to wipe it and reload.
  10. Weird, as most people have said that it looks better than the Reverb G2, VR Flight Sim Guy mentioned it in his video. With your 4090 you should not be using DLSS and with TAA you should be pushing 45+ FPS. I set mine to 1.5 and 90 HZ, no ASW, and Textures to Ultra. Even when I ran it cabled it had a awesome/clear picture, but VD raises it to near native IMO.
  11. Are you running your Q3 through Virtual Desktop and if so have you checked SteamVRs Video setting to make sure it is set for 100% I'm confused as most of my readings have the Quest Pro over the G2 and like I said the Q3 is a step up from the Pro. I have a awesome VR flight environment that to me rivals my Crystal with edge to edge clarity.
  12. Yeah, the Youtube videos are what made me jump for the Crystal. Definitely experience it and decide for yourself. I wish I had a G2 to see for myself. I read a number of people who got the QPro when it launched saying it was a step up in clarity form the G2 and the Q3 is a bump up from the Qpro. I will say settings are everything in this case. Oculus Link is trash. Virtual Desktop is needed, since you have a 4090 you can run AV1 10-bit and god mode. I hope you are not using DLSS, but TAA and your resolution in-sim should be minimal 35XX x 36XX, I get 45+ fps in VR with these settings and once openxr for VD is released I'm back at smooth 50 fps which is what I had with my Crystal.
  13. Virtual Desktop-OpenXR released. Tested it out and got about a 10 percent FPS increase compared to SteamVR and IMHO improved visuals. Nice to have access to the OpenXR toolkit program again. One setting I was missing was the over-prediction reduction. I run mine at -70 and that eliminates that shuttering yoiu get inside the cockpit with Quest devices.
  14. You just had your “Wow” moment. Getting a Crystal or Aero now won’t seem such a jump and hard going to aspherical lenses once you get used to pancakes.
  15. SteamVR beta opt-in https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/4F5E-AD22-7402-2EAD Some people run the OpenXR Toolkit https://mbucchia.github.io/OpenXR-Toolkit/ and it's not compatible with Virtual Desktop. 1.5X in the Oculus Graphic preferences https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F5a623ey63xza1.png%3Fwidth%3D1016%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1d1045a5b91286e6fb0fa8f586d28484e51e4866 Also make sure SteamVR is set for the openXR runtime when you start SteamVR. In your taskbar right click settings to ckeck. Also when you are in SteamVR check the Video page and make sure it's at 100% and not 150% as it can default too.
  16. Running a 7800x3d and a 4090 with my Quest 3 on a 6e dedicated router. I'm rendering MSFS at 37XX x 39XX (can't recall specifics) Terrain LOD 200, Clouds High, Texture Ultra, TAA, can't recall the others, but mix of High/MED. In the Oculus App running 1.5 encoder. I'm using Virtual Desktop with AV1 10-bit or HVEC 10-bit and Godlike settings, no autobitrate and no buffer. Using SteamVR2.0 beta (make sure you close all oculus programs in task bar and disable Openxr if you are using it). This guy was my baseline.
  17. Not trying to influence you, I don't have referral codes nor am I given review units..lol My opinions are my own.
  18. The Crystal has a great picture and requires less of a rig to get a great picture, no hacks/tweaks needed and when in it's sweet spot gives a "fuller/more dense" texture-view when up close. Can't deny if you are coming from a fresnel based lens you will be blown away by the new gen headsets. My take away from running them both is I can get near-close quality to the Crystal without slapping 2lbs of unstable weight on my head for a third of the price and more features. Some people will swear by the Crystal being the best, and more power to them, but for me it was hot and heavy and I could not keep my sweet spot centered.
  19. Yeah. The thing about the Quest3/Quest Pro is that you can make it as ugly as you want or as pretty as they can get. Can be confusing on what gives you best performance quality. Wired, Air Link, VD, SteamVR, OpenXr, Occulus, bit rate, encoders, so many tweaks people swear by. After some time and coming from a Quest Pro, I know what works best for my system. Those pancake lenses are a huge upgrade to me as you don't have to worry about sweet spots. My Pimax as a easier setup and it's DP connection yielded better performance, but it's aspherical lenses and constantly trying to balance the weight and keep the sweet spot centered made me appreciate pancake lenses even more.
  20. Oops.. Quest 3 runs and looks great if you use Virtual Desktop and it's Godlike and HVEC 10-bit encoder setting. With a 4090 and Wifi 6 router it looks like a native display.
  21. I was a running a Quest Pro and when I had my Pimax Crystal I noticed the rendering resolution had increased to where I could see further out from my Homeport. When I got the Q3 I noticed it rendered out to similar distance of my Crystal. Been running the Q3 as my daily driver now.
  22. You had setup issues as running a Quest3 on Virtual Display at Godlike runs and looks great on my 7800x3D and 4090, it looks so good and is far more versatile and comfortable than the Pimax Crystal I Was running.
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