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  1. I go straight in, cold and dark, at the last airport I landed at.
  2. Recently bought the 206, it seems to be completely compatible so far.
  3. Currently using 44 locked from NI. I have visuals I am very happy with and no stutters.
  4. I did the reg tweak, symbiotic link thing. I can't find the link atm but it basically redirects the 1.4 installer to your 2.0 directory and also allows for auto updating of the scenery.cfg.
  5. Well, I imagine that overall England would be more demanding than Iceland. But I am flying over rural areas in England, using no weather, and getting up to a 20fps reduction when compared to Iceland + REX. I think that is too much of a difference for just the differing autogen levels to be the cause. In England, even lowering my settings didn't have much impact.
  6. Just an 'FYI' really - I have both of these installed and the fps difference is massive. I get more fps in Iceland with REX severe weather than I do in England with no weather at all. In England, turning in particular causes horrible fps drops. Obviously something to do with the FTX Iceland demo being V2 ready, and England not - worth bearing in mind if you're using 'non-official' addons. The good news is I can fly in Iceland and get super-smooth 40 fps +, with great scenery, great sky and cloud textures and real time weather. That'll do me for the time being.
  7. Adding AM=14 is even in the P3D2 manual tweak guide, so I assume it does something. It could be that in certain circumstances the default is being set incorrectly - adding AM=XX ensures this doesn't matter.
  8. Looks great. I'm really enjoying it as well - playing around with the Iceland demo and considering FTXG. Do you use SweetFX all the time, or just for screenshots?
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