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Everything posted by Plexi1

  1. The error is indeed in the object file and it only shows when you have ground shadows on and scenery density higher than dense. I have removed that LIRF building for me just for testing purposes and the error is gone. (same with KPHX)
  2. sorry for the late reply1. aural warning can only be removed by renaming or deleting the corresponding sound file2. no idea at the moment3. it would be possible to edit the braking force in the aircraft.cfg which will then result in a longer decelleration
  3. Hi Hugh,please send an email with your receipt and a short description of the problem tosupport@commerciallevel.nl
  4. we are making good progress, a few new screenshots can be found here --> http://www.commercia...indpost&p=42930
  5. nothing new to report so far, development of the 747 has been paused at the moment because of the BAE but will continue soon
  6. yes there is a 747 with new functions on the way but I can´t give you any release date, things got pretty busy for us and nearly all projects got delayed somewhat.
  7. Also not possible without editing and recompiling the model and we don´t have the time to do that at the moment.Adding something to the VC is not the same as adding something to the 2D panel.You can´t place your gauges freely in the VC unless it is designed to be this way.
  8. sorry but this is not possible, at least not at the moment
  9. Sorry, but the 747 does not alter other files.Fuel burn is always from tip to aux to main and center tanks, on all planes
  10. there seems to be a typo in the aircraft.cfg, search for the section [brakes] and change the lineauto_brakes = 5to thisauto_brakes = 4this prevents the knob to be turned too far.
  11. Can you please tell me with which plane this happens ?
  12. hmm thats strange, it worked for me, I will have a look at it again later, maybe I have missed something
  13. Hi Kevin, a feedback would be nice if the fix helped or not.
  14. I tested the 747 on a fresh install of FS9 and the autobrake works in the 2D panel as well as in VC without problems, FSX shows the same.When armed, the autobrake kicks in as soon as the wheels touch the groundSorry, but we really don´t know whats going on with your installation, I could not reproduce it.
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