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Everything posted by rarcher

  1. It does both. Matt, the developer, was an FS Passenger user and his focus for the next couple of months is to provide much of the same functionality in FSFO. Yes, the focus has been on providing a First Officer to fly with you and manage checklists and flows. It always had a rudimentary passenger simulation but Matt is now working on making it first class. Regarding how it works with different aircraft - the base product has a default aircraft mode that works with the aircraft that come with MSFS but also provides some coverage for third party planes, where they adhere to the base plane functionality. There are add-on modules you can purchase that provide detailed support for popular third party planes like the PMDG 737, FBW A320, etc. I use APL V2 together with Flight Sim First Officer - a great combination. I've used practically all the available career and first officer addons and this combo is great if you don't want to manage an airline, just fly with a sense of purpose and have a FO to fly with you. FYI, Ovidiu, developer of APL, has released a free product called A Random Flight Generator. It's a nice product by itself, and gives you a taste of what you get with the paid APL product (which of course does much more). https://flightsim.to/file/49690/a-random-flight-generator Cheers, Rowland
  2. Spad.Next supports GoFlight? I don't see any mention of it on their website.
  3. Just got the same crash. Started P3DV2, clicked the Flight Planner menu item, CTD. Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: Prepar3D.exe Application Version: 2.0.9448.0 Application Timestamp: 528edbf4 Fault Module Name: uiInterface.dll Fault Module Version: 2.0.9448.0 Fault Module Timestamp: 528edbe7 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 0000ccd7 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional information about the problem: LCID: 1033 Addons loaded: FSUIPC 4 latest, FTX Global, FTX Global Vector Can provide more info to LM if helpful, this one seems easy to repro. Rowland
  4. Robert Cezar (IYP developer) is working on it. No release date yet.
  5. Used for the first time yesterday - thanks Dan, works great. Only "issue" I noticed is probably outside what you can do with the script - the FO was whining about a "flaps problem" as soon as I lowered them (just to 18). I think he either can't read the setting or is expecting something more typical like flaps 1, not flaps 18 as the first setting. Presumably we'll get this fixed when "official" support arrives, hopefully sometime in Q1. Best, Rowland
  6. I am hooked on this add on and run it on every flight on a separate monitor. Finding my way around an airport while taxiing is now trivial. Easily find and load a real-world flight plan. See traffic from VATSIM, Ultimate Traffic 2, and probably others with altitude and speed clearly listed. View SIDs and STARs on the map making it easy to pick one. Pick arrival runways and have the ILS feather and frequency clearly displayed. A separate progress window always shows distance to next navaid, distance to destination, fuel remaining and needed, etc. And on and on. The only "drawback" I have found. I probably don't learn charts as well as I should because it makes it so easy to fly without them, (which is the main point).
  7. If you can't convince your significant other to let you build a home cockpit, maybe this would work out for you instead :) http://bottomline.ms...cycled-as-homes [imgleft]http://m.static.newsvine.com/servista/imagesizer?file=john-brecher67618BA6-BEC5-2AE3-571B-51B16EFB06D0.jpg&width=600[/imgleft]
  8. Like the rest of you I would love for Microsoft Flight to cost $39 and give me a better experience than I get now with FSX plus a couple thousand dollars spent on add-ons - planes, terrain mesh, all flavors of textures, weather enhancers, lighting improvements, voice actuated air traffic control, a flight crew, screaming passengers... hey, why not? Microsoft has lots of money, lots more than I do...But I think it's just unrealistic. I've been in the software business over 30 years and building a great product that is also extensible is hard and takes time. While I'd love for Flight to fulfill all my dreams -- and all of yours -- that probably won't happen on day one. My hope is that it is a stable, extensible platform, with great looks and great performance. I hope it takes advantage of multi-cores and modern GPU's so performance is not limited by CPU clock speed. I want the add-on market to flourish -- including add-ons from Microsoft -- until "Son of Flight" arrives and we start over. Microsoft will continue to invest if they make money on Flight. It took us several years to get FSX to a point where it has become a pretty darn good environment for simming fun. I think Flight looks very nice, the videos look smooth and I have to believe they were achieved on hardware that exists today (unless Microsoft Time Travel is an upcoming product we just don't know about), so I think there is some promise that we will get an improved platform than FSX. I'm not surprised that Microsoft decided to build a revamped platform and try to showcase what it could do by releasing something like a "Mega-Scenery" pack for one area, rather than a generic one for the whole world. I would like to see DLC which may be FSX quality mesh and textures for the "rest of the world," at a reasonable price. Think about how the DLC approach could let Microsoft customize the product to each of us by letting us buy what interests us. The basic product is free -- if you like different planes, you buy planes and stick to the free scenery. If you care more about expanding geography, you spend your money on that. It's really analogous to how things always have worked -- with the big difference apparently being a free "starter kit" designed to provide a rich experience in a limited area, rather than a low cost product providing a medium quality experience globally.The fact that MS invited the proprietors of this website -- and others that appeal to FS hard-core types -- to see a preview of the product, indicates to me that they are trying to appeal to enthusiasts, not just gamers. And their press release confirms this -- "combining the excitement of a great gaming experience with the authenticity of a top notch flight simulator."So -- I'm excited that the product is close to initial release, hope I get picked for a beta, if not I'll live until "the Spring," and I look forward to watching Flight evolve. In the meantime, I have those couple thousand dollars of FSX add-ins to keep me occupied...Good simming,Rowland
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