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About hesynergy

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    Dewitt, KY
  • Interests
    Ex USMCR,Navy. New Non-smoker as of 7-3-13... now a 2+ year X-"Vaper".
    I am an Arduino tinkerer, actor, voice,and voice over specialist, Oculus Rift backer,past javelin,scuba,tennis,baseball, football ,
    Simulator scenery,cockpit design,Avid SciFi Reader,FICS , Aaron Sorkin follower,gadgets, sharp pointy things, things that go boom,laughter,accents,voices,all things artistic...email for more

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  • About Me
    I've been a Flight Nut most of my life.  In 1964,during the Vietnam War, vacationing at the beautiful the Parris Island, I was a day away from Marine Aviation Cadet Training at Pensacola, when a 4 hour eye test washed me out with a "Sorry Marine, under extreme tension, your eyes might tend to see double...back to boot camp"!

     Ever since then I've been a frustrated pilot. 

    Contrary to Avsim stats, I've been member of Avsim for over seven years.
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  1. I’ve been sim flyer for over forty years, a VR flyer since the first Oculus came out, and to be frank I’d forgotten about my son’s buttkicker present for a good six years….butt…after seeing all the VR guys extolling the virtues of the buttkicker….I remembered …the reason why I forsook the BK; When my and If my wife is sleeping…in the next room To the sim, …I get hollered on with the rattling sounds of my office/cockpit chair…it’s the height adjustment lever, and for more complicated chairs, you are going to get even more rattle. Solution/hypothesis?…install surgical tubing to insulate the metal on metal rattle…maybe some heat shrink….butt…forsake my ten year old BK +, NOmore….I will solve this; I want my butt kicked again WITH VR!!! …and; I just saw this on YouTube…and I’m stealing the idea, copying and… …contriving/fabricating/ putting up a 3/4-way tripod and harness for an MSFS VR hang-glider RIDE…howzat for immersion?…dunno where the BK is going to fit into that scenario….maybe…when I crash? i’m sending protective and healing vibes to you and your loved ones…and simulator brothers and sisters…especially AvAngel…I think I am in love! Chas
  2. ....ahhhhhhhh never noticed! ...weird..I guess I'm too concentrated on what's in front of me to notice my ground shadow...especially on approach. Thanks, Chas
  3. garrett_frank, on 20 Sept 2016 - 03:33 AM, said: I may be wrong here but it looks like LM finally programmed the ground shadow to show the external vehicle from cockpit view! I'm not sure I understand what "...programmed the ground shadow to show the external vehicle from cockpit view!"means... can somebody provide me visual examples?...- a screenshot would do nicely...video even better. Cheers Chas
  4. JK... looking forward to the release notes… and Yes, I know it's not April 1st. Chas
  5. DL'd unininstalled 3.3.5 ...installed 3.4 core MSIs...restarted...Default flight now out of KLAX in A Homer Simpson arms for wings, donuts for wheels and constant WhooHooing from base to falsetto on engine run up...then the tower turns into Sponge Bob Square pants...anyone else getting this??? Chas
  6. Yeah, but I've noticed that if I exclude any Orbix /FTX scenery, that Long scenery load hang at six seconds... doesn't occur… Am I crazy? Thanks, Chas
  7. But....is it also not correct that if you do not have any of your scenery unchecked, that your load time is going to be significantly longer? Thanks, Chas
  8. I believe that LM, in the version 3 series, came up with an algorithm that either took a look at your flight plan or the likelihood of your traveling to far away sceneries and somehow deactivated them, or even unloaded all but the most Relevent scenery from memory. I have to admit to still deactivating the scenery I don't need for any particular flight...purely out of habit and...probably needlessly. Chas
  9. radically wrong performance...what aircraft are we talking about? Chas
  10. researched Festival...seems their hey-day has passed...the partipating PhDs may have moved on...I think...I emailed them all...we shall see...or not...Sapi yes Only Linux...obviously not I'll keep you posted in the Festival thing. Yeah...Maybe the his stork goal is not quite as accurate as we would hope.. , .I broke my TM HOTAS Warthog joystick trying to get out of REALTime AS16 weather... Thanks, Chas
  11. beg to differ...I quote "Festival offers a general framework for building speech synthesis systems as well as including examples of various modules. As a whole it offers full text to speech through a number APIs: from shell level, though a Scheme command interpreter, as a C++ library, from Java, and an Emacs interface. Festival is multi-lingual (currently English (British and American), and Spanish) though English is the most advanced. Other groups release new languages for the system. And full tools and documentation for build new voices are available through Carnegie Mellon's FestVox project (http://festvox.org) The system is written in C++ and uses the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library for low level architecture and has a Scheme (SIOD) based command interpreter for control. Documentation is given in the FSF texinfo format which can generate, a printed manual, info files and HTML. Festival is free software. Festival and the speech tools are distributed under an X11-type licence allowing unrestricted commercial and non-commercial use alike. Online demo There are two online demonstrations of Festival, where you can synthesise your own sentences: Online demo Technical online demo with more voices Current version Version 2.4 is available for download. This is the most recent version available for free and unrestricted use.". http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/ Chas
  12. Above is the YouTube vid that I created with Pilot2ATC and AS16. Dave, I don't see any correspondence to your voices cited above with the ones I found. In Win10, I went to Settings,Time & Language, Region & Language,United States,Languages,Add a Language...all the choices I showed you in the above pix produced ONLY mobile voeces once installed... What procedure did you use to get the desktop voices? Also, I think you agree the more voices, the better, and with that thought in mind if you checked on the VoxATC site, they mention the following which appear to be public domain... I quote " Voices Any SAPI voice available on your system can be used as a controller or pilot voice. The volume and speed of each can be set individually. VoxATC can also use the open source VoxPop Voices. As many voices as the resources of the system can support may be used with VoxATC. More Info" Voices for VoxATC Any SAPI TTS voice installed on your system can be used with VoxATC. These voices are available from several sources. AT&T Natural Voices come packaged on the VoxATC Deluxe DVD available from RC Simulations. Cepstral also produce quality TTS voices. VoxPop Voices The VoxPop voices are five open source text to speech voices that VoxATC can use. They are developed versions of voices available for the Festival system. Each voice comes in four flavours: The base voice itself Clipped by a low pass filter to make it more radio like Mixed with background static Both clipped and mixed with background static While the voices sound great as RT voices, there are a couple issues that potential users should be aware of; the voices consume a lot of memory and take a while to load initially. More Info N.B. If you have problems with my mentioning a competitor, I will be happy to have the Board Moderators delete or I will move it elsewhere. Chas
  13. Yeah that's what I did but I don't see any of those voices on the list that I downloaded and yet each one of them play when I go to test… yeah, I know there is a compatibility problem between desktop and mobile TTS voices; I will look at your list tonight and work on that Thanks for the great heads up! By the way, I will have a video of me reproducing Keith Smith's turbulent IMC flight in his Lancair from Manchester, NH to Caldwell, New Jersey. https://youtu.be/GauEr0ENbXM I did it to see if AS16 reproduced historical weather better than AS Next. I decided to throw P2A into the mix, since this is the first time I will have used it post massive hardware and software upgrade on my flying machine. Mine will be up on YouTube by tomorrow … it's still uploading on my sucky van with out bound. It was my first successful flight with Pilot2ATC although there were some glitches... Sorry, but it's 1:22:00 long . Thanks again for your research! Chas
  14. But...but...but Win 10 allows me to use any I showed you in the screenshot as my default voice ... Chas
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