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About Taipan

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  1. 3 hours for a "first look" 😂 I'll be terrified to see how long the full review is. If I have a spare 3 hours I'm going to do a flight. Looking forward to trying this plane.
  2. Still waiting for that stage 2... In the meantime, has anyone managed to successfully map controls to the panel lighting potentiometer on the left? I do have SPAD, but the LVAR that's linked to it doesn't move the knob or the lights it just changes the variable. Default MSFS bindings don't work either. Anyone had luck with that?
  3. Installed her last night, taking out the Ryzen 9 5900X. I wish I'd taken some reliable benchmarks previously but you know what it's like we are always tweaking and changing stuff.. From memory though my FPS used to be around 50-60 in this scenario of PMDG 738 on the runway at YSSY. Seems to be 70-80fps now in the same setup so it seems to be a 25-30% increase. This is with an RTX 3090 and 32gb and DDR4 RAM 3600@16 I've had for a while. DCS also got a slight boost, from 110fps to 130fps.. not really as impressive. IL2 I didn't try as it was already at max refresh rate 144hz/fps on 3840x1600. IL2 engine just blazes along efficiently I never really need to tweak that. All up I'm pretty [word not allowed] happy, since I was so [word not allowed] that AMD were requiring a new motherboard/socket to go with their new line of CPUs... this is a good outcome, changing my whole box is the last thing I need. ps surprised that a word starting with d and ending with n is not allowed, times are changing that's for sure...
  4. With both AMD and Intel new CPU lines requiring new sockets & motherboards (basically having to rebuild a new PC), I'm going to go for the X3D even though I already have a 5900X. The expense and hassle of building a whole new PC just to get something that's maybe 10% more than the X3D isn't worth it, the X3D seems to be the best we can get on pre-existing motherboards. I think AMD stuffed up when forcing a new socket for their new line, allowing people to upgrade on the existing AM4 could've given them an edge over Intel. A Ryzen 9 5900X3D would've been welcome too.
  5. I disabled it in dll.xml. Measured it at 190mb VAS difference
  6. Sounds good thanks Ben, I'll probably be getting those courses too so that would be great. I do use your hard copy checklist and I haven't found any better, there is no better Cheers
  7. Interesting and you've got a pretty powerful system too. For me it hasn't made much difference but maybe I need to push into heavier clouds and test again..
  8. This tweak kind of got lost inside the massive OPTIMIZE_PARTS thread. But I'd like to try this on its own especially as most of my performance issues are when flying into heavy cloud from ASN. What results are people getting with this during dense cloud flights?
  9. Hi, One thing the Q400 from Majestic is lacking is quality documentation. I loved going through the videos and finding where I am wrong and correcting myself, but it's hard as a reference source to refer to in flight etc after the fact. Unfortunately Majestic didn't get real aircraft manuals to publish the way PMDG have done, I'm not sure if it's due to licensing or what the reason is. They have published a manual on Systems which is the equivalent of FCOM volume 2. But we don't have documentation on full expanded normal procedures and flows, or QRH equivalent, or FCTM equivalent for flight patterns etc. Would Airline2Sim consider producing a product such as Q400 simulation documentation? It could fit in well with Aurasim EFB as an additional tab on the EFB with online documentation. AngleOfAttack 737 training did this as downloadable PDFs (but part of a more expensive training package), and their flow documentation is excellent, including colour flight deck diagrams, with arrow paths of the flows and descriptions. The alternative is for us to buy real aircraft documentation, however that is made for multipilot operations and not ideal for us simmers.. Thanks
  10. Works great on my gaming laptop, huge jump with the 777. Glad it works best on the most hardcore complex models since they need it the most. Haven't tested for blurred yet but there is no reason this should cause them from optimising the model. If anything blurring would only be caused by higher frame rate or incorrect fibre frame fraction tweak that doesn't match your new.performance.
  11. After retirements are done throughout 2015 I heard there should still remain 9 reconfigured 747s in the Qantas fleet but not sure how long. Anyone know if Qantas plans to keep the 9 reconfigured 747s indefinitely or are there medium term plans to retire those 9 as well?
  12. 1) check fsuipc settings it also has a time option to set local time
  13. Great, thanks Scott! Sorry I was a bit careless making my post in the root forum
  14. Hi All, I just got the VRInsight MCP II and it's going well with programming via LINDA. However I was wondering what you guys do to adjust the course for ILS/VOR etc? The NGX has a course control on it's MCP, but the VRInsight does not. What way do you guys do it? Thanks
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