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About dutchkip

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  1. Found it, For some reason my FP Import setting had changed itself to Navigraph, once changed back to simbrief all working okay again. Am now managing to change FL. Leo
  2. Hi there, Am having a small problem with the Flight levels. I download Simbrief flightplan which states FL360 but P2ATC always nominates FL370. Even clicking on FL at top of page does not manage to change it. Am I doing something worng? Is there a setting that needs to get changed? Looked everywhere in the config but cannot find anything. Great program BTW could not do without it. Regards Leo de Haan Scotland
  3. Hi Bob, I've got the scenery from FSXScenery which isn't the problem. I googled rexweather force 2020 with LEMI which brought me to this website. I do apologise if I'm on the completely wrong website for this. I was just trying my luck to see if anybody here knows if this was getting added to Weatherforce. Regards Leo
  4. Hi there, I'm just wondering when LEMI Murcia is going to get added as an official used airport as it has been opened now for nearly 4 years? Am trying to add it to my airports but it is till this day an unknown airport. Is it too much trouble to get this added in available airports? Leo de Haan Scotland
  5. Downloaded and installed ok on 3rd attempt, but editor not working, prompts for opening doors when they're open. prompts for closing doors when they're closed. Having a heavy cargo loader on the lh side for a BAe 146-200 looks a bit silly, but cannot remove it as editor isn't working. Will wait a week and re-download and re-install it.
  6. I run my P3Dv3 on my P drive. ( I know, lot of drives) I've tried all the above, mklink was setup okay, got migration tool enabled, but indexer only runs for 2 seconds and is stuck on P:\prepar3dv2 and will NOT budge. Do I keep the mklink command opened when installing VOXAtc?
  7. SOLVED I repaired voxatc twice and got it working okay now. Leo de Haan Scotland
  8. Hi there, I have been re-installing VOXATC but this time in FSX SE and am trying to setup the ptt on my Saitek proflight yoke. The thing is, when I clear assignments and then click on assign press to talk it is getting filled in, ie. button 8 and status released and on the display toggle the same thing happens. I've got Saitek yoke, rudder, throttle and switch panel, radio panel and multi panel. Whenever I had to re-install my FS, iether FSX or P3D it always worked no problem. Is this something to do with FSX SE? It is my first time on this FS. I'm at a loss here as I've tried it with FS running, without it running, all panels disconnected ect, it made no difference. If somebody knows how to solve this I would be ever so gratefull. Thanks Leo de Haan Scotland
  9. Hi there, I was wondering if there is anybody out there who has built a home cockpit specialy designed for the QW BAe 146. I would like to know what panels they used, the amount of monitors ect. All panels and cockpit setups are based on the boeing 737- pmdg series. Just curious to see what's out there. Leo de Haan Scotland
  10. Parked at ESSA Arlanda and get no reply at all from ground on 121.70. Not when landed and not when requesting pushback and start. It is replying to other aircraft but the one I'm in is like non-exsistent. Anybody else got this problem?
  11. Hi Maarten, I'm using Oryxsim-Einhoven. Just google fsx or prepar3d Einhoven and follow there links. Regards Leo
  12. Thanks John, I found something like that on a forum somewhere and it works now. Regards Leo
  13. Hi there, After being away from VOXATC for a while, I decided to install it again but this time I'm flying the QW 146 RJ100 in Prepar3d. After installing VOXATC I run the indexer and then the panel setup, but I don't see the QW146 in there. Any suggestions of getting it to work in this great plane? Thanks
  14. Great program, well worth the money!! Didn't even bother with the demo. I just googled you tube for Fiber Accelerator and came across Frooglesims clip. After watching that I was sold. Parked at EGLL with EFB, AS Next, Supertraffic board and Radar contact running I saw a FPS increase of 15 on my pc. FroogleSim clip: I'm sold. Thanks FSPS from a HAPPY customer.
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