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Gabriel Teles

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172 Excellent

About Gabriel Teles

  • Birthday 06/07/1990

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  • Location
    São Paulo, Brazil
  • Interests
    Aviation, photography.

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  1. So... did James get it right? Beautiful shots.
  2. Congratulations on your new system, Ryan! Happy flights!
  3. Great topic. The place is gorgeous. I can see it's well represented in the sim!
  4. Beautiful! Love this kind of weather in my departures... not so much in arrivals though.
  5. This.
  6. Gotta love these huge wings from the 777...
  7. Beautiful set, Sean. AS2016 and ASCA seem to do a great job indeed!
  8. The gorgeous Queen of the Skies... Very nice.
  9. Great shots, Michael. Incredible scenery during the flight! I was impressed.
  10. The beautiful colors from real world! Nice as usual, James.
  11. Great shots! There's one thing I loved about this aircraft: energy management in descents. The Bus can save you from high speeds on approach very easily. For me this is a big deal... :ph34r:
  12. I honestly think this is pretty much the first pre-war aircraft shots I've seen in this forum. When aviation was young...
  13. Very realistic! Great set!
  14. Great job! The screenshots look amazing!
  15. I can totally see this becoming real in the next decades. Great screenshots, and definitely great mood!
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