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Everything posted by flapsdown

  1. Well, that would be a first for any cockpit I have ever been in (virtual or otherwise), where the in-dash GPS device was installed physically over the top of any other avionics and then hinged to swing out of the way for in-flight access (and given the size of the case behind the unit, I don't even see how this would be possible) - but in any event, this has already shown up as a bug in the A2A forums...
  2. Uh, no - not really, the GTN is covering the radio in the VC, so you have to move it out of the way - not very "realistic"... This is handled correctly in the C182, where the GTN acts as the head unit for Com1 - I imagine it is a simple configuration issue, where the Com1 unit needs to be "on by default", so you don't have to switch the 750 out of the way, and then put it back using the in game A2A control panel.
  3. Haven't seen that so far Bert, but there is an issue trying to use Com1 with the 750 - the underlying Narco unit is turned off, so you can't interact with ATC unless you switch the GTN out, turn on the Narco and then switch the GTN back in...
  4. I am flying this with Saitek yoke and pedals and not having anything like the control issues you describe - have you checked and calibrated your controls recently?
  5. Following this with keen interest as well...
  6. I emailed Scott at A2A about this very subject a few months back, as I wound up giving the 172 to my Dad when I bought the 182 - Scott said as long as I uninstalled the 172 it was OK to "gift" the plane... Chris B.
  7. The 172 was my first A2A aircraft purchase, and while I was initially very taken with the A2A feature set, the more I flew it, the more wrong it felt, at least on my setup, and from my admittedly limited real world experience with the plane - but I took another chance on the their 182, and I am quite pleased with it (YMMV), though I am more of a RealAir fan, truth be told...
  8. Frankly, other than when AVSIM is not available at all, I have never really had any other "performance issues" with the site - and just by way of expressing my opinion, I really dislike this current facade...
  9. Hey Jim - believe it or not, V1.1 is provided by a zip of the same name as the original, so "ALC404X.zip" was probably OK if you had been able to download it, unzipped, the .exe would have shown "1.1" - just another odd thing from Alabeo... ...as far as the eyes go, I hear ya - even though I like having the GTN in the VC for quick visual path references while flying, in truth, since I run 2 monitors in FSX, I almost always have the GPS pulled over onto my second screen. Chris B.
  10. The GTN display goes away for me if I turn the reflections off - I reported that to Alabeo, but it did not get in the update - plus the "Home" button is labeled "Direct To" as well when in the VC...
  11. Indeed Bert, I got caught out when switching off the FD and both the Nav and Alt Hold went off with it :o - but cycling them (Nav/Alt), back on seems to work -> "FD" = Feign Death for the AP I think Chris B.
  12. When it's all said and done, the flying is the thing, and I am having a hoot of a time running this C404 around ORBX's new American Samoa region - that works for me...
  13. This package is really fantastic - it would not be out of line to call it a "a work of art"...
  14. Actually, there is an uninstaller, it's just hiding in the root folder of your flightsim (for me, D:\FSX), it's called Uninstall_ALC404X.exe - though I suspect it does nothing more than the same thing as what you did...
  15. The V1.1 set of "fixes" has fallen pretty short and this is truly disappointing, when if they had been done thoroughly it could have resulted (IMHO), in bringing this bird up to a truly smashing level of success. Still, while my expectations for Alabeo/Carenado are extremely low these days, the overall enjoyment of the plane remains, as it fills a niche for me (heavy, piston, twin), which I was looking for, seems to fly representatively of its type, and the ability to use my GTN750 with it rounds out things nicely. So, while this plane (for me), is way more satisfying than the "half baked" business jets that Carenado have been pushing out there (and yes, they caught me with the Citation), this plane really could have been a much bigger win for "Alaneado" if they would just step up their game - but as others have pointed out, it appears that they have found that they really don't need to...
  16. Hey Bert - in this particular case, the 2D pop up for the AP works better than the one in the VC (for the moment anyway, in regards to pitch setting), and is a nicely compact display (but I admit, I run a 2 screen FSX setup so I just drag it out of the way entirely) - but of course with your talents, it could look like anything you wanted it to and have more features to boot ...actually, I bet you could probably just relocate the VC control pretty easily up onto the dash, as again, it's a quite small set of AP buttons...
  17. The Carenado side of the operation has overpromised and under delivered big time recently (IMHO), and a certain degree of consumer skepticism is always a good stance to take, so it is really nice to see an aircraft that is much more back in their (Carenado/Alabeo), "wheelhouse" as it were, that is also starting to show the incorporation of some subtle immersion features and leveraging 3rd party offerings in the avionics area - they still have quite a ways to go to come up to players like RealAir, but I applauded this effort and am happy to support it with my purchase dollars. Still really hoping there is a "put a bow on it" patch in the offing, and I would really love to see a cargo version, as I like simulating "cargo dog" operations...
  18. Nice vids guys! Funny, I spent so much time concentrating on keeping the MP insync I never even noticed the difference in the needles. Still really enjoying this plane, though does anyone else feel the brakes are a bit under powered? I did read in several places where they (the brakes), were described as "pretty bad" in the real aircraft, and yet the landing roll out in the specs is supposed to be around 1100 feet. I have been doing very lightly loaded flights with what appears to be approaches on the numbers (91kts app, around 80 or so on touch down), and this bad boy doesn't seem to like to stop for me even when I am hard on the brakes. The "float" on landing is really noticeable, but was never mentioned in any of the stuff I read from real life pilots of these things - but it sure feels like a whole lot of "ground effect" for a bigger twin, but then again, as I mentioned, I have always been really lightly loaded, so maybe that contributes to it. I have had more weird little GTN750 oddities with this integration than in any of my other planes (things like the "Home" button getting shown as the "Direct To" sometimes), but I imagine that's all back on Flight1, and again, the AP pitch control is a tad whacky (works better in the 2D panel though). But here's hoping that just a little tweaking will be forthcoming from Alabeo in a service pack, as this time, it feels like they have gotten really close to releasing a very complete aircraft...
  19. Hey, what do you know, now opening a window (or door) in flight, gets you increased wind noise - small little feature, but have always liked it in my A2A planes...
  20. A bit of wear generally adds immersion for me, but it's never a deal breaker - and yeah, the MV737 looks like its been used for a frat house party...
  21. Hmm, really? Ok, guess I have been lucky and not seen it in FSX, but then I do run in 2 monitor mode a lot...
  22. Repeat of my post from the 404 thread I started: "After more than a few initial flights, I am still quite happy with the aircraft - I have however, submitted another bug for the GTN750 integration, as for me, I cannot seem to pan the map with the mouse while the 750 is displayed in the VC, I have to pop it out, and if I turn off instrument reflections, the whole 750 display disappears - so not quite as flawless integration as I have seen in A2A and RealAir offerings. I am only an old glider and ultra-light pilot with some SEL hours in real life, so I have no real basis for evaluating the FDE, other than overall it hand flies nicely and seems to handle how an aircraft of this size and weight would generally fly, that said, I notice that 404 appears to like to float a bit on landing and has really ineffectual brakes, but both of these behaviors might be actually accurate to the real thing..." As per usual with "Alaenado", there are a couple of reference docs in the folder for the plane in FSX, but just some very basic numbers and procedures that appear to have been taken from "photo-copies"...
  23. After more than a few initial flights, I am still quite happy with the aircraft - I have however, submitted another bug for the GTN750 integration, as for me, I cannot seem to pan the map with the mouse while the 750 is displayed in the VC, I have to pop it out, and if I turn off instrument reflections, the whole 750 display disappears - so not quite as flawless integration as I have seen in A2A and RealAir offerings. I am only an old glider and ultra-light pilot with some SEL hours in real life, so I have no real basis for evaluating the FDE, other than overall it hand flies nicely and seems to handle how an aircraft of this size and weight would generally fly, that said, I notice that 404 appears to like to float a bit on landing and has really ineffectual brakes, but both of these behaviors might be actually accurate to the real thing...
  24. Yes, but to be honest I am not sure of the " make" - in appearance and function it is nearly identical to the unit in the Carenado 337, which is somewhat simplistic, but matches the era well, though I am a having small problem with setting the pitch for altitude changes with the AP at the moment - not a huge issue and hopefully remedied in a patch...
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