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steve inwood

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Everything posted by steve inwood

  1. Delete your fsx cfg and start over again try it and see what the outcome is. As much as we love tweak not all are good ! This is mine and she runs like a gem [bufferPools] UsePools=0 [VirtualCopilot] VirtualCopilotActive=0 [sOUND] AmbientUI=0 AmbientUIMusic=FSX01 AmbientUIMusicVolume=-6.000000 PrimaryDevice={07B0E3FE-F91E-4EA0-85AA-4A877B0987FD} SOUND=1 SOUND_FADER1=0.500000 SOUND_FADER2=0.500000 SOUND_FADER3=0.500000 SOUND_FADER4=-0.000000 SOUND_LOD=0 SOUND_QUALITY=2 UISound=0 VoiceDevice={07B0E3FE-F91E-4EA0-85AA-4A877B0987FD} [slewTextInfo.1] AirSpeed=1,5 Altitude=1,3 Heading=1,4 Latitude=1,1 Longitude=1,2 [AContain] LabelColor=FFFF0000 LabelDelay=1000 ShowLabelAirline=0 ShowLabelAirlineAndFlightNumber=0 ShowLabelAirspeed=0 ShowLabelAltitude=0 ShowLabelContainerId=0 ShowLabelDistance=0 ShowLabelFlightPlan=0 ShowLabelHeading=0 ShowLabelManufacturer=0 ShowLabelModel=0 ShowLabelTailNumber=0 ShowLabels=0 ShowUserLabel=0 [DISPLAY.Device.AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series.0] Anisotropic=1 Mode=1920x1080x32 [ATC] AutoOpenAirTrafficWindow=0 COMM_MSG_AI_ATC_COLOR=FFFF7840 COMM_MSG_ATC_AI_COLOR=FF00FF00 COMM_MSG_ATC_USER_COLOR=FFB6FFB6 COMM_MSG_NONE_COLOR=FFFFFFFF COMM_MSG_USER_ATC_COLOR=FFFFD21B PilotVoice=0 ShowATCText=0 UsePilotVoice=0 [TextInfo.1] AirSpeed=1,5 Altitude=1,3 Heading=1,4 Latitude=1,1 Longitude=1,2 WindDirectionAndSpeed=1,6 [AccelerationPack] ControlsFirstRun=0 HomePageFirstRun=0 [iNTERNATIONAL] ASLAT=2 ASLON=0 MEASURE=0 [CONTROLS] Controls_Current=Standard Controls_Default=Standard KBDAIL=64 KBDELEV=64 KBDRUD=64 [FACILITIES] CITY= COUNTRY= GTL_BUTTON=1232 STATE= [TextInfo.3] AirSpeed=1,5 Altitude=1,3 FrameRate=2,1 FuelPercentage=2,4 GForce=2,3 Heading=1,4 Latitude=1,1 LockedFrameRate=2,2 Longitude=1,2 WindDirectionAndSpeed=1,6 [PointOfInterestSystem] CycleSetting=0 [GRAPHICS] AC_SELF_SHADOW=0 AIRCRAFT_REFLECTIONS=1 AIRCRAFT_SHADOWS=0 ALLOW_SHADER_30=1 COCKPIT_HIGH_LOD=1 D3D10=0 EFFECTS_QUALITY=1 ForceFullScreenVSync=1 ForceWindowedVSync=1 GROUND_SHADOWS=0 HIGHMEMFIX=1 IMAGE_QUALITY=0 LANDING_LIGHTS=1 NUM_LIGHTS=8 See_Self=1 TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=1024 TEXTURE_QUALITY=3 Text_Scroll=1 SHADER_CACHE_VERSION=1 SHADER_CACHE_PRIMED_10=1693500673 SHADER_CACHE_PRIMED=1693500673 [TrafficManager] AIRPORT_SCENERY_DENSITY=0 AirlineDensity=0 FreewayDensity=0 GADensity=0 IFROnly=0 LeisureBoatsDensity=10 ShipsAndFerriesDensity=10 [DynamicHeadMovement] HeadMoveTimeConstant=1.000000 LonAccelOnHeadLon=-0.020000 LonAccelOnHeadPitch=-0.010000 MaxHeadAngle=5.000000 MaxHeadOffset=0.300000 RollAccelOnHeadLat=0.010000 RollAccelOnHeadRoll=0.100000 YawAccelOnHeadLat=-0.100000 [REALISM] AllowEngineDamage=False AutoCoord=False AutoTrim=False CrashDetection=False CrashTolerance=1.000000 CrashWithDyn=False GEffect=False General=1.000000 GyroDrift=False GyroEffect=1.000000 ManualLights=True PFactor=1.000000 RealMixture=True StressDamage=False Torque=1.000000 TrueAirspeed=False UnlimitedFuel=False [Weather] AdjustForMagVarInDialog=1 CLOUD_COVERAGE_DENSITY=5 CLOUD_DRAW_DISTANCE=5 DETAILED_CLOUDS=1 DisableTurbulence=0 DownloadWindsAloft=0 DynamicWeather=2 MaxGustRampSpeed=200 MaxGustTime=500 MaxVarRampSpeed=75 MaxVarTime=50 MinGustRampSpeed=1 MinGustTime=10 MinVarRampSpeed=10 MinVarTime=5 THERMAL_VISUALS=0 TurbulenceScale=0.500000 WeatherGraphDataInDialog=0 WeatherServerAddress=fs2k.zone.com WeatherServerPort=80 WindshieldPrecipitationEffects=1 [Misc] Com_Rate=7 [Main] DisablePreload=1 HideInfoText=1 HideMenuFullscreen=1 HideMenuNormal=0 SimObjectPaths.0=SimObjects\Airplanes SimObjectPaths.1=SimObjects\Rotorcraft SimObjectPaths.2=SimObjects\GroundVehicles SimObjectPaths.3=SimObjects\Boats SimObjectPaths.4=SimObjects\Animals SimObjectPaths.5=SimObjects\Misc User Objects=Airplane, Helicopter SimObjectPaths.6=SimObjects\UT2 Aircraft ProcSpeed=20775 PerfBucket=7 Maximized=1 Location=0,0,1920,1080,\\.\DISPLAY1 [Trusted] C:\Program Files (x86)\Flight One Software\Audio Environment\AEMODULE.dll.lnioqakrqceukonwhkwiewcaebiwtoltzunnrkzu=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FS2Crew2010\Versions\PMDG737NGX\Gauges\FS2CrewNGXVoice.GAU.olewqrrhcnqanbbuzcrhkirtazoeauburiatahru=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\Bendix_King_Radio.DLL.zebwkknqcnkwnzwibnnotinuulkcizetobhlbeor=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\Magnetic_Compass.DLL.toacaneabqqooeekalhthbcaiolckhnztehttqnr=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\PMDG_737NGX.DLL.towzrtokcwtwnuqccwrzubqiqbrqrzabqrbrrwwe=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\PMDG_737NGX_3.DLL.wwqrctzlhohunoqhehrceelkuezthnwrnbuuucln=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\PMDG_777X.DLL.qtakihoonrnuuicwthkwnlebqtnizuzqwizokzbu=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\PMDG_777X_3.DLL.wkakrkiwuiaeehntuublinoztaziztiwheirntlc=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.dll.oqzihlklzoclnrawrrcouqririrlnttoknnhoqei=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\PMDG\DLLs\PMDG_HUD_interface.dll.haniahwcrobzzeacorabbzlltblwzkruwkbqwzqw=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\PMDG\DLLs\PMDG_Interface.dll.haihrkkwaakhhcohunqzoencruzonbhitawehkze=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\RAASPRO\RAASPRO.dll.teouuahzeuzrnithnquaawhbbhzcaiunktecktrl=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\VistaMare\ViMaCoreX.dll.tozbtnruortqioretarrkacbiwtcebqhczhnzqit=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\\Flight One Software\Ultimate Traffic 2\UT2Services.exe.unarhbikzznzluzrrhiiiqzulhwheiwhtzkcuktn=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Saitek\DirectOutput\SaiFlightSimX.exe.uwbnecekkttchelrheeqrtbharekktreuuibtarr=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\BoeingGeneric.DLL.hhnbuqkwwuorlcqrzlnblatrtekcntkhntznrheb=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\737-400.DLL.ulkciquartckoootqzobuwtttaoettwnnqwwowko=2 [TextInfo.2] FrameRate=1,1 FuelPercentage=1,4 GForce=1,3 LockedFrameRate=1,2 [uSERINTERFACE] Map_Orientation=2 OpenATCOnCreate=0 PAUSE_ON_LOST_FOCUS=0 PROMPT_ON_EXIT=0 PageID=1 SHOW_MISSION_CAPTIONS=0 SITUATION=FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM SelectAircraftManufacturer=All SelectAircraftPublisher=All SelectAircraftType=All ShowAllACPaintSchemes=1 [sIM] SYSCLOCK=1 [Display] ActiveWindowTitleBackGroundColor=0,28,140,64 ActiveWindowTitleTextColor=255,255,255 BLOOM_EFFECTS=0 ChangeTime=4.000000 InfoBrakesEnable=True InfoLowerLeftBackGroundColor=255,0,0,128 InfoLowerLeftTextColor=255,255,255 InfoLowerRightBackGroundColor=255,0,0,128 InfoLowerRightTextColor=255,255,255 InfoOverspeedEnable=True InfoParkingBrakesEnable=True InfoPauseEnable=True InfoSlewEnable=True InfoStallEnable=True InfoUpperRightBackGroundColor=0,0,0,0 InfoUpperRightTextColor=255,0,0 NonActiveWindowTitleBackGroundColor=24,33,87,64 NonActiveWindowTitleTextColor=255,255,255 SKINNED_ANIMATIONS=1 TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT=40 TextureMaxLoad=30 TransitionTime=4.000000 UPPER_FRAMERATE_LIMIT=0 WideViewAspect=True [JOBSCHEDULER] AffinityMask=14 [slewTextInfo.3] AirSpeed=1,5 Altitude=1,3 FrameRate=2,1 Heading=1,4 Latitude=1,1 LockedFrameRate=2,2 Longitude=1,2 [PANELS] DEFAULT_VIEW=0 IMAGE_QUALITY=1 PANEL_MASKING=1 PANEL_OPACITY=100 PANEL_STRETCHING=1 QUICKTIPS=0 UNITS_OF_MEASURE=0 [sTARTUP] DEMO=0 LoadWindow=1 SHOW_OPENING_SCREEN=1 STARTUP_DEMO=0 [slewTextInfo.2] FrameRate=1,1 LockedFrameRate=1,2 [TERRAIN] TERRAIN_MAX_AUTOGEN_TREES_PER_CELL=2000 TERRAIN_MAX_AUTOGEN_BUILDINGS_PER_CELL=1000 AUTOGEN_DENSITY=3 DETAIL_TEXTURE=1 LOD_RADIUS=4.000000 MESH_COMPLEXITY=100 MESH_RESOLUTION=25 SWAP_WAIT_TIMEOUT=2 TEXTURE_RESOLUTION=29 WATER_EFFECTS=6 [sCENERY] DAWN_DUSK_SMOOTHING=0 IMAGE_COMPLEXITY=4 LENSFLARE=0 MAX_ASYNC_BATCHING_JOBS=3 SmallPartRejectRadius=4.0 [FlightPlanMap] LineWidth=2 SHOW_AIRPORTS=1 SHOW_VORS=1 SHOW_NDBS=1 SHOW_APPROACHES=1 SHOW_INTERSECTIONS=1 SHOW_VICTOR=0 SHOW_JET=0 SHOW_AIRSPACE=1 SHOW_FLIGHTPLAN=1 SHOW_WEATHERSTATIONS=1 SHOW_WEATHERSYSTEMS=1 SHOW_DATATAGS=1 SHOW_TERRAIN=1 show_waypoints=1 show_airways=1 show_markers=1 show_volume_boundaries=1 show_ac_twr=1 [MAPVIEW_MAP] SHOW_AIRPORTS=1 SHOW_VORS=1 SHOW_NDBS=1 SHOW_APPROACHES=1 SHOW_INTERSECTIONS=0 SHOW_VICTOR=0 SHOW_JET=0 SHOW_AIRSPACE=1 SHOW_FLIGHTPLAN=1 SHOW_WEATHERSTATIONS=1 SHOW_WEATHERSYSTEMS=1 SHOW_DATATAGS=1 SHOW_TERRAIN=1 show_flight_history=1 [WeatherMap] SHOW_AIRPORTS=0 SHOW_VORS=0 SHOW_NDBS=0 SHOW_APPROACHES=0 SHOW_INTERSECTIONS=0 SHOW_VICTOR=0 SHOW_JET=0 SHOW_AIRSPACE=0 SHOW_FLIGHTPLAN=1 SHOW_WEATHERSTATIONS=1 SHOW_WEATHERSYSTEMS=1 SHOW_DATATAGS=1 SHOW_TERRAIN=1 [MULTIPLAYER] condAccoutPassword=0 VoiceVolume=-0.000000
  2. Just flew into a big storm over Europe. Fantastic wing flex
  3. This was a strange fsx issue not t7 related I have tried to make it do it again and it won't
  4. Good man marked as solved so others can benefit
  5. Good one I should have tried that Im doing aussie this weekend. Stopping off too
  6. that will be uploaded either tonight or first thing tomorrow hang on a mo bare with me
  7. Yeah I will try again see if it happens. then if so i will post a pic thanks
  8. Yeah if you use the rejectthreshold you can use lower water setting yeah But remember its either rejectthreshold= .... or Usepools=0 don't use both together m8 so option 1 - [bufferPools] UsePools=0 option 2 - [bufferPools] RejectThreshold=131072
  9. Ok guys this is a updated version of the trim sound for those who thought the previous one was alittle distant in sound around the vc http://www.mediafire.com/?7kxq3tcco68yrac Just drop it in the Various folder Microsoft Flight Simulator X / Sound / PMDG / 737NGX / VARIOUS .... REMEMBER TO BACK UP YOUR ORIGINALS GUYS !
  10. Yeah not sure be interesting to know maybe Kyle could shed some light on this for us Steve
  11. Yeah i know what you mean. Well this is a very complex soundpack and it can be done to what your wanting to hear, but to be honest I would not touch the sound.cfg personally even though im capable of doing it. The FSX sound engine gives you the option in the coding to place something called Fullscaledistance= ... By doing this your telling fsx to allow the user to hear the sounds from a certain distance. i.e quiet from a far and louder up cloud depending on where your watching the aircraft on the sim. Because I don't have time Because It would be an insult to Armen. Sorry buddy !
  12. Okay guys update. as of 06/09/13 If you remember recently i did a updated version of the Nosewheel Roll for the NGX. A few people have asked if i could add the rattle with that aswell Answer is yes and here it is - http://www.mediafire.com/?so4srs3aa7bd0cv REMEMBER TO BACK UP YOUR ORIGINALS GUYS ! To install it just replace it with the previous one in the following path - Microsoft Flight Simulator X / Sound / PMDG / 737NGX / VARIOUS .... There will be a few more things to follow this weekend !
  13. Do you mean that when watching it from tower or flyby view it doesn't sound distant ? and louder as it comes towards you. Its all to do with coding the Full scale distants in the sound cfg
  14. Just got to cruise on the BA 777 . I have noticed that the leading edge slats are still abit down. But the flaps are up and it says they are up in the screen. Is this normal ? my altitue is 37000 and my speed is fine Not sure if it's something i have not done in the CDU or does this aircraft sometimes do that for stability Thanks Steve
  15. I have done this before and sometimes it pays to put 1 scenery or addon in at a time and run it for a time to try and eliminate what the cause could be. The only place i get OOM's is flying in to djerba X But if i deselect the airports im not going to use on my flight in the fsx scenery lib i don't get it Steve
  16. Clear your internet cache try again I have just been on and its working here m8 so i don't think there is any issues but have another go buddy
  17. I have tried to crash this in the sim by swichting views opening fsx menu's on purpose! I just can't crash it extremely stable addon guys
  18. If you get flashing artifacts with bp=0 then use this instead will make the system more stable Remember most people can use Bufferpools =0 but it does come at a price like having to place the water to at least x2 high its been proven that in most not all cases this can stop the flashing graphics. Otherwise try that below Put it at the top of the fsx.cfg [bufferPools] RejectThreshold=131072
  19. Manchester EGCC - just touched down 40 mins ago from Yekaterinburg
  20. I find having a minimum of 80mile draw distants on the clouds help a great deal. Some people get away with having that cranked up but im currently using a ati card and the performance on the fsx clouds with then cards is not as good as Nvidia. All my other settings are max but no ground shadows nor no aircraft shadows fsx cloud density MAX use rex non hd clouds and ase for the weather engine. Steve
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