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About AUA122

  • Birthday 02/27/1976

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  1. Hi Chris, thank you for your very honest words. Sometimes fate strikes hard and then all bad things happen at once. It really needs courage and most people in your situation would give up. Great to see you did not. I am really rooting for you, not just because you are creating wonderful flightsimhardware, but you are a very nice and honest guy. You just wanted to share your passion for flightsimming with us and what happend was not your intention. I belive in you and in Fulcrum and wish you all the best for the future. Good things sometimes needs patience and time. 😉 I am so happy with my Fulcrum Yoke, was one of the best invenstments i made in over 30 years of flightsimming. I loved your throttle since you announced it with kickstarter. Was a nobrainer to order it. 🙂 Looking forward, kind regards Chris (from Austria) 😄
  2. I've made only good experiences with Chris and his company. I'm a hundred percent sure, we will get our throttles. The global situation with resources and parts and their prices is very unpredictable atm. In my company we ordered new hardware for our server and network infrastructure about a year ago and you can do almost nothing against it. just be patient and be happy when you get some parts. So the statement of Chris makes absolute sense to me. Keep that in mind too before judging him. I'm sure he does his best to get out all orders. We will get our throttles and have good times with it in the sim.
  3. Thanks for the update Chris! The yoke is already a gamechanger, the combination with the throttle will be awesome. The wait will be worth it and i am looking forward to the Lever upgrade too 😄 Fingers crossed, everything goes fine. Chris
  4. Yayyyyy! Thank you Chris - was an instant order for me - this is christmas and birthday together 🙂 And the Pro Jetliner Levers look fantastic, much better than in the kickstarter!!!! Cant wait to get them too 😄 Thank you for continuing development! regards Chris
  5. I'm sorry Ado198 to hear that. As said in my case Fulcrum was not the problem it was the customs and the problem that UK is not in EU anymore. In my case the yoke was not processed by UPS, because they had not all my adress data to deliver the yoke. That was really strange and i had to contact a few departments of UPS to get this resolved. First they said it is customs after almost 4 weeks it turned out it was missing adress data:(. I still would not have the yoke, if i did not start to investigate and resolve the problem myself. The communication with Fulcrum was perfect, i got answer almost instantly and they were really supportive. One last thing i missed some mails from Fulcrum, because of the junk-filter of my e-mail program. hope you get the yoke back soon. But i guarantee you the wait is worth it. My yoke not only was repaired and works like a dream (buttersmooth movement, no spikes), they completely refurbished it. i had a small scratch on top of the yoke case, which is not there anymore. And i kept the small screw that fixes the handle on the Yokebase. They simply added a new one. It was like a new yoke. regards Chris
  6. Hi, thank you very much Chris for your great support with my Yoke. Although the shipping between EU and UK is a challange, but finally everything worked fine and i got the yoke back in September. The service itself was made instantly by Fulcrum, as said the shipping and customs took about two months but Chris of Fulcrum really was super supportive. The yoke works like a dream now, buttersmooth movement and no spikes. I'm very happy with this yoke and the support of Fulcrum. Throttlequadrant next 🙂 kind regards Chris
  7. Thats super news! :) Thanks a lot! Chris
  8. I'm looking forward - watch this: https://fulcrumsim.com/product/fulcrum-one-throttle-pre-order/ :)
  9. That's fantastic news! Count me in for pre order! best regards Chris
  10. Hi, i have exact the same problem. Is no big deal with planes where the autopilot ignores controller inputs, but with aircrafts like the FENIX Airbus, the spikes leading to autopilot disconnect. The spikes don't have an impact on manual flying, i love the yoke handling while manually flying. Calibration is ok and did not solve the problem. I played around with greater deadzones, but the spikes are to strong to be filtered. I've sent a mail to Fulcrumsim already. Chris
  11. I have to admit, that I belong to this group of headbangers too:). The NGX was the reason to change definitely to fsx. Combination NGX and TIR is awesome. The level of this aircraft is outstanding. Its everytime a pleasure to do the checks. Its wonderful to look outside the window and see the strobelights illuminating the ground in the evening. Its cool to taxi and look around in the cockpit with TIR. Its fantastic to watch the wingflex while in the air. Simply everything you're doing is amazing. After nearly 50 flights the satisfaction is as big as at the first one. Its worth every penny - thank you PMDG, regardsChris
  12. Andy, from this point of view, i would agree with you. But i'm sure that the rate of developement will drop dramatically. You have to find a system for the production, because every project (Aircraft-Training) will be different to realize. Its not possible to produce a video based on a non-fnished aircraft. So they started from 0 with the day of the release. Every system needs some preperation and oil to run smoothly:). I understand both sides. If i could get a vid from AOA every day i wouldn't be angry about it. As a developer you have a plan, you spent tons of hours in working out a project, everything looks fine, you inform your customers about your new product and give out the roadmap. If there are probems, the customers often dont understand, that only a little small problem could stop the whole machine. That should be no excuse for false promises or delays. Everyone of us has to do his job, and everyone of us tries to do it perfectly. Its not a developers intention to frustrate the customers, they want a working thing. And they are most frustrated themselves, if something doesn't work as planned or expected. And if someone don't get what he/she's expecting then ist ok to get a refund. And its ok to express disapointment. As you stated in you last line, even if a product is not satisfying, things can be handled with respect. Happy landings,Chris
  13. Hi, I stumbled over AOA while waiting for the release of the 737ngx. Impressed by the Demo-Videos i wanted to join the 737-Training. I followed the progress of the project and was not sure if i should buy the course. Meanwhile i joined the Aviator90-Training and was very impressed by the quality and presentation of the videos. Its a completely different kind of learning. I like the combination of animated pictures, presentation sequences and spoken word. So i decided to join the 737-Training. I've bought several printed tutorials, and they are pretty good written, but i can't compare them to the videos of AOA. Yes there are "only" 2 videos available atm. I first wondered too, why to have an own video for aircraft lightening. But now i not only know, when to push or pull the switches as a procedure, I now know exactly how the lights are working. Same for the second video about warning-systems. And the style of the presentation is really good. First you'll get an overview about the following section, then you get the knowledge and at the end there is a repitition about what you have heard - great work! If you are really interested in flying AND understanding the 737ngx you will enjoy the training. Reallife pilots need several years of training and shool before they are able to fly the aircraft. They don't get all knowledge within a few weeks. And I'm sure AOAs machine is warmed up now and they optimized their production:).Almost 100 hours high quality videos for 79$ plus some extras is definitely worth waiting a bit:). The really nice thing is, you can watch the videos again and again:).... (best learning effect will be to repeat the stuff a few times). hope, my English isn't to bad:),happy landingsChris
  14. Hello, as far as i know, the liveries have to be reinstalled after the installation of the hotfix! And its is possible that you need to fix the domelight too - there is a sticky thread in the forum. regardsChris
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