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  1. Reading posts on here is a way to break of the slow day thats for sure. I liked the initial request for information, customer service is a lost art these days and PMDG provides a great product and has good customer service just slow on the information sharing. At least they aren't some other companies I am sure most of you may of delt with with same type of products.Nothing is unreasonable to ask, we spend alot of money for this hobby of ours and buy some expensive add on hardware that to work properly needs the SDK. Legal process is a slow and painful one and we are willing to do it right as users to keep this company viable to make more and better FSX addon aircraft. Just some word would be nice, to appease the curiosity gene. Not like we are threatening to Occupy there headquarters till we get the 99% happy or anything. just MHO.
  2. Best part of simulation world is you can do what ever you want. If you want to simulate real world then limits of the aircraft are just that. You will have to flight plan for a stop between EGLL and KJFK to refuel as the real plane would have to. It is up to you how realistic you want to fly.Don
  3. nVidia just released new drivers. Has anyone tried them to determine if there is any impact good or bad on 737NGX? I agree with Marco, as when I first installed 737NGX on my FSX it was an older build I had been using for some time and I had the Flight Simulator X folder inside my Program Files (x86) folder which I even though set up as administrator don't have complete control over. When I rebuilt my FSX computer from scratch, new HDD, Windows 7 Pro 64bit and updated it, then installed every part of FSX one at a time, starting inbetween each Add on making sure it loaded right and moving to the next. Its a slow process, can not be rushed. I am seeing on average 17 to 25fps on the PMDG 737NGX now. My video cards are older GTS-250s with 1gig and I am looking to upgrade but in the mean time, I was wondering about the new drivers.
  4. I really think a majority of you would complain if you got hung with a new rope.. "It chafe's". It's frustrating to wait, but complaining about it won't help it come out any faster. If PMDG didn't provide the quality they did and just through products out there without regards to fixing issues then they'd be another Flight Sim company now wouldn't they?
  5. The scenerio provided was to perform manual takeoff and then vectors to the LAX VOR using the LOOP6 departure. Part of it was to only engage autopilot after 5000'. the SMO R-160 was about 1.1 nm out from KLAX and I was gear up, Flaps up and crossed at approx 2500 ft with a 2800 or 2900 FPM climb then executed a left to 235. I asked about the N1 setting in this forum as it was the N1 I was having concerns about. IT was following the FMS programming up till I reached SMO and then the vectors cleared and the next waypoint KEGGS was active in my FMS and then proceeded to push N1 for 301 knots. I can not change to speed setting and adjust to 250 or less unless autopilot is engaged.
  6. Okay, let me set up the scenerio here. I am doing a loop6.dag departure out of LAX and the N1 is set for 86% so I start my take off run. Part of the constraint is no LNAV/VNAV below 5000' so manual flight. The FMS has LAX(init) as first point, vectors for second and KEGGS for third. Altitude is 415 to 3000 for initial then vectors to heading 235 for 15 nm out of LAX following the charts. ATC altitude is 10,000 or higher upon crossing LAX VOR. My issue is, when I take off I have Autothrottle set and is accelerating the FMS has appropriate speeds for below 10,000 of 250kts or less all is great. When I hit the R-160 from SMO point and execute the left to 235 degrees on my climb out 2800-3000' per minute the FMS changes and startes to drive speed to 301kts. How can I keep the FMS from changing till I tell it to switch to KEGGS?
  7. If everyone had the same motherboard, same processor, same video cards, same amount/type of memory, same hard drives with the same operating system, updates, and service packs then I could understand the hostility against PMDG with this plane not functioning right. But since we live in reality and not fantasy world, the reality is all of our systems are different no matter how small. FSX was designed for XP on a 32bit system and no SLI... But how many of us are using Vista 32/64bit?? How many are using Windows 7 32/64 bit?? What addons are being installed, some addon's don't play well with others. Some addons require their location in the DLL.XML file to be perfect. Are all the drivers up to date, are you using VATSIM, IVAO??? REX/Active Sky/Ground Enviornment/FS Global all of these take impacts on FSX. Just saying
  8. For someone to make a statement that well mine worked great with hot fix 4, 3, 1 or what ever is GOOD for you!! I had the same freeze up issues when I first installed it... Frustrating to say the least as this was the only product doing it and after a few hours of messing with my FSX, I did what some suggested and started from scratch.... Windows 7 64bit Professional with all updates, drivers and had it completely working.... Cleaned old files, cache and defrag the HD. Then I installed my FSX with accelleration.... Remember the key to FSX and add ons is to not get impatient. It takes time you need to install, run, make sure your add on is working and then move to the next and start it all over again. Story being said, 4 days later I have my FSX all installed and ready to go.... 737NGX, no hot fixes, no SP.. Straight as I bought it, working with 14 to 20 fps no freezes. Following some of the tweaking guides helped me get FSX ready for high end addon like this. My system is not much different than anyone elses here with an i7-950, 12 gigs ram, two galaxy GTS-250 1 gig video cards, 2 - 500 gig hard drives. Clean install is one of the best things to do with FSX when it starts acting strange. One of the lessons learned as well, FSX directory on the C: drive not in the x86 folder, I created a FSX addon folder on my C: drive as well and put all the addons in there, and I took ownership of both directories from the System Administrator. Remember with Windows 7, ownership is 90% of the battle. I love this plane, and it was a long wait for PMDG to get it out and in hind sight it was worth it... But its not for everyone, if your system is older or not at least i5 range then you may wanna consider an upgrade. I am looking at new video cards myself at the moment as my next investment into this crazy world of flight sim addiction. Don
  9. That might be directed more to Lockheed. It is supposed to be based on FSX but they took it to a new level, and say FSX planes will work. But I'd kind of think there has to be a catch. Don
  10. in FSUIPC Buttons+Switches tab1.aircraft specific, or not your choice2.select for fs control3.we will now set throttle 1, the you can repeat it for the other engines. A-in the upper box choose "Throttle 1 Decr" (when button pressed engine goes reverse mode) B-select the option "Control to repeat while held" (this option is for the reverser to go all the way back) C-in the lower box select "Throttle 1 Cut" (when you pull up the lever the engine will exit the reverse mode)doing these steps you should have a full reverse mode for each engine independent Was advise I received when I had issues and it works great. Don
  11. There is some possibility with the multi panel using the PMDG NGX keyboard command setup. The 747X was very good to set up cause you defined the switches. Should be the same when you set up the FD, Auto Throttle by using Keyboard commands in the SPAD configuration. Example how the PMDG747X was configured is in this link; http://fstools.weebly.com/forum.html#nabble-td714063 I just completed rebuilding my FSX Computer with FS9 on a different drive and will be do all my configurations over the next week this being one of them. My Comm panel works pretty much without tweaking with 737 and the switch panel has some functionality without tweaking. But for true switch command relationship we may have to wait for PMDG to allow SDK... Other wise another option is assign a button command to a FSUIPC CFG setting. DonGigabyte X58A-UD3R, i7-950, 12gigs, 2 Galaxy GTS-250 1gig, 1 TB
  12. I think typcially, 737ngx has so much going on, that low FPS is kinda the norm. I fly other planes and get 20 to 50fps, and with 737 it ranges from 7 to 21. I have two monitors running with two GTS-250's. I am sure if I upgraded to a new video card it may improve some, just working with what I have at the moment. Don
  13. The only stupid question is the one not asked. For those of you blasting the person who started it.. Who made you computer Gods???? People get computers that fit their budgets, not everyone can keep up with all the latest trends and still want the quality that PMDG put forth in this aircraft but with fewer high end things... If PMDG can work it then great and they capture a market they didn't have with the those people. They have already captured it with a high quality plane, and customer service. Keep asking questions.... Only ones that have anything to loose by those asking is the companies who ignore their customers. And from my view, PMDG hasn't ignored their customers by the release of the Hotfixes within days after issues were identified. Don
  14. If your using teamspeak as a stand alone, it will stay on the channel you have selected no matter what you do to the comm panel on NGX. If its configured to use as a VVL then it will stay on that channel as well. Only the ATC frequencies are changed by the standby then switch to active window. FSINN does require some exact installation procedures and if not followed could result in undesirable results.Verify your installation with this: http://forums.vatsim.net/viewtopic.php?t=20466 Hope it resolves any issues. Don
  15. Is there something different about the keyboard commands with NGX? Reason I ask, is I have the Aerosoft Package 747-400X (PMDG) and when I set up the MCP, Lights and other commands with a key command (shift+ctrl+A for example) I put that command in the SPAD program that allows my Saitek multi panel, switch panel to operate those inputs and they work. However, I put the same setup in NGX and they work on the actual keyboard, but do nothing when I push the button on the panels. For example, the Autotrottle is set already at Shift+F and I set that in my program and that one turns it off, but not on. But if I hit the keyboard Shift+F, it works. I am at a loss for this. I was following someone elses Saitek Panel configuration idea as posted in the forum's on the S.P.A.D. web site.Multipanel:AP = Autopilot engage (L)NAV = LNAVIAS = SPD HOLDALT = ALT HOLDVS = VNAVAPR = APPROACH HOLDREV = LOCALIZER HOLD AT = AUTO THROTTLEFLAPS DN = AUTOPILOT DISENGAGEFLAPS UP = FLIGHT DIRECTOR TOGGLEPITCH TRIM = PITCH TRIM Switch Panel:ALL LIGHTBUTTONS = LIGHTSCOWL/CLOSE = PARKINGBREAK ON/OFF (Actually dont know what cowl/close is, thats why :))SELECTOR SWITCH:STEP 1 = AUTO B RTOSTEP 2 = OFFSTEP 3 = AUTO B 1STEP 4 = AUTO B 3STEP 5 = AUTO B FULL Radiopanel:Nothing special (Switch button now switches standby frequency with active) Quadrant:BLUE= FLAPS CONTROLRED = SPOILERS CONTROL BUTTONS UNDER ENGINE1UP= FUEL CUT OFF TOGGLEDN= ENGINE START SWITCH (THE PULLBUTTONS TO START THE ENGINE ON THE OVERHEADPANEL)SAME FOR ALL ENGINES. UNDER THE RED, UP = SPOILERS ARM Like I mentioned, worked great for the 747, but having issues with 737NGX. Don
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