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Everything posted by XCLTM3

  1. PLEASE DISREGARD THIS POST - I FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT LITERALLY 2 MINUTES AFTER POSTING - COULDN'T DELETE THE POST! Anyone have an idea on how to light up the VC just like it is illustrated in this pic? I've tried virtually every lighting switch in every possible config but can't get replicate it. nb: OVHD/CB Switch, Glareshield Pnl/Flood, etc to no avail. Appreciate your assistance. PS: I'm not after the Storm Lighting or Dome half/full Lighting. Rgds,
  2. XCLTM3

    Default Trans Alt

    OK Martin, so it's not just me....phew! I wonder if Ryan (Tabs) has marked this yet as a possible glitch for technical to look at. Steve
  3. XCLTM3

    Default Trans Alt

    Hi John, I'm loading the default PMDG "Short" panel state. Even so, within the PMDG settings, before I commence inputing all the flight data into the FMS, I check the default trans alt setting and it is showing as 10,000 (precisely as I had set it). Are you suggesting I save my own panel state with the default setting at 10,000 and that should do? Thanks in advance...
  4. Yes Elliott, apparently it's EZDOK. I have to disable the middle mouse wheel button and I'll get the PMDG functionality.
  5. I've accessed this item from the FMS>PMDG SETUP>AIRCRAFT>EUIPMENT menu and set it to the Trans Alt in Australia ie 10,000ft. However, each time I'm inputting data for a new flight within Australia, I notice in the VNAV page of the FMS, that the default is still showing as 18,000ft as in the USA. (ie Climb page, and Descend Forecast page). Can anyone enlighten me please as to why this may be occurring? Much appreciated. Rgds,
  6. According to the PMDG 777 Introduction Manual (pg 126), rather than click each light switch individually to engage/disengage, you can use your mouse middle/wheel click to engage all 3. I have tried this numerous times without success. I have to revert to clicking each one manually. Can anyone out there elaborate on this? Much obliged. Rgds,
  7. According to the PMDG 777 Introduction Manual (pg 126), rather than click each light switch individually to engage/disengage, you can use your mouse middle/wheel click to engage all 3. I have tried this numerous times without success. I have to revert to clicking each one manually. Can anyone out there elaborate on this? Much obliged. Rgds,
  8. I can only say that my experience with the 777 so far, in relation to FPS has been phenomenal. My system is now 3.5 years old, and at best would be considered mid-range. I've followed all of Word Not Allowed's tweaks to the letter. I've also removed autogen completely as I personally didn't see any point to having it there. Everything else is pretty much maxed out (except water is at mid 2) I'm getting the same if not better frames in all scenarios as compared to the NGX (though the NGX was no slouch FPS wise for me either). Take a look at my specs and you'll see there's no big grunt hardware in there. My suggestion would be to just revisit all your cfg's and make sure everything is set right according to Word Not Allowed's instructions. Best of luck with it... Rgds,
  9. I still experience this problem from time to time (I also have the same joystick - I've used it for about 2-3 years now). The only thing I found which helps alleviate the problem most of the time, is to: 1. shut FSX down 2. unplug the joystick from the USB connector 3. restart the PC 4. connect the joystick, give the joystick about 60 seconds to talk to the PC and re-calibrate 5. then start up FSX again and see how you go. I have also tried what Roberto mentioned above, but found this didn't solve the issue. That said, still try what Roberto suggests and see how it goes. It's some kind of glitch with the Extreme 3D Pro for sure. Rgds,
  10. I just tested this again. 1. I was previously using Assumed Temp take-offs (between 65 - 70) in any case.....that didn't help the situation. 2. I decided to try Oliver's (olli4740) suggestion regarding A/T Override - set to NEVER. 3. Departed YBBN on Short Fuel Load, and the bird stayed at V2 + 20 right after take-off. Excellent. (same flight & take-off cfg's as previously flown) This worked a treat for me. Thx olli! Rgds,
  11. I've experienced this problem also. It seems that the MCP set speed is being ignored after take-off. I've even tried pressing the rotary Speed dial on the MCP just after take-off to see if that has the desired effect. NB: I've been using SHORT fuel loads (predetermined by the FMS) for short 60-90 min hops. It's not a huge issue, but I'm interested to know why the 777 does this as opposed to other Boeings. Rgds,
  12. Anyone out there know how to program the FMS to carry out an enroute offset? eg: Bad Weather avoidance. Could do it on the NGX, but haven't been able to work it out on the new bird. Rgds, Steve
  13. Anyone out there know how to program the FMS to carry out an enroute offset? eg: Bad Weather avoidance. Could do it on the NGX, but haven't been able to work it out on the new bird. Rgds, Steve
  14. Agree. Hopefully PMDG can address this little issue soon.
  15. Hi Justin, yeah, I realize how I can resolve it from my end, but I don't want to do that each & every time I open up the Ops Center. I use the DPI setting for all else in Windows. Be nice just to have the Ops centre handle it. Rgds, Steve
  16. Just wanted to ask if PMDG can do something about the message I receive each time I open up the Ops Center & download/install updates: "Your system is currently set for a non-standard DPI. PMDG Ops Center does not currently support high DPI scaling". Much appreciated. BTW: I think the Ops Center is an ingenious product integration. Well done! Rgds, Steve
  17. Hi PMDG, not a huge issue in the scheme of things, but I just wanted to ask if you guys could re-jig the ops centre to allow for differing sizes of fonts, etc. I keep getting the following message each time I open up (& download any updates) on the ops centre: "Your system is currently set for a nonstandard DPI. PMDG Ops Center does not currently support high-DPI scaling". Thanks for your attention. Rgds, Steve
  18. Hi PMDG, not a huge issue in the scheme of things, but I just wanted to ask if you guys could re-jig the ops centre to allow for differing sizes of fonts, etc. I keep getting the following message each time I open up (& download any updates) on the ops centre: "Your system is currently set for a nonstandard DPI. PMDG Ops Center does not currently support high-DPI scaling". Thanks for your attention. Rgds, Steve
  19. XCLTM3

    Boeing 777 & HGS?

    Thx Ryan. I find it odd how the 777 carriers worldwide appear as though HGS is not an imperative. And yet, the 787 carriers for the most part are opting for it.
  20. XCLTM3

    Boeing 777 & HGS?

    Interesting....I know the A380 & the 787 use HGS.
  21. Just a question for my learned friends out there....do any 777 carriers utilize HGS with their aircraft? Rgds, Steve
  22. Thx gents, I'll wait for the GSX update to ensure I don't screw things up..... Rgds
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