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Ed van de Vijver

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About Ed van de Vijver

  • Birthday 04/08/1955

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  • Location
    Hilversum, Netherlands
  • Interests
    Aviation, Simulation

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  1. I'm not sure if it is allready adressed, but on Xplane 11.11 with the latest version of MCE and the latest version of Zibo Mod 737 the handling of heading selection and arming spoilers don't work anymore.
  2. Isn't it about what you want to, instead of what you have to?
  3. Does upgrading to W10 mean you have to install everything all over again? Edit: I figured out there's a choice between updrade and custom (clean) install. Does anyone have experience with the upgrade option on the machine where P3d is installed?
  4. How about the rwy lights on Aerosoft airports like LEBL??
  5. I had the same problems with Fly Tampa EKCH, after trying a lot of things that didn't work, I changed the textures (under Options) to 512 and the OOM didn't occur after that. To my surprise I didn't notice any loss of image quality. Hope this helps you.
  6. He said the wheels were spinning and talked about autobreak not working on landing, don't think that has anything to do with axis assignments.
  7. Done! 20% discount when ordering more then one product.
  8. I think that is a good idea.... let me think....
  9. Just want to let you know the Dash 8 Throttle Lever Set is available now http://seebee-creations.com/index.php?id_product=24&controller=product&id_lang=1
  10. Just want to let you know the Dash 8 Throttle Lever Set is available now http://seebee-creations.com/index.php?id_product=24&controller=product&id_lang=1
  11. Throttle Set for the Dash 8 will be available next week :smile:
  12. For now, there is Airbus, B777 and B737 NGX. Dash 8 should'n be to hard, so I will consider this. But I don't know how many demand there will be. Sure I'll be happy to make a set specially for you, but there will be a higher price for that.
  13. Just want you to know that there are reduced shipping rates to all countries in- and outside Europe (except The Netherlands) now. I added the option for shipping without track & Trace, which means 6 euro less shipment fees for example to USA and Canada. Check it out on http://seebee-creations.com
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