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  1. https://secure.simmarket.com/snow-palm-studios-sps-8-q4ng-msfs.phtml Even though they're not officially calling it that, for all intents and purposes it is pretty much a Dash 8-400. This product is bad. Really bad. Like FS 2002 Abacus bad. Any old timers here will remember that company. Here is the first video review posted:
  2. Just out of curiosity what ever happend to the Antonov An-2 that was supposed to be one of the first local legends releases ? Is that still stuck in legal limbo because of licencing issues ?
  3. First review of this product, btw I highly recommend this channel.
  4. Sorry, I meant to say historical hurricanes will be modeled. I do wonder how the weather engine would handle something as complex as a hurricane. I feel like this add on will have a lot of nice eye candy, but not something terriby realistic from a physics point of view.
  5. https://sofly.io/storm/ It's going to be interesting to see how they model things like hurricanes. Looking forward to the trailer.
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