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Everything posted by flyingnoob

  1. hey wayne, thanks. although i have posted on several forums, i think this is WAY out of my league. being a newcomer to even flight sim(5 years but last 3.5 i havent touched fs as i had a baby( lol although "I" didnt actually have it ) lol I started with flight unlimiteds cheap and cheerful thing and got hooked. my solution for the moment - i feel as if i should cancel my help requests and just stick with throwing in a few buildings on flat surfaces using instant scenery 2 as this is really frying my head, at the end of the day all this is "only easy if you know how". I appreciate all the help with advice and the links. kind regards paul
  2. hey joe thanks. i have used sketchup briefly before but not for anything like this, i have no idea how to import/export images or turn them into bgl files and put them into fs. I realise i have ALOT to learn, hence why i thought is would be easier, and over the nxt few months i will get the other one. I have just managed to convince the wife to fork out some cash, so i can go and pull the trigger just now, so i am going to have another shot of both demos to see which i prefer. although is is probably the one i prefer just now.
  3. hey folks, i had a look at gmax and oaft - it looks pretty hardcore!! all i managed to make after 4 hours was a coypke of spheres, a few cones and aome cubes! soooo - its either instant scenery or instant object, i can only raise funds for one of them, unfortunately. I am kidding myself by wanting reasonably accurate designs so i will accept the next best thng. I want to create oil refineries, train stations, a couple of football stadiums, of which instant scenery has straight fron the off with just a little height/width adjustments which is easy enough done, but i wont be able to get any accuracy in it whatsoever. if i get the other one i can get it reasonably accurate, but takes longer(i do have time and a little more patience than using gmax). ok so i will have problems with both understanding about backing it up and maybe getting round to uploading something back to avsim, ie things like refineries - mossmorran in fife, and grangemouth. what is the preferred out both of these? thanks
  4. Hey many, that's me stumped already, - polygons, drag and drop, compiling it, then using I/S, I think I need to do a heck of a lot of reading and then some. Its a bit confusing when offered to put stuff in libraries and the likes. I could barely manage using instant object, trying to suss out a few things, - I guess trial and error will help, although i don't want to bugger things up, putting files in wrong places etc. Thanks a lot manny. Paul
  5. Hey Jim, thanks. Instant scenery will do me I think. Thanks again Paul
  6. Hey Manny thanks. I think I will stick with both flight1's instant 2 and instant object, - that gmax looks over complicated for me - just now anyway. I guess that's a perfect example of backing stuff up, something I aint done at all yet. Now if only F1 would give me a freebie Paul
  7. Hi Jim, thanks Yeah I read the above, most links are outdated or domains for sale etc, also from what I seen most links are for fs200/fs2004 or payware. I am looking at instant scenery 2 and playing with the demo @ ksea, and a few of the things - people, some hangers etc and some oil refinery bits and bobs can be used also. worth the £20? probably, even the small airfield could use some hangers that don't even look real life. Some of the posts in the link have 4 or 5 links in one, and its pretty mindblowing what its all about, and i'm not sure whats needed for what job etc. I will have another look at it, and see what I can make of it. Thanks Jim Paul
  8. Hey folks, I need some beginners help with scenery design, I have no idea where to start, but what I would like to do is ti make things like, my local football ground, shopping centre (my house lol) you get the idea. Where do I start? I have no idea what afcads are, and no idea what to do with them - or bgl's etc etc I am a complete noob, in need of help. Thanks Paul To add, - I use UTX and GEX
  9. 3d clouds @2048, cirrus @2048, water @512 waves @1024 the rest on dxt5/1 Oh the clouds are doing a great job, I just ploughed into a mountain going to lsgs :rolleyes:
  10. I wouldn.t mind an update - some nice shiny new engines, some air stewardesses. but realistically, I would like this sort of stuff to line up, where the engine meets its mounts or even if it gets neatened:
  11. Hey folks, - apart from routefinder and vroute - there used to be a flightplanner, that you used to be able to put in a departure OR a destination then it would come up with a dozen or so flight routes. Does anybody know what it was? Thanks Edit, found it :http://www.euroutepro.com/fp/fp_main.php?site=pl&dep=&arr=egph&search=Find&mode=sel3 for anyone else who may just want to try different flights.
  12. I am not sure overclocking your ram is the answer, http://forum.avsim.net/topic/355100-g3ddll-workaroundfix-to-prevent-fsx-crashes/ AFAIK, overclocking your ram only increases the speded/timing and will not increase the amount of ram available. Have you set the 3072/3072 in virtual ram in system properties as outlined in paulj's tweak guide? http://forum.avsim.net/topic/398016-avsims-official-software-and-hardware-guide-for-fsx/ " Page File: A corrupted or a fragmented page file is a major source of "Out of Memory" errors - ("OOM’s"), and by creating a fixed, "custom" size the chance of this can be minimized. To make this a "Custom" size, enter the "My Computer"->"Properties"->"Advanced System Settings"->"Advanced"->Performance->"Settings"->"Advanced"->"Change", and then, assuming three or more drives in the PC and using these pics as a guide – set a "Custom size" for the C:-drive to 100 (MB) in each box, and then press "Set". Select the next drive – not the FSX drive, and make its Custom size 3072 (MB) in each box, and press "Set". If you have only one drive, or one extra used for FSX - then just set 3072 in each box for the C:-drive. This will give one a fixed Page File size of 3 GB, will be more than adequate for Windows 7 and FSX, and will not be subject to defragmentation in the way which it is when managed by Windows. Reboot. Desktop Heap Limitation:A second reason for OOM’s occurring is the default setting for the Desktop Heap is low: we recommend you change this as follows: To modify this, follow these steps:- 1). Click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then click regedit.exe in the Programs list. 2). Locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems Right-click the Windows entry, and then click Modify. 3). Right-click the Windows entry, and then click Modify. 4). In the Value data section of the Edit String dialog box, locate the SharedSection entry, and then increase the second value to 20480, and the third value to 1024
  13. Hi Damien, thanks. I had thought of that but - I ruled that out and as it has only done it once, with the outside of the circle being blurry, and having flown at night several times since i didn't really bother that much. If it does it again I will try what you suggest. Thanks Paul
  14. I found that if fsinn didn't install correctly then I got the tcas error (jim above helped me also). but fsinn was definitely the causing factor. - the tcas dll file gets installed into the main fsx root folder (F\FSX(in my case)). Memory serving me correctly, fsx installs it (I only had pmdg and utx installed, and I am sure it was there prior to these 2 installations). I also cant remember if these were the same errors as my stack# errors There is 2 files - 1X.DLL and 1X.ini I don't have fsinn installed anymore, and I haven't had the problem at all since - even though prior to my last uninstall i did have the crash occasionally. To quote a post from my help: Posted 20 February 2013 - 09:04 PM WOOOOOOOOOOOP - its sorted ----------- touch wood, All it took was a fresh fsx install and a purchase of fs2crew - i needed it! (well thats what the wife got told anyway and after a few :t0148: she gave in!), fs has been up and running , :p0504: plenty reboots, with everything installed except utx europe and fsinn, with reboots inbetween everything - updates included.(which was no different before - only difference was i know xmp was enabled, as i wasnt sure before, my guess was it was at defaults) I gotta thank you guys for all the googling and homework you done on my behalf, i really appreciate, now other pressing issues!! :drinks: guys. Regards Paul The dll must install with fsx, (or a service pack) as the above post was with no addons. Maybe you could copy it and rename it so if it fails again you can just copy it back. thanks Paul
  15. Hey Ph, Paul had already told me about BV, - I had a look at his windows 7 optimisations, and I have shut a couple of silly processes - taskbar stuff, but that's as far as im oin wit it - I don't understand all this "relies on this to run etc etc - even googling would take me too long lol, - in time I may grow a pair and have another attempt. Thanks Paul
  16. HI Vic, Sorry I should have made myself clearer, when I said 2-3000ft etc I didn't actually mean them parameters, I just meant is that how it works - ie stratus takes one layer, cumulous takes another( although it may take 4 or more or whatever, or it may take 6 layers out of 10 etc) If I select cumulus in 32 bit, I get massive stutters and FPS drops, no matter how many layers I have, - after the update (4815) I did get massive "blobks" of white from the air looking down on the ground , I also got this(although it has only happened once. May or may not be connected, but it has just happened once, out of 30+flights Thanks Paul
  17. Just checking there, I installed te combined, and my build is version 4801, shouldn't it be 4815 03/08/2013 SP2 Release Candidate Release Candidate (B4815) is now available. Those who have already updated to B4801 (Combined) only need the latest Software update (B4815). " I have a couple of questions though, How does the layers work? Is it like stratus is the lower part, ie say 2-3000ft then cumulus about 2000ft - 10000ft and that's the first 2 layers? currently I have 6 layers as I have no drop in fps at tis time(even with the md11 but at default airports, i think because I changed from 32 bit to dxt5/1) - I realise 32 bit is better looking and a bigger hit on fps, but can any of the options be on 32 bit?
  18. Hi ph. Im actually at 42 services and im happy with that so i am not going to bother anymore. Especially as i am not THAT aware of whats needed etc. Its fine googling things but google may not say what other services are needed for other services. Obvious ones, like auto update, msn etc etc have been disabled and thats as far as i am prepared to go i think. Thanks
  19. Hey Jim, thanks I thought it was worth the ask, I guessed that it was the only true way to compare different textures seeing as there are soooo many. Regards Paul
  20. quick question here. Can any of the settings be "installed" during a flight? - ie changing from one cloud setting to another etc? Thanks
  21. HI arjen, sorry I just noticed you had wrote to me there - I was at kmia gate C9
  22. Hi Dazz, sorry my mistake, normally it is set to 8S, I tried another setting, but didn't change it back, although the 8S doesn't make any difference - even wit a NI/FSX even a pc restart. I guess I can live with this, esp as my Vc, my spot view when off the ground is perfect - it is just one of them little annoyances, that I would prefer to iron out. what driver do you use?
  23. Hey Brian, no problem, thankyou. email sent - inc ip
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