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Everything posted by flyingnoob

  1. Thanks guys, I guess its gotta be active sky. Thanks again
  2. Hi Brian, tanks for your reply. Its only happened twice - i did post a screenie, but dont know why its not posted - the counter was at 51, only because i just kept clicking it down. I downloaded a fresh download, and its showin how its supposed to - i dont understand how it originally sowed properly, ten all of a sudden - using the same download, it "changed". I will give it a few fresh runs in the morning. Kind regards Paul
  3. Hi Dave, mes complexity is 97 and mesh res is 2m, (water 2Xhigh and all else on max) Thanks EDIT: sorry for the late reply
  4. Hey folks, as the title suggests - My counter resets itself and jumps to 71 - twice its happened now, first i set up at a gate, ten change to 2d panel(in default a/c) then i select which md11 i am using, - start fs2crew, once its started i then choose VC. FYI - i have been flying eastbound round the world and have got to new zealand (after 11 legs) - as i say thats twice its done it now, any ideas? I have just reinstalled it, as something went wrong with my fs2crew cold and dark - it was loading up a warm state, maybe i strangely overwritten it with a warm state by accident - i just cant remember seeing an "overwrite protection" Thanks guys Paul EDIT: Wit this second install - after i have installed the voice packs and start the start centre, i get a "install language pack" dialogue - it seems as if this start centre is different to the one i had installed before as they language pack options were not there. at the top there is voice sets then below left is the md11 options, then to the right is the keyboard joystick options. Thanks
  5. thanks guys, Ok so its now a toss up between gex and active sky. Paul
  6. Hey folks, its been a while since this post was made, so i am looking for some update. What is the better option? rex, as2012 full or ase? I will only be in a position to buy one, so using rex for textures and as for engine isn't an option. Thanks
  7. Just to add, - if i have utx(landclass) and gex is the textures - what mesh is used? Thanks again
  8. Hey guys, after trading in some xbox games, i have funds for either of these 2: http://www.game.co.u...archTerm=flight simulator http://www.game.co.u...ibuteName1=Shop By&pageSize=20&attributeValue3=4294966270&provenance=New&categoryIdentifier=10226&attributeValue2=4294966292&attributeValue1=63&attributeName3=sub Genre&attributeName2=Genre I have utx europe installed, and most of what i have read gex and utx fit pretty seamlessly, and they go really well together opinions on either or both if possible Thanks
  9. Hey folks, DVI-D - DVI-D came today, and main monitor is connected that way and 2nd monitor is connected up DVI-I -VGA and running fine. One question though, i am overclocking the gtx670 using unigine for benchmarking, and when using "full screen" i can move my mouse over to the other monitor - when i ran 2 screens before and ran benchies in full screen, it completely blanked 2nd monitor out. Is this normal for the gtx 670 etc? Regards Paul
  10. ok, thanks Crewe EDIT: Is there any point to overclocking my GTX 670? as currently i am only using 30% of it when running FSX, and thats WITH 8SGSS
  11. Hey Crewe, i tried that yesterday, it just goes to a black screen - just like it did before when i had 2 X 17" monitors, my guess is it will do the same even when i get my dvi-d to dvi-d cable connected, - When people use eyefinity, im guessing that just spans 3 monitors, so how do they have the 4th one free? Thanks Paul
  12. wooooooooo hooooooooooo touch wood. Pc has just booted to windows 12 times in a row, could this be fixed???? All i done was changed my coolers fan from cpu opt to cpu and it seems to have done the trick - i know i have had it there before, and maybe that is when it has booted up fine, and i have changed it to opt, and its then it kept going to post screen - i have no idea why, but thats how it is. Thanks for all your help guys, - now back to the serious biz, - overclocking this bad boy again!!! Regards Paul
  13. Hi Bill, thanks I have ordered a dvi-d - dvi-d cable, then that way i can connect my main dvi-d input on my monitor to the dvi-d output on my 670, then i will use the dvi-i - vga into my second monitor using the dvi-i output on my 670. Im sure that will work?? I am still assuming that in full screen mode, my second (17") monitor will be rendered useless? If i need to use windowed mode on my main so i can use my second monitor for charts etc then so be it, its just that my sim is running MUCH better in full screen mode. Regards Paul
  14. Hey folks, Well i'm not sure whether to post here or now about this, and if not, then where would i post? lol Its not file specific, BUT is there file(s) i can download that fix fsx default runways lights? (not file specific as i have no idea if there is any) I am fed up taxi-ing through lights every where i go, lights being 3ft from the ground etc etc Regards Paul
  15. Hi Brian, i am using 2 monitors, but my 2nd monitor is just for ndac's charts, flight planner, fuel planner etc, does this still apply to me? Regards Paul
  16. Hi Pete, My burner is working ok, ive burnt bios, iso's etc etc no worries, Its a windows warning telling me some files may not transfer and may not work afterwards, so i haven't bothered trying, Ok, it's calling me liar now, i have just managed to burn the zip file now, no idea why. DOH!
  17. hey pete thanks I have tried burning it, but i get a message saying it may not burn properly. If my fsx is on drive F/FSX on my 2nd ssd Can i reinstall windows on my main ssd and still keep fsx where it is?
  18. Thanks pete, - just that with the md11, you only et a weeks long url, which maybe a good idea maybe for security, its no good for the likes of me who tends to make a mess of things - it cant even be burnt to disc or usb. thanks
  19. hi, - when i fill out my mcdu - i put 370 in f-pln init, and thats it - as ive always done! When take off - i will have say for example 150 in my prof in mcp, ten it will climb to 150(depending on what values are in t/a on mcdu of course, if in the mcdu i can get to 150 straight away then it will climb and hold at 150, then if i increase the mcp prof to 370 it will ten climb to 370, - again - as ive always done, On descent, i will put my star in, then use the /-260 (ie tweed1a arrival to egph) then i put /-80 for tartn, so that the md11 is "level by", - as ive always done I did have another issue late last niht, - wen i loaded up the md11 - i had "undocked" views of the mcp, the glareshield and anothre that i cannot remember - i can remember that it done it a few years ago, but i have no idea wyhy or how it was fixed, if maybe anyone has a clue? Regards Paul
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