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Everything posted by flyingnoob

  1. Dazz what settings do you use in NI? what driver? The pic I posted was me movin to find it at its worst. I also use DX9.
  2. Hey Vic, thanks, Well I have installed it now lol, looks like I am a beta tester lolz. Thanks
  3. ey folks, - I have a strane circle appearing on my monitor, - its only been since I installed active sky, - I didn't notice it last night, as I was flying through snow (which was crazily trippy and really buggers up ones eyes btw) I have only just noticed it today. It does it with all a/c not just pmdg. have a look
  4. I have the 670 ftw also, and have the same problem, - no matter what I do, I cant get rid, its a case of get it as best you can. although I have moved the camera around to pick it at its worst. EDIT: (removal of secondary photo)
  5. Hey Vic, thanks Is it not best to wait to install betas until they have been thoroughly tested? Paul
  6. I just came across this, http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f217/solved-svchost-exe-netsvcs-giving-me-microstuttering-478253.html This may/may not be any use, but certainly worth a read
  7. I am looking to cut down on the number of processes that are running, and hoping someone could assist on 1) how to work it and 2) what's safe to turn off. WTM shows me running 42 processes at the moment, but I do have this IE page open. Strangely, I had it installed, and uninstalled it, but now cant get it reinstalled, due to insufficient privileges Thanks Paul Ok I have got it installed in MSCONFIG all I have in startup is : MSSECES.EXE hide runkey and intels rapid storage technology(delayed launcher) In services I have : just the rapid storage technology (that's with Microsoft services hidden.)
  8. I Vic, thanks JFK is default, - although it has introduced a fair amount of stutters, and some tearing, I meant to add that when I posted my cfg. I can be flying round EGPH, default scenery, and that's the same - I could end up with high teens. I must add, that I am also using UTX Europe, and using all of nicks UTX tweaks, and using internal locked as I am usin the half RR vsync. Thanks for the link, I will have a good look at it this morning, and see what changes I must make. The version I just installed, does that include the recent update? Thanks Paul
  9. Hi Vic, - i got my clock back to 4.7, - no idea what the problem was with it, but its sorted now thankfully. Yes it was a big perf it, esp with default a/c and scenery - i just done a flight KMIA-KJFK(both default), and it varied - late teens to late 20's. Maybe i am expecting too much, but from what i have read, i shouldn't see that much of a perf drop, i do have quite a decent pc to run it - its not as if im using any AI or payware airports. Do you have any idea where i would find "daves" settings? thanks. Lol yet Another forum to register with!!
  10. Hey Brian thanks, - I wasn't sure if it had to be in 2D panel then load the md11 or in 2D panel when fs2 crew was started. I installed the voice sets, from the installer and I am using 2009 start centre (that's whats in my start menu anyway)- even though the voice sets are along the top - I don't think it makes any difference tbh, although in the version that has the voice sets along the top, they are "blanked out" ie unclickable. thanks for all your help. Regards
  11. I will hold off the tweaks just now, because I just noticed my overclock settings have gone array - im stuck @ 3.9, and my bios wont go above that somehow. it was ok last night, so I have no idea whats changed. I mainly fly heavies also, I just used the ga as a reference. Thanks for the tips
  12. Hey guys, - thought I would just carry on this thread rater than start a new one. Bought A/S yesterday and WHOA, looks great although it did cut my frames in half!! loaded up @ egphstand 6 with my md11, and frames ranged between 5-7 and 18, whereas before(w/o a/s) it was 30.1-29.9. I realise there would be some kind of a performance hit, - but with no AI, default scenery on the ground, cold and dark, with (albeit) med airport. All a/s settings are on default. although it looks a great little tool, it seems as if its massive overkill with the amount of cloud options there are - serious overkill, when they all look the same ?!! - 41 cumulus?? really? 16 stratus, 25 cirrus and 22 wispy. I realise its going to be a lot of tweaking, but is there any immediate things I should be changing to be more frame rate friendly? - I have fast ram, a good stable o/c of 4.7 3D clouds are 2048 cirrus is 2048 water is down to 256 and waves at 512 - (I have 2048 in my cfg file anyway) the other 4 options are all on 32 bit, is this correct? I don't understand the differences, except tat 32bit is for better eye candy and dxt5 for performance - is there much difference? Is there anything in "install options" I should omit? Thanks guys. Paul To add, these tests were actually done with the baron 58 @1000ft. N/I settings are Behaviour - none AA mode - override AA settin 8Xs aa transparency - only 2sgss - normally I run at 8sgss with md11 and default weather Ani - off Setting - 16X Clamp high quality tri opt - off CFG= [bufferPools] BufferPools=0 [JOBSCHEDULER] Affinitymask=14 [GRAPHICS] HIGHMEMFIX=1 SHADER_CACHE_PRIMED_10=1693458432 SHADER_CACHE_PRIMED=1693458432 TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=2048 NUM_LIGHTS=8 AIRCRAFT_SHADOWS=0 AIRCRAFT_REFLECTIONS=1 COCKPIT_HIGH_LOD=1 LANDING_LIGHTS=1 AC_SELF_SHADOW=0 EFFECTS_QUALITY=2 GROUND_SHADOWS=0 TEXTURE_QUALITY=3 IMAGE_QUALITY=0 See_Self=1 Text_Scroll=1 D3D10=0 TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=2048 [sOUND] AmbientUIMusicVolume=-6.000000 PrimaryDevice={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} VoiceDevice={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} SOUND=1 SOUND_QUALITY=2 SOUND_LOD=0 UISound=1 AmbientUI=0 [Display] ForceFullScreenVSync=1 ChangeTime=4.000000 TransitionTime=4.000000 ActiveWindowTitleTextColor=255,255,255 ActiveWindowTitleBackGroundColor=0,28,140,64 NonActiveWindowTitleTextColor=255,255,255 NonActiveWindowTitleBackGroundColor=24,33,87,64 InfoUpperRightTextColor=255,0,0 InfoUpperRightBackGroundColor=0,0,0,0 InfoLowerLeftTextColor=255,255,255 InfoLowerLeftBackGroundColor=255,0,0,128 InfoLowerRightTextColor=255,255,255 InfoLowerRightBackGroundColor=255,0,0,128 InfoBrakesEnable=True InfoParkingBrakesEnable=True InfoPauseEnable=True InfoSlewEnable=True InfoStallEnable=True InfoOverspeedEnable=True BLOOM_EFFECTS=0 SKINNED_ANIMATIONS=1 TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT=120 UPPER_FRAMERATE_LIMIT=30 WideViewAspect=True [Main] User Objects=Airplane, Helicopter SimObjectPaths.0=SimObjects\Airplanes SimObjectPaths.1=SimObjects\Rotorcraft SimObjectPaths.2=SimObjects\GroundVehicles SimObjectPaths.3=SimObjects\Boats SimObjectPaths.4=SimObjects\Animals SimObjectPaths.5=SimObjects\Misc ProcSpeed=16437 PerfBucket=7 HideMenuNormal=0 HideMenuFullscreen=1 Location=444,138,1476,904,\\.\DISPLAY1 Maximized=0 FIBER_FRAME_TIME_FRACTION=0.15 [PANELS] IMAGE_QUALITY=1 QUICKTIPS=0 PANEL_OPACITY=100 PANEL_MASKING=1 PANEL_STRETCHING=1 UNITS_OF_MEASURE=0 DEFAULT_VIEW=0 [Weather] WindshieldPrecipitationEffects=1 MinGustTime=10 MaxGustTime=500 MinGustRampSpeed=1 MaxGustRampSpeed=200 MinVarTime=5 MaxVarTime=50 MinVarRampSpeed=10 MaxVarRampSpeed=75 TurbulenceScale=1.000000 WeatherServerAddress=fs2k.zone.com WeatherServerPort=80 WeatherGraphDataInDialog=0 AdjustForMagVarInDialog=1 DynamicWeather=0 DownloadWindsAloft=0 DisableTurbulence=0 CLOUD_DRAW_DISTANCE=3 DETAILED_CLOUDS=1 CLOUD_COVERAGE_DENSITY=8 THERMAL_VISUALS=0 [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670.0] Mode=1920x1080x32 TriLinear=1 [CONTROLS] Controls_Default=Standard Controls_Current=Standard KBDAIL=64 KBDELEV=64 KBDRUD=64 [TextInfo.1] Latitude=1,1 Longitude=1,2 Altitude=1,3 Heading=1,4 AirSpeed=1,5 WindDirectionAndSpeed=1,6 [TextInfo.2] FrameRate=1,1 LockedFrameRate=1,2 GForce=1,3 FuelPercentage=1,4 [TextInfo.3] Latitude=1,1 Longitude=1,2 Altitude=1,3 Heading=1,4 AirSpeed=1,5 WindDirectionAndSpeed=1,6 FrameRate=2,1 LockedFrameRate=2,2 GForce=2,3 FuelPercentage=2,4 [slewTextInfo.1] Latitude=1,1 Longitude=1,2 Altitude=1,3 Heading=1,4 AirSpeed=1,5 [slewTextInfo.2] FrameRate=1,1 LockedFrameRate=1,2 [slewTextInfo.3] Latitude=1,1 Longitude=1,2 Altitude=1,3 Heading=1,4 AirSpeed=1,5 FrameRate=2,1 LockedFrameRate=2,2 [Trusted] F:\FSX\PMDG\DLLs\PMDGOptions.dll.notnzcqehkinowecqhihutqnzhockrztieikzkql=1 F:\FSX\PMDG\DLLs\PMDGEvents.dll.ullnqlnrakhibczbtnwtkkbotwhttwqnaanrozzq=1 F:\FSX\PMDG\DLLs\PMDGSounds.dll.buhnizqictkkbntnluabuuqauzunbhhtoauhzcho=1 F:\FSX\GAUGES\XGauge.DLL.twlnbwobnckawrhnrucbtlhutkonbwbneozohtcn=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\PMDG_MD11.DLL.naocicwietuewrtaqbwuctilbulihzuathclootw=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\PMDG_MD11_ACS.DLL.hlkquonikinibnzilnlilatrczwczboqinobtbnr=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\fs2crew\MD11\mcrew0.GAU.hkreezibowlouohowboanzoizckrntbqtubeniqz=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\fs2crew\MD11\mcrew5.GAU.tokraitqirqeblqchulwnnqntlqoowzceqoocect=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\fs2crew\MD11\mcrew6.GAU.uttriottlziwcnuwlotrakwabheotznqwzzzqllu=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\fs2crew\MD11\vcrew0.GAU.hlrhuqrkrhuhienznzbqenocoraokccahcluhiok=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\fs2crew\MD11\mcrew1.GAU.eooznblhwkteiliriuwzerkizrkirnloqqlrrqee=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\fs2crew\MD11\dcrew0.GAU.qrnekqiiwblzranrinekcikrhcoozctwnrckwlre=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\fs2crew\md11\mcrew13.GAU.aruhbaqtinntzonewinrknanoaleaiocltuuqzni=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\fs2crew\MD11\mcrew3.GAU.ktiieutiqknawbcokilwiiolenibibnirtncnwtz=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\fs2crew\MD11\mcrew7.GAU.einnwrzwarebzkuerkrqlinanuwiobrtihaqeant=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\fs2crew\MD11\mcrew8.GAU.nhkqbouwwwaieicoukteezwrtquntwcqhaniqwlu=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\fs2crew\MD11\mcrew9.GAU.eakokquzzwqhwtueotlezbktnzrrlhoahzrnnbkn=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\fs2crew\MD11\mcrew10.GAU.hrqtlaoebniqqohotnrhewonihoqhlrqhnukrwnl=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\fs2crew\MD11\mcrew12.GAU.wlewqilaeiiuukzzobqkeclknaeqozunbkbubntw=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\Bendix_King_Radio.DLL.wncwkiwnkwwwcaarwhbbqnooaruqbihkkzcotall=2 F:\FSX\GAUGES\Magnetic_Compass.DLL.rbcccubuqobwewekzbawquhrzetinqrzkunbiqww=2 [DynamicHeadMovement] LonAccelOnHeadLon=-0.020000 LonAccelOnHeadPitch=-0.010000 RollAccelOnHeadLat=0.010000 YawAccelOnHeadLat=-0.100000 RollAccelOnHeadRoll=0.100000 MaxHeadAngle=5.000000 MaxHeadOffset=0.300000 HeadMoveTimeConstant=1.000000 [VirtualCopilot] VirtualCopilotActive=0 [uSERINTERFACE] PageID=1 SHOW_MISSION_CAPTIONS=0 PAUSE_ON_LOST_FOCUS=0 PROMPT_ON_EXIT=1 SITUATION=C:\Users\paul\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\tester 2 Map_Orientation=2 ShowAllACPaintSchemes=1 SelectAircraftManufacturer=All SelectAircraftPublisher=All SelectAircraftType=All OpenATCOnCreate=0 [ATC] ShowATCText=0 COMM_MSG_NONE_COLOR=FFFFFFFF COMM_MSG_ATC_USER_COLOR=FFB6FFB6 COMM_MSG_USER_ATC_COLOR=FFFFD21B COMM_MSG_ATC_AI_COLOR=FF00FF00 COMM_MSG_AI_ATC_COLOR=FFFF7840 AutoOpenAirTrafficWindow=0 UsePilotVoice=1 PilotVoice=0 [PointOfInterestSystem] CycleSetting=0 [sCENERY] LENSFLARE=0 DAWN_DUSK_SMOOTHING=1 IMAGE_COMPLEXITY=5 [TrafficManager] AirlineDensity=0 GADensity=1 FreewayDensity=5 ShipsAndFerriesDensity=7 LeisureBoatsDensity=5 IFROnly=0 AIRPORT_SCENERY_DENSITY=3 [TERRAIN] LOD_RADIUS=6.500000 MESH_COMPLEXITY=75 MESH_RESOLUTION=20 TEXTURE_RESOLUTION=25 AUTOGEN_DENSITY=5 DETAIL_TEXTURE=1 WATER_EFFECTS=7 [AContain] ShowLabels=0 ShowUserLabel=0 ShowLabelManufacturer=1 ShowLabelModel=1 ShowLabelTailNumber=0 ShowLabelDistance=1 ShowLabelAltitude=1 ShowLabelAirline=0 ShowLabelAirlineAndFlightNumber=0 ShowLabelFlightPlan=0 ShowLabelContainerId=0 ShowLabelAirspeed=0 ShowLabelHeading=0 LabelDelay=1000 LabelColor=FFFF0000 [iNTERNATIONAL] ASLAT=2 ASLON=1 MEASURE=0 [REALISM] PFactor=0.000000 Torque=0.000000 GyroEffect=0.000000 CrashTolerance=0.000000 General=0.000000 UnlimitedFuel=True TrueAirspeed=False AutoCoord=True RealMixture=False StressDamage=False GEffect=False ManualLights=False GyroDrift=False CrashWithDyn=False CrashDetection=True AutoTrim=False [sIM] SYSCLOCK=1 [sTARTUP] DEMO=0 SHOW_OPENING_SCREEN=0 STARTUP_DEMO= LoadWindow=1 [FACILITIES] COUNTRY= STATE= CITY= GTL_BUTTON=1427 [Misc] Com_Rate=7 [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670.1] Mode=1280x1024x32 [MULTIPLAYER] condAccoutPassword=0
  13. Hi Brian, thanks I have reinstalled the md11, in fact I went as far as reinstalling windows, - if this could be another clue - wen I do run fs2crew - for the 19 seconds or so that it initialises, there is massive head blinding flickering of the whole screen. Does the md11 have to be in 2D panel just when fs2 crew is started or does it have to be in 2D panel (ie load another A/C - set 2D then load up the md11?) I just cant get how on one occasion the start centre for 2009 installed correctly giving my the 4 options(key and panel states) along the top, and no voice set options. Would tere be a problem with using the 2008 start centre, or is that a no-no? could you see on the above pics that the 2009 version sows the "wrong" start centre? Regards Paul I meant to add, - when I do go to 2D panel ion another A/C first and then select the MD11, I have other panels on the secondary monitor (3 panels to be sure)
  14. If you have NI downloaded, run it and look just above where it says "voltage" for the card and click the tools box, that will open up a settings screen, just type in MS into the profile tab, and select FSX, the VSync is on the "common" section, set that to 1/2 refresh rate(assuming you have a 60Hz monitor) - some people use "adaptive some people use "standard" - whatever works for you. Not knocking bojotes tweaks, I have never tried them, but there are plenty other tweaks to try, try the guide by paul up in mobo cpu and hardware.
  15. to add, when I try reinstalling the fs2crew set up just after I have clicked start I get a message saying "one or more files are write protected. do you want to overwrite them anyway?"
  16. thanks for your help guys, - so i do not need to worry about 2048/4096 textures? Regards Paul
  17. Hey folks, I am just about to pull the trigger and get active sky 2012, Is there any needs to know about this before/after I get tis? Ie any edits to any cfg files (I think there was one where I change texures to 2048 from 4096 in the main FSX.CFG file??) Do I extract it to its default location then install it into my main F\FSx folder, or extract it to my fsx folder? Any tweaks or must know's would be great. Thanks Paul Which active sky do I get? 2012? e?
  18. Hey brian thx. You can.see on the photo though that april 2009 shows the old strt centre and vice versa. I reinstalled windows last night again so hopefully a clean install will do it. Would it be that much of an issue to use 2008 start centre should it do it again? I did notice on a couple of occasions when i installed 2009, there were 2 start centers in add/remove programs
  19. Ok I installed fs2crew again this morning, and when I ran the main installer the 2008 version of start centre installed with it and it displays correctly, so I then installed the update, the international voice set then the start centre 2009, and the start centre that shows is the one like I pictured above, with the voice set in "md11 voice sets"
  20. Hi Brian, With the above link you gave, every time I install it, I get the screen I was talking about (I think the old version of the start centre. When I first installed it just after you linked me, it was fine - I did not have the "international voice sets" along the top of the dialogue box, - now every time I install it using the link, - I somehow get the voice sets options. Also this counter issue has arose again (I haven't used fs2 crew for a week or so due to other pc problems). Any advice? UAC is off(down) I have tried running all installers normally AND as admin to no avail. Regards Paul
  21. i, yh i had thouht of that but could only account for the lack of nearest tower view, it would't explain the lack of the "extra" external view. Thanks for your input all the same. Regards Paul
  22. Hi Henri, Today it was a temporary thing which only lasted around an hour or so(i guess time is irrelevant) - i could select a behind wing view manually with the riht clcik menu - then press s and go to tower, then s again and go to locked spot, - s again for VC , s again and it brought me back to my behind wing view, - all as it should be, but when it happened i only had the choice of locked spot and VC - unless i right clicked and manually selected it. When this done this a few years ago on my old build i did not have any addons, so i know its not pmdg md11, UTX or fs2crew. Thanks for the help. Regards Paul
  23. Hey folks, - i remember years ago i ad this problem, where i would only get to use 2 views when i press the "s" - outside locked spot view, and the virtual cockpit view - and now its just started happening again. If i go to 2D cockpit and try cycle views, i get the outside locked spot and the 2D cockpit, but there are no panles, - just a "full screen" of whats in front. I did get to cycle 4/5 views - cockpit, outside spot, nearest tower, and an aircraft view that had been selected(ie behind left engine etc). I have not pre programmed any auto views(i believe you can do that with pmdg? ) Regards Paul
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