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About JimBeamBlack

  • Birthday 11/29/1962

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    USA Fla

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  1. Hello all, I know this thread is a bit older but... I just got this scenery and read through this thread and I have a question, is the consensus that it's "best" to remove the old KMCO while using this airport? Or should it be left as is? thanks
  2. Hey everyone, I just built a Z690 system and am getting ready to move everything to that new PC, I'm just going to format my Flight sim drive I have and then move the drive to the new PC and reinstall MS2020 there. Is the thing to do here just to uninstall the 414, and then re-install it on the new pc, is there anything else I need to do? or is it necessary to uninstall it at all? I bought it from the FSW store. thanks
  3. EDIT!! Ok that worked!! It was in fact a conflict on my HOTAS throttle, BUT with the auto pilot, somehow the auto pilot got mapped to my flaps button/switch? strange..... Anyways, it's working now!! thanks guys!! Everything's working perfectly.
  4. Humm, I don't use 3rd part liveries, not for any plane. I have the HOTAS Warthog set with some ThrustMaster peddles, but I have been using them for several years now with no issues. I'll check my profiles and see if that turns up anything, and then I'll empty my community folder and try it with just the TDS, VERY strange that it was just working a week ago, and now just after updating it has issues. Almost feels like it MUST be something in the community folder. thanks for the tips y'all, I'm going to do some more testing.
  5. Hello all, I just updated to MSFS SU10 yesterday and last night I tried to do a quick flight in the 414 and for some reason I can't use my elevator trim at all, it's stuck at one point. I've had it mapped to my flight stick since I got it and has always worked, but now I can't even move it with the mouse control, I can roll it with the mouse, but then it rolls right back like it's centered for some reason? I tried: Uninstalling and reinstalling with the latest file downloaded from my account page. Uninstalled and reinstalled the TDI GTNXi, and the Garmin demo. (JIC this might have had some sort of an effect) I also updated with a clean community folder and replaced the files after the SU10 update. It also seems as if my auto pilot is stuck on? BUT all the other control surfaces and trims work? Re-mapping the trim to another button. any ideas? and thanks for any help.
  6. Hello again Symbol, I did find a folder in my P3Dv5 folder that has those 2 folders in it, the paths are these: I:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\Development Tools\Traffic Toolbox I:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\Development Tools\Visual FX Tool They look to have been made by my Traffic app, from Just Flight? (I guess?) And I found the 2 offending entries in my C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\add-ons.cfg file, but they look like this: [Package.8] PATH=Development Tools\Visual FX Tool ACTIVE=true REQUIRED=false [Package.9] PATH=Development Tools\Traffic Toolbox ACTIVE=true REQUIRED=false So, I copied the actual paths and changed the entries in the .cfg, and now everything works!! So, I assume, for some reason those paths were just entered in the .cfg wrong? BUT, instead of deleting them I decided to change the paths JIC they might be needed in the future for whatever reason. Anyways, EVERYTHING is now working, thanks so much for helping me fix this!! I think I understand how this works a bit better now, so if it happens again, I can fix it myself. thanks man!!
  7. I just checked in my Documents/P3Dv5 Add-ons folder, and this is the xml for the AI lights in there: (NOTE, the AI lights also must have made a P3Dv4 Add-ons folder because I now have one of those, and I don't and never have had V4 installed) I have no idea if everything in here is correct or not, but the path is right: <SimBase.Document Type="AddOnXml" version="4,0" id="add-on"> <AddOn.Name>AI Lights Reborn Professional Edition</AddOn.Name> <AddOn.Description>FSReborn AI Traffic Lights Effects Professional edition. Installed version 1.2.0, for support please visit our website at www.FSReborn.com</AddOn.Description> <AddOn.Component> <Category>EXE</Category> <Path>I:\Program Files\AI Lights Reborn Professional Edition\FSRebornConfigChecker.exe</Path> </AddOn.Component> <AddOn.Component> <Category>Effects</Category> <Path>I:\Program Files\AI Lights Reborn Professional Edition\AI Lights Effects V5</Path> </AddOn.Component> <AddOn.Component> <Category>Texture</Category> <Path>I:\Program Files\AI Lights Reborn Professional Edition\AI Lights Effects V5\texture</Path> </AddOn.Component> <AddOn.Component> <Category>SimObjects</Category> <Path>I:\Program Files\AI Lights Reborn Professional Edition\FSRebornObjects V5</Path> </AddOn.Component> <AddOn.Component> <Category>ShadersHLSL</Category> <Path>I:\Program Files\AI Lights Reborn Professional Edition\FSRebornHLSL V5</Path> </AddOn.Component> </SimBase.Document> Also: Is this the visual FX tool that you were referring too? Because I have no idea how it got there or how to (or if I should) remove it?
  8. Hello Symbol thanks for the reply. I'm not sure about the visual FX thing, I'm using pretty much all the same add-ons as in my previous install, nothing new, how can I check to see if I have a Visual FX tool in my P3Dv5 dir? I am installing a lot of my addons on a storage drive as opposed to my C drive though, is that what you mean by "relative paths"? Last time the addons almost filled my C drive, so I got a nice 2tb gaming drive to hold most of my add-ons, my Orbx library and stuff like that anyways, it seems to be working, I just get the error when starting the AI lights app, so if it's just a warning than I can live with it.
  9. Hello all, I have installed my P3Dv5.3 HF1 on it's own drive, and am reinstalling all my add-ons, I got some strange error I have never seen before, it says I have some random "entry" in my P3d add-ons .cfg. but i have checked and I don't see it. I have the latest AI lights installer and P3Dv5.3 HF1 is installed and working properly. I'll try to attach a pict for further support. thanks, Rob https://i.imgur.com/yvCyHYp.jpg
  10. Not sure if you got this fixed or not as it looks like it's been about 2 months, but incase you haven't fixed it yet, I had this same issue one time and the HighMemFix alone didn't work on my plane, the fix I used was to add these lines in my fsx.cfg, NOTE: add them in the [Graphics] section of the fsx.cfg, (only if they are not there already, they don't need to be there twice) SPECIAL NOTE: I always FIRST make a copy of my original fsx.cfg just incase something goes wrong, just right click on it and copy and paste it on your desktop 1) Add the 2 lines in the section shown (don't overwrite or remove ANYthing else and don't duplicate if they are already there) [Graphics] HIGHMEMFIX=1 STALE_BUFFER_THRESHOLD=2147483647 2) Then, go to your Shaders folder shown here: https://fsxtimes.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/clean-up-shader-cache/ And delete the folder OR folders inside the "Shaders" folder. (Like the article says FSX will rebuild the shaders once you restart it.) 3) Restart FSX
  11. I just put all of my same settings from my FSX NVI profile into the FS10 profile and it seems to be working, Although I had to set it to 32 in my DX10 Fixer settings to get it to look the same, I used 8 before. So yes it will work with a new profile under the FS10, but it doesn't seem to work as well. I may try "creating" an FSX profile into the NVI from the FSX shortcut, I haven't tried that yet. I'll try now and see if that works.
  12. THERE it is!! I knew it had to be something like this, it all makes sense now. Thank you Mike!
  13. I wonder I I'm the only one with this problem, I had FSX/DX10 fixer and Nvidia Inspector working fine up to this driver update 364.51, everything worked like it should. But for some reason , after I updated to the newest driver 354.51 and imported my saved NV Inspector profiles like I always do, (I also have 100's of other games..I'm a BIG Gamer) and I cannot get ANY AA in FSX at all. I tried other settings, higher AA and so forth and it just does not work. So I rolled back to 362.00 and it's working again. ALSO any saved NV Ins. profile altered from the 364 driver, then saved, doesn't import back into NV Ins. after rolling back to 362. Does any of that make sense? Other than this one issue the driver seemed to perform well in other games, I wondering is this is something that needs to be fixed by DX10 fixer, or the driver (as I will report it if it is), or is it NV Inspector that needs to be updated? OR do I just need to make a new NV Inspector profile maybe?? Info:Windows 10 64, FSX Gold, Newest DX10 fixer, NV Inspector 1973, GTX980 Anyways, I have the new game Hitman and this is supposed to be a driver for improved performance, I have the driver removed for now.
  14. Thanks Cooper, that's the answer I was looking for!! thanks for the quick answer man!
  15. Howdy, I have a quick question about DX10 and fullscreen, To fully use DX10 and to get the best looking experience does it have to be run in Fullscreen? I have add-ons that I use on my second monitor (to keep them out of my VC) so I run FSX in Windowed mode exclusively, will this affect my DX10 experience OR does DX10 (with the DX10 Fixer) have any issues with Windowed mode. Thanks!! JBB
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