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  1. Hello, Can someone tell me where the wind data comes from when you request it in the MCDU? is it from Simbrief or does Fenix use it own server for that? The reason I ask, is because I do a lot of my flight plans on Simbrief the night before the flight to save time, but if the wind data is taken from the Simbrief flight-plan then I take it the winds I upload will be out of date. Thanks in advance for any info on this.
  2. I am really enjoying the Asobo ATR, but one thing that I have having really problems with is trying to keep the aircraft on the runway when there is a crosswind, it does not even have to be a strong crosswind, still a nightmare. It feels like the rudder is not doing anything until I slow below 30kts. It is kind of the same taking off in a crosswind too. I have noticed it has gotten worst since the last ATR update. I have notice watching some streamers they have also had the same struggle. Has anyone found a solution to this problem or is this a general bug with the aircraft?
  3. Does anyone have a setting on how to set the radar up with the Feelthere erj145? I know that the erj145 already meant to have a weather radar but it does not work for me.
  4. Great stuff, thanks for your responses.
  5. I purchased AS 16 yesterday taking advantage of the discount for being an Active Sky Nest user. What I like to know is if it is safe to remove Active Sky Next from my computer without it affecting AS 16? Thanks in advance for any help.
  6. No problem with the new update at my end, but do have one question to ask. The update has taken around 2gb of HD space, I though this new update was meant to replace some of the textures not add more, anyone know what is going on there? Marcus
  7. When I install the new update will it keep all my previous setting, or will I have to set them all again?
  8. Hi When I download and install SP2 for Activesky 2012 will it reset my current setting within ActiveSky 2012 or will they remain unchanged? Thanks in advance for any help. Marcus
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