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About FireRx

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  1. got it working now. Seems to be an issue with Seafront Simulations traffic setting req's. I dialed traffic down and it worked perfectly.
  2. it still CTD just after take off or flying in from another airport for me. and I just bought it yesterday V1.1 for Orbx Central.
  3. if you ever need someone to test with Oliver in the future. contact me. Thanks, 🙂
  4. I wish there was a FFX for MSFS or a way to make it work in there. Really miss this program.
  5. Odd, hey guys, check your IP helper in Services in windows and make sure it's on. mine was off for some reason. trying the sim now and see if it's fixed. Edit: nope , that didn't work either.
  6. Same here for the last 24 hours, I've submitted it to Zendesk. so have many others. and it's being talks about on the MSFS forum as well. something definently broke. I pinged the bing server and there was no packet loss there so it something on the sim side I figure.
  7. hey Also since there is now Water wake .fx as crude as it is, can that be added to the ships package, or do they have to be added on eash individual ship that not a static one.
  8. I'll ba happy when we can use the helipads on these. and get wake fx's.
  9. Okay got it working again. had to widdle out the problem children in the collection and rebuild the layout.json again. All good now. 😃
  10. yeah I have the same issue with global traffic holding up the loading. I'll just wait for an update. I even re did the Layout.json. still no go.
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