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Everything posted by ltu6800

  1. My "Homebase" is EDDS, which is UTC + 1. Let's say, I start a flight at LGAV with "Use system time". The flight will start with UTC + 1, but it should be UTC + 2. With both tools and only with both P3d will start with the correct time and I don't have to worry about anything regarding local time.
  2. Sorry, but this is absolutely wrong. TimeZoneFixer defines the zones and is updatet nearly every week. FsRealTime uses the information of TimeZoneFixer and sets your P3d V4 to the correct local time, if you start a flight somewhere in the world. You need both!
  3. I have both and removed UTL, because the time span between updates is too long. TG has much better looking aircraft and you can adjust traffic density with FSUIPC. In Europe you will find pretty much traffic (I don't know, how dense it will be in Asia). There are still bugs (missing textures - sometimes at one side of an airplane = Germania) and some airports with no traffic at all (LGAV), but I am very happy with TG and will not return to UTL. Kurt
  4. You have to Download the latest Version of 747-400 from Yesterday. Your Installer from last week is outdated. Yours, Kurt
  5. Jeroen is right: just forget about checklists. Create a flight in ProAtc, use"Fly now", switch to "Follow Flight" (in German "Flug verfolgen" - not shure, how it is called in English). Switch to ground frequency. Hit 1 to get clearance (now your Fpl will be moved to your Addon and P3D, add Sid, Star and Approach to your Fpl, set Transponder, hit 1 to start engines, 1 to get taxi clearance - on your way to the assigned runway wait for tower frequency. At your holding point near the runway hit 1 - you will get "Line up and wait", after a few seconds "Wind ... Cleared for takeoff". And here we go!
  6. Hi Gary, ProAtc ist really great. To answer to your question: You must request clearance for your flight. After "fly now" you have to use shortcut "1" to get clearance. This is the moment, where ProAtc will transmit the flightplan to your simulator, not ealier. All the best, Kurt
  7. Hi Rob, I have the exact same problem. But there is a solution in this forum (search for GNS530 and Duke). Bert Pieke has explained, how you have to modify the xml-files and then it should work. Best, Kurt
  8. Hi Chris, so I will hurry once again "straightaway" to your shop. 😉
  9. Went straightaway to the shop. But it seems, that you can only buy Stargazer, if you add product support for 2 years and it renews at $2.99 per year? It is not possible to remove this additional service. Testet with Chrome and IE. So I decided not to order Stargaze - sorry. Or have I done something wrong? Kurt
  10. I agree with Alan. I ordered a Sennheiser PC350 a few weeks ago and use it together with creative x-fi Titanium. Works perfect with MCE and all the other stuff, but it is expensive. Best headset in my opinion. Kurt
  11. Hi Johnny, this will not work. USB Headsets have an inbuild sound module and will take control over your computer soundcard. I had a similar problem with a networked configuration and had to stop using the USB Headset. --- My system via widefs (not really helpful for you: x-fi titanium on main computer for simulator, fs2crew, fspassenger sounds. RC on a laptop via widefs and x-fi usb as sound source. And to get sounds from main computer and laptop together: connect both optical jacks (out and in). Everything is perfect on 5.1 speakers as well as on a headset connected to the frontpanel of my main computer. Kurt
  12. Hi, thank you for the quick response. I will try to set fsinsider.dll onto the list of trustable files in Kaspersky AntiVirus and test it in FS9, my favorite simulator. I mean, MCE simply needs pretty much time to load at the moment - then everything runs perfect. So, if there is no solution, I only have to wait a little longer, until FS9 starts - not really a problem for me.
  13. Hello, I bought MCE just 2 days ago and have the same issue. Loading times are as described above. I´am running a Windows XP system. What exactly means "Run this program in compatability mode" - I think this is Windows 7 specific? Is there a solution for XP? Thank you for any help, Kurt
  14. Hello Bryan, my last message to 737 PIC. As written above I decided to stay with default graphics. Yesterday I startet a first flight and everything went fine until Radar Contact after 1 hour directed me to descent to FL240. I tried to enter vertical speed and all ended up in a wonderful UFIT. Obviously I stumbled accross the famous "Jerky Autopilot" Problem, which finally showed me, that the 737 will not be flyable for me althought there are hundreds of suggestions to fix this behavior. I have no time to deal with parameters in an otherwise 100% perfect working FS2004 Installation. I removed the 737 PIC from my harddrive and will stay with PMDG and LevelD and of course FS2Crew Voice for 737 NG, 747 and 767. Sorry, this post is somewhat off topic. Thanks for your help anyway, Kurt
  15. Hi Bryan, yesterday I tested the panel.cfg for standard panel with evo-graphics - also no success. As with the widescreen-panel fs2crew will not locate all switches - so we have to stay with default graphics. Kurt
  16. Hello Bryan, first of all! Sorry for the wrong name in my post from yesterday (seems to be a name from Iceland ;-), I was in a hurry. I think, the problem with FS2Crew and the EVO-Upgrade is mainly caused by the fact, that you can select a widescreen panel (of course do I use a widescreen as most users do, I suppose). Therefore FS2Crew is not able to activate the switches, they are simply on other places. I think, copying the FS2Crew-Entries into the non-widescreen panel.cfg should therefore work, but I am not sure. Kurt
  17. Hello Byork, it is a little bit confusing. I use the 737 PIC together with FS2Crew 2010 Voice - everything is fine. I installed the Evo 2D-Upgrade for FS9, which looks much better than the default graphics. Then I copied all entries of FS2Crew into the panel.cfg = you can launch FS2Crew, read checklist, even set flaps via voice, but the FO will not trigger the switches, because the layout of every panel has changed. Result: FS2Crew 2010 and EVO-Upgrade works at maybe 10%. Now, my idea was to buy the FSX Version, install it into FS9 and add the entries into the FS9 EVO-Ugrade Panel.cfg. Ok, this idea was stupid, I think. It didn´t work. So for me as for thousands (ok, for a lot) of simmers still using FS9 this means: Default graphics and FS2Crew or Evolution graphics and no FS2Crew. If you have ever started using FS2Crew Voice editions (I own PMDG 737NG, PMDG 747, LevelD 767 and of course 737 PIC), you know what this means: You remove the Evo-Graphics an stay with FS2Crew. I am sure, that a lot of simmers are begging for an Update to FS2Crew - to be able to use it together with the Evolution Upgrade. You have done this also for the Airbus Evolution Series. And I will gladly pay an extra fee to get this. Or is there an other way to get the evolution graphics and FS2Crew 2010 together? Kurt
  18. I use only FS9 and today I bought the 737 PIC with Evo Upgrade for FS9 and also FS2Crew EVO (for FSX, after reading the discussion here). First I installed FS2Crew into FS9-Folder (it installed itself under FS2Crew2010\versions). I hoped to get it work, as described above by copying the FS2Crew entries into the FS9 Evo panel.cfg. No success. So I assume, it is not possible to use FS2Crew Evo for FSX together with FS9 and I have to wait for a FS9 Version? Or will someone find a way to get it work? Thanks for any help, Kurt
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