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Everything posted by rich1241

  1. What a time to have just bought MSFS 😔 Thought it seemed to install quickly!
  2. Excellent - many thanks Ray that's worked a treat! Been bugging me for ages too. Hopefully the other issues get sorted at some point, but at least its now much better. Cheers, Rich
  3. Such a shame to hear about this poor customer service both from simmarket & justsim. I don't really want my money refunded, just want the original product to work properly (& as advertised!). Thanks for keeping us updated on how you are getting on communicating with them (or not!!). Ray - can i just check the location of that SODE folder to try to remove the red Xs? Many thanks, Rich
  4. Nope sadly nothing - emailed in early May as well ☹️ Pretty frustrating, be good to know how you get on with SimMarket…I got mine from them also
  5. Thanks for your help...that makes more sense now. Just had a look in those files & couldn't work out what the issue was tbh. I've emailed the justsim support to try that - will update if i get a reply.
  6. Thanks for your reply ha5mvo...I've just opened the xml file for it and it says this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SimBase.Document Type="AddOnXml" version="4,0" id="add-on"> <AddOn.Name>LGRP</AddOn.Name> <AddOn.Description>LGRP</AddOn.Description> <AddOn.Component> <Category>Scenery</Category> <Path>E:\Addons\Scenery\LGRP Rhodes\SimMarket\JUSTSIM - RHODES INL DIAGORAS V2 P3Dv5\data</Path> <Name>JUSTSIM - RHODES INL DIAGORAS V2 P3Dv5</Name> <Layer>203</Layer> </AddOn.Component> </SimBase.Document> How do I see what the missing object folder is from this? I have got other justsim scenery too. Thanks
  7. Same question...any updates or solutions to this? I've just got a brand new computer & P3D setup - also have the red X issue at Rhodes. Thanks
  8. Sorry to dredge up an old thread but I'm having this exact issue (as described in the first post) Any ideas? Cheers, Rich H
  9. Thanks for your help and quick reply - turning the target slider to OFF seems to have worked a treat! Cheers
  10. Hi, I'm having a bit of an odd problem....FSX has been working fine for months but recently my AI has been reducing by itself. What I mean by this is I start off at any airport with full ai, and give it 30 seconds or so and it seems to reduce by about half, then the same again and then same until only around1 ai aircraft remains? I am checking this also by right clicking and seeing the list of ai aircraft getting much smaller, after starting off full. I use UT2 and WOAI and haven't had any issues. Any ideas for a solution or whats causing this? (Just in case related I was having some issues with GSX after installing latest update, where FSX would just quit straightaway after loading. I've now removed GSX and FSX no longer quits and doesn't seem to have any issue except for AI?) Hope that makes sense, cheers, Rich
  11. From one problem to another - I was having this elevation problem at Rome (LIRA) Airport too. Now fixed by disabling it but now cannot use GSX at that airport. Any ideas how I can fix that? Thanks
  12. Sorry for the late reply - I've been on holiday. Yes it is odd but at least its now fixed!
  13. Many thanks for your help. I have ran AEC again and nothing changed. However, I added the airport to "AEC is disabled" side and all working fine again now. So all resolved! Many thanks, Rich
  14. Hi, Just did a short flight into Tenerife and was greeted with this. Any ideas? (I have base, vector and openLC europe installed) Thanks, Rich
  15. Hi, Many, many thanks for everyone's help - I'm glad to say the solution was here (http://www.simforums.com/forums/resolved-error-off-southern-uk-coast_topic43466.html) in the link that Soeren provided. Now all fixed - thanks again. Cheers, Rich
  16. Hi, Just did a short flight from Limoges to Liverpool. I have UTX & GEX installed, and also use REX. Noticed that there appears to be a new, very square island near the Isle of Wight! Is there a way to get rid of it? I know in the past I had a similar issue with coastline but in Italy and was asked to run the UTX setup tool - I have tried doing that again and still have same problem. Thanks for any help, Rich
  17. Hi, Anytime I fly with Overland aircraft, after a few minutes at the gate my vc goes dark and I can't access radio's etc. I'm assuming this is something to do with the batteries draining? I have already added the line "electric_always_available = 1" to the aircraft.cfg after a bit of googling suggested that could be a solution but it doesn't seem to have worked. Many thanks for any help. Cheers, Rich
  18. Hi, What do I need to do/change in the UTX Europe config tool? Just opened it and there are loads of options, so not sure what to change? Thanks, Rich Hi, Sorry - have just googled and also found this - http://www.simforums.com/forums/solved-utx-europe-coastlines-bug_topic40888.html Have just tried loading another flight from Genoa in fsx, and now working perfectly after just opening the UTX tool. Many, many thanks for your help! Cheers, Rich
  19. Hi, Just did a short flight from Gatwick to Genoa in Italy. This is what my coastline looks like, any ideas how to solve this issue, given Genoa should be right next to the sea! I have UTX & GEX installed, and also use REX. Thanks, Rich
  20. Hi, The problem is though - I had used fsx literally 30mins before updating REX and it was fine. I made no changes and nothing updated - so do you know what else it could be? Pretty stuck at what I can do and it's really frustrating. Cheers, Rich
  21. Ah think you are right! My graphics card is a GeForce GTX 680 card with drivers 311.06 installed Nvidia website says latest drivers are 314.22. Sort of reluctant to update drivers, as there wasn't any problem before the REX update to SP1. Thanks, Rich
  22. Hi, As an example this is what planes now look like below. Also just did a short test flight and any straight line (in the cockpit or runway line etc) is blurry. What is gfx? How can I check the windows update? Thanks for your help, Rich
  23. Hi, I've got the same problem. My FSX with REX been running perfect. Tonight installed the update, and now everything in FSX has gone blurry/jaggy. Tried uninstalling REX and then reinstalling the older version which was working perfectly - but still have blurries. Can anyone help? Driving me mad! Thanks, Rich
  24. Hi, Thanks very much for your reply. Looks like they don't offer any faster ram - if you click on configure in that link they are all 1600 MHz. Out of interest do you think this computer is any better? http://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/view/Fsx-1500-pc/ What addons would you recommend for scenery/weather? Like REX etc. Thanks for your help, Rich PS - apologies for posting in the wrong forum initially.
  25. Hi, Really hoping someone will be able to help... I've been on away for the past few months and was expecting the brilliant Michael Greenblatt to help me buy a new pc and set up FSX (now I'm back). I've just learnt of the really sad news about his death - RIP to him and condolences to all of his family and friends at this incredibly sad time. I'm basically wanting to buy a new pc and set up FSX to be as good as it can. Are there already any links or resources that people can point to for this? And where are the best things to tweak graphics cards etc? I'm thinking of ordering this computer - http://3xs.scan.co.uk/ShowSystem.asp?SystemID=1431 I don't know that much about computers, how do you think this will run FSX? Also where are the best guides for setting it up, what addons to get etc? I'm assuming there are no other companies offering what FSGS did? I'm wanting to spend about £1500 on the computer and addons. Thanks for all of your help in advance, Rich PS - I'm not new to FSX, just haven't been able to use it for the past 3 year so quite out of date!
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