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About OO-JML

  • Birthday 11/24/1960

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  1. Hy Basys, I Have this list, but is not 100% complete https://www.dropbox.com/s/jsvxvgd5whi0ggb/Aerocaches.txt
  2. Hy all The method was described somewhere but... With the first version of flight, some had, when it caused a flat spin took altitude instead of falling. We had let him climb into space and then get out of spin and try to direct the aircraft in his fall to the aerocache. It regained a little maneuverability around 75000 feet OO-JML
  3. I've had them all ! :lol: 351 on internet https://www.dropbox.com/s/bywgh2hfz86ezf6/internet.jpg 350 in game https://www.dropbox.com/s/gvzgks7dazd3tnc/jeux.jpg
  4. I found 541 airfields, 137 hydrobases, 16 airfields/hydrobases and 3 Closed in Alaska. In Hawaï 35 airfields, 1 airfields/hydrobase and 1 Closed. There is the choice for your next excursion. :wink:
  5. Or just the weekend and the Aerocache Manager went fishing. :wink:
  6. Hello Winjimon May be there C:\Users\Name\Documents\Flight\ Or C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Flight
  7. Hello Wouldn't the problem of orientation of the bandwidth available on Google map? JML
  8. Yes, Holger to locates mount Hesperus in Revelation mountains, but me I could not locate the message of Holger :( Heimi, the visual rendering change greatly with the screens specifications.
  9. Hello 188AHC, I have search the Forum, but I did not find the correct answer. I found mount Brooks but this is not correct.
  10. No Luis, the screenshot is not modified Where is it located? The solution at 10:00 AM in Anchorage. If nobody find B) In the meantime... Draw a line from Unalakleet to Anchorage. Search in 50 nm from this line.
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