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About richtemark

  • Birthday 09/01/1975

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  1. My guess: it is a stand-alone EFB.
  2. I had the same problem, along with the landing gear going up or down every now and then. For me, the problem has been solved by not using a panel state that was saved before SP1c.
  3. Time acceleratoin works again fine for me, just as it did before SP1b. 16x is not a problem.
  4. Hast Du keine Sicherung des Installers mehr? Dann kanns Du auf der PMDG-Website einen "extended download service" (oder so ähnlich) kaufen, mit dem Du einen neuen Downloadlink bekommst.
  5. I am not sure whether you have to install the SP 1b at all. Does the base pack not already include the SP? I would install the 200LR first. Then, take a look into the PMDG OPS center whether it announces that an update is available. If so, install the SP; if not, install the expansion (300) directly. Cheers,
  6. If I reload a flight, I select the saved situation directly from the menu (without loading the aircraft first). So far, I've never encountered a problem with the aircraft model. Have you tried re-installing the livery or saving and then reloading a different livery? Maybe the problem lies there.
  7. richtemark

    A weird bug

    This is a known error that is supposed to be fixed with the next service pack. I suppose it happens only if you use a time compression larger than 4x?
  8. You mean September: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/451361-12sep14-general-update-on-many-topics/
  9. Can you tell me where you have learned that? I have not heard anything from the developer on that issue since shortly after the relase of SP1b.
  10. Have you changed anything so you can reach at least the 8x compression? I can't go beyond 4x at all.
  11. If you switch, lets say from external view to vc, try to press the button(s) that you use for changing the views again while the textures are loading. Helped me; the texture are, with the 2nd press, immediately there.
  12. Yeah, I would appreciate it. What is the order with that hand washing? Seriously: after checking my (yesterday re-downloaded) 300ER-installer, I found that, once unzipped, it contained the "old" installer dated July 2014. I then checked my PMDG account AGAIN and found that I have two different download links there. I now tried the other one and voilà: this download contained the new installer and now it updated. Thanks.
  13. Thanks for your reply. I have also followed the instruction; furthermore, I have downloaded the 300ER again from my account and re-installed it. However, OC shows only the base pack updated. Does your OC show new versions (1.10.6061) installed for both the 777 and the 777-300ER?
  14. ??? The update can be downloaded from the PMDG webpage without logging into the account. As far as I see, there is only one SP1b for both the base pack and the 300ER. That is the one I've downloaded and installed. By the way, I have also re-downloaded the updated 300ER installer from my account and re-installed the aircraft; same result. EDIT: This is the link for the SP from the 300ER-page on the PMDG website: https://s3.amazonaws.com/PMDG_Downloads/file_library/servupd/PMDG_777_200LRF_6061_SP1b.ZIP So, can anyone please confirm that, although the file name relates to the 200LRF only, it is also the update for the 300ER - OR - is there a second, different file somewhere?
  15. Sorry for the confusion: after installing SP1b, the OC reads "1.10.6061" as installed version for the PMDG 777 (base pack) but 1.10.6036 for the 300ER. Is this correct; is the 300ER-version not updated?
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