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About Mo45

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  1. Keep updating for what exactly, after 4 years?
  2. If you look at the display size from the Captain and the First Officer's side, which we have been discussing, this shows evidence of how it should be and how PMDG should have done it. I am not here to nit pick to anybody. I'm just putting my opinion across. All the best,
  3. Maybe this video you can see better. I would say this video is more evidence than the photo.🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_1WpNorKyQ
  4. Maybe this video you can see better.🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_1WpNorKyQ
  5. There is no argument only a sensible and interesting discussion. Yes, PMDG has made a fantastic product but when you pay for the product you expect it to be right and realistic. I have a 777-300 on the P3DV5 and the cockpit looks perfect on the Captain's side and officer's side, no gap or over layer. All they have to do is update it so that it is right. To some it might not be important but for some of us the detail matters. Maybe it was rushed and nobody took a look at it. Thanks for to the rest of the community for positive input. Sorry, it has dragged on like this. Thanks
  6. But at least all looks the same..🙂 Thanks
  7. Nobody was saying it was a bad plane. I was just pointing out both sides should be the same. Just a minor texture issue. It would be nice if both sides were the same like in real life and they could have updated it.😐
  8. Take a look at 777-300 cockpit. Gap https://ibb.co/nrd60Hz
  9. The display is not correct. The captain side has got no gap but the first officer side has a slight gap. https://ibb.co/x8w3XzP
  10. They could of left the product on their website. It wouldn't have harmed them. There are still some people buying the P3D product and they don't want to move to any other flight sim platform.🙂
  11. I leave that to you for your judgment.
  12. Maybe. in overall I am talking about .
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