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Faisal altheyab

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About Faisal altheyab

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  • Birthday 04/03/1999

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  1. Very nice. Probably the greatest plane ever made.. Thanks for sharing the review
  2. Hello Jim. This is what I did: I installed the navigraph 1601 database . The carenado navigraph folder is in my main P3D folder. But for some reason I cant find the carenvaigraph.dll . It is not in my system, I've searched for it everywhere, its not there. Including the carenado navigraph file that's supposed to be in my C drive, it also isn't there also, I cant find the GaugeEMB505N, and NAVIGRAPHEMB505 gauge. in my gauges folder.. Hope you can help. Thanks
  3. Hello. I'm facing this problem too. It's funny cause I can see the option but cant actually choose it.. Can anyone help us with this issue? Thanks
  4. Hi, cant i install it using the "manual" way, Without the navigraph program installer? And if so, would you mind explaining how you did it? I've been trying for the past hour but couldn't find a way
  5. WOW! I was about to complete the checkout process, when I realized that for the time being they're only shipping to 20 countries only! ... None of which are middle eastern countries :( . IMO it is definitely a stupid move, there are millions of customers who cant wait to get there hands on the rift. But for some uncalled reason, they cant, because oculus isn't shipping it to their country :|
  6. Hi.. I after testing the gtn, everything seems okay. I don't know why I'm still getting this error. Well, as long as everything's working the way it should in the sim. No need for fixing haha. Thanks
  7. Hello everyone.. Purchased the GTN 750 today. Followed all the instructions, and updated the gtn to 1.13 but there's a funny problem https://www.dropbox.com/s/ixyyamt0p8tmcf8/Screenshot%202016-01-04%2011.06.07.png?dl=0 I get this error everytime i open the GTN config.. Weird thing is, after dismissing the error, everything works fine. I get a list of all the planes that are installed on P3D, and I also have it configured in my A2A 182. Is there a way of ending this error? Cause obviously everything works fine.. Thank you
  8. Happy new year .. Here's to an even greater year of simming.. Who knows what we'll have by this time next year!!
  9. wow.. The swiss one is just breathtaking :smile:
  10. Thought it was quite funny. Best part is when they take the plastic covers off the chairs
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