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Everything posted by PigsInSpace

  1. Err no, Area 115 could be almost anything, added scenery, layers adjusted manually or auto- moved by installers etc will change all of this i.e; 115 on my cfg is Reno Though what was suggested about seeing if it matches up or not with what you have or have deleted is the place to begin. Cheers!
  2. Agree thats the way it has been, and likely to stay. But the latest and slightly better Haswell Boards + a good chip have seen a decent rise in clock speed WO deliding on air and water. Personaly I dont see the need, though I do admit to wanting to scratch that itch once in a while.
  3. Nothing in common in FSX, "preview" is in reference usually to video and very high res image manipulation (See Final-cut, After-effects and the like. Turning off "preview" saves preciouse ram and allows you to continue the proccess when using limited amounts of ram, like back in the day editing 1gig+ images with only 8MB of ram in CS etc. I think this is what you are posting about, hope it helps.
  4. Sigh,I thought there might be something in your reply, Unfortunately Yes, I covered them all. :( And they are ALL quite old, compiled with outdated, low detail and inaccurate source data.
  5. I have UTX, SceneryTech, FSGenesis and even looked at Cloud9, and OpenVFR but all those seem to still be lacking. Since we have much better free source data since 2007-8 when most LC was created, is there anything else remotely acceptable available right now? Anyone know of planned updates or new add-ons besides ORBX that might be a better alternative to the aforementioned products?
  6. Oh no not that again, but yeah probably. Holy grail's were meant for a different time period, or at least maybe a different game. Ha
  7. Ah thank you. Seems like something wrong in your setup, at a minimum you should have AG filling it up. Reduced from 1920x1200
  8. Sliders full right...looks ok to me. Hmm sorry, what the best way to display these in the forum full size, thought I followed the tut ok, but guess not.
  9. PigsInSpace

    NYC X

    From the album: NYCX

    NYC X
  10. PigsInSpace


  11. Oh Man, that explains everything. I think you would need a dedicated add-on just for that. :lol:
  12. That sounds good to me. Which one do you like?
  13. Just read thru the instructions from the developers and its not like just click the installer....I must be getting old!
  14. Would love a lighter weight version of their Concorde, keep the VC but cut some things out to shorten the latency so it can respond smoother etc..
  15. Great point and pretty close but this is off a bit me thinks, right now a Haswell @ 3.5GHZ is equal to a I7-930 @ 4.5GHZ or = to a Sandy bridge @ 4GHZ etc So we are seeing stronger performance by leaps of about 250 less clocks needed per year x 7 +/- So IF we are going by resent results by 2020 a 3.5GHZ Intel could be = to a 5.5 Haswell but yet IF we could still count on resent results stock speed will be 4.5 or more...yet top overclock will be? We dont know what material will be used, hopefully we will have something new in the way of a sim and it wont matter so much but you have to love how far FSX has come - because it wasn't updated..... Closer Mr.Gizmo?
  16. Mostly agree with you, but as for CLLU/P, just google "pumping out" or drying out, Been there. You ever tried to clean that stuff off? Not to fond of it just for that alone. IMHO its great stuff for temporary benching and whatnot but I can't recommend it for the long hall. Cheers! Enjoy! +1 Exactly
  17. I am really liking the combination of FTXG + UTX roads here in the US but I cant seem to find a good setting for day that works well for night time flying. I guess less light would suit me just fine, not too fond of the overexposed versions as if you are seeing it thru a camera with high ISO, wide open fast lens etc. What settings do you use that look more life like? Here are some pics that show what I get, the second pix shows that the shoulders/apron sections are so lit up at night that it ruins the effect. Day: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ubm1639w501ph1v/2013-8-21_15-28-10-236.jpg Night https://www.dropbox.com/s/ni0opxtti9smg0g/2013-8-21_15-29-25-864Nt.jpg
  18. From what I have seen I think I'm going to give Opus a try but the installation routine looks brutal, could you to comment on that?
  19. Your pictures were removed for not following forum guidelines, resize them or provide your own link, flicker, dropbox etc Sounds like your temps might be going up or something, repost the pix and your specs and I'm sure you'll get all kinds of help.
  20. I agree, we all fly different and being content is truly something to be appreciated. Ok, since you don't want to talk extremes, and while you talk about being "being required to run" "stuck at 10FPS" or "15 and 20s"...etc no need to be stuck there! Surely you do know that we can now easily fly rock solid locked 30's with max sliders full right, superb graphic settings and filtering in nicely filled out terrain, big cities flying Cessna etc, don't you? And that's with things like FSGlobal Mesh, UTX, FTXG and a nice Carenado model. You do know that to Overclock now most Bios's come with pre-settings >one click and you are there, and that putting on a decent CPU cooler including Thermal Paste is as easy as changing your car's air-cleaner with hundreds if not thousands of Utube videos to help you. And No, I believe you are wrong, I'll bet a majority overclock their systems where ever and what ever FSX forum you go to. And I certainly can go along with no need to overclock, if you have a decent proc like a Haswell I-5 4670 stcock 3.8 turbo still eats any 5GHZ AMD for breakfast in FSX.
  21. "I am probably one of the most advanced users in the community when it comes to FSX" I find his blog sometimes useful has a few pages and he has made it more concise say than the "Bible" (OMG) but Word Not Allowed, As I recall you have never made ANY content for FS, never broke any new ground and often fought against others that did and a lot of your work is, well to put it politely >plagiarized< from someone else, you make me laugh my long lost brother. But I do appreciate your view so cheers to you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8igE_2kioE
  22. Its really not that poor, it is made to last and not dry out like what is being suggested to use when delided (Liquid Pro), it is just that it does not compare to the solder method as previously used. I think sometimes it is more of a problem with the gap between the chip and the HIS, but yeah I wished they used solder.
  23. What a bunch of BS, why cant some of you just try to have a real intelligent conversation and admit somethings while you try to make your point? Lots of conjecture in here by just a few and that even refuse to look at the facts and use their powers of reason really is a disservice to the community, I mean you can have a opinion but if you really don't know then you shouldn't pretend that you do while you cast doubt and fear. Guys really, its easy you don't have too go all out, for cripes sake even Intel offers a warranty to overclock their chips and will replace your CPU >IF you ruin it by overclocking. http://click.intel.com/tuningplan/ I have been overclocking since 386/486 days and have NEVER ruined a CPU (ruined a couple of MB, but it was me, not overclocking) and I had an old AMD XP-2600 Mobile Barton that I had pin-tricked to run as a desktop, used extreme voltage and overclocked since 2006 and it is still running for a friend of one of my kids. Its just so obvious by the statements that some just haven't experienced enough especially with recent CPU's, and that's ok you guys enjoy your non-overclocked AMD chips or whatever. I'm sure we are all so glad you have saved your money because YOU decided not to upgrade or spend $60-$100 on a cooler and some Thermal Compound and a few minutes time that could have been done yesterday, bravo, great! But please you don't have to insult everyone's intelligence by making dumb statements about no differences in FSX performance and ruined CPU's when you obviously don't have a clue. Apples to Apples Non Overclocked and Overclocked AMD vs Intel I would like to see how one of your non overclocked systems handles Manhattan X with FSDT-JFK and with what settings, but I dont have to I already know and I wont even mention NYC X, oh wait sorry I did. Hah :lol:
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