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  1. I found a fix which works for me (so far), so I was a little worried about the previous post about ASNext. I've just tested and can confirm my fix still works, whether or not I have ASNext enabled. The fix is simply (contrary to suggestions in the Introduction document) to calibrate the throttles using FSUIPC. I had avoided doing this up to now, because of what I'd read in the PDF. I'll continue testing of course and report back if that fix suddenly stops working.
  2. Rob, I was about to report back myself regarding an autoland I've just done, same results as yours. I can press F2 as much as I want, it'll only go through idle into reverse once the T/Ls let me go further than this artificial idle position. Good point about the spoilers, maybe it has something to do with the fact that the T/Ls do go to the actual idle position briefly before moving back up to a slightly higher value. You can try this in flight too: hold down F1, then release it, note how the N1 rises as the T/Ls move a tiny distance forward again.
  3. I've thought about that, but the same happens when I completely disconnect my hardware. Also, with the A/T engaged, the white marker is showing the commanded N1 from the A/T, whereas the blue is showing the physical hardware position, which in this case is lower than the A/T command. If there's a spike anywhere, it's in the A/T. With A/T disconnected, have you noticed how the white commanded N1 (in this case hardware commanded) first dips to the real idle and then recovers slightly to a higher value? Pressing and holding F2 accounts for the delay: press it and the commanded N1 slowly drops before reaching 'real' idle, at which point the reversers deploy. This might or might not coincide with nosewheel touchdown. Release F2 anywhere in this process, and it jumps back to the slightly higher value (stowing the reversers) before it then drops down to 'real' idle at the 'critical moment'. Chad
  4. I'm struggling to get the reversers to engage too. I have the option to display T/L position selected, so I have the blue marker/ring around the N1 gauge. What I've noticed, is that the A/T isn't actually commanding idle on landing, but something slightly more. The commanded N1 marker is slightly ''above" (higher RPM) the blue T/L marker with the T/L at idle. When I then press F1 or hold down F2, the white commanded N1 marker shakes, but doesn't actually drop down to match the blue T/L idle until about the time the nosewheel touches down. Only then do the reversers actuate. I have tried the 'always override A/T setting', and this works as long as you keep F2 depressed. If you release it, it'll jump back to the white commanded N1 and the reversers will stow. Once the nosewheel is down (or whatever the crucial event is that happens then, I've had the same with the nosewheel held in the air), the commanded N1 drops to match the blue T/L marker and I can re-reverse and the power setting will stay where I've set it. Incidentally, I've tested with the A/T flare override on and off - no difference. The T/Ls come to idle initially, but stop again at the commanded N1 markers (which they really shouldn't, I've overridden the A/T, haven't I?) until the 'special moment'. Is anyone experiencing the problem seeing similar behaviour? Chad Edit: I've tried with A/T disconnected, but I lose the blue N1 ring to compare to the white (now manually) commanded N1. I still suspect it reduces to a higher N1 target, which requires holding down F2, first to get to the actual idle, then to actuate the reversers.
  5. Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: fsx.exe Application Version: 10.0.61637.0 Application Timestamp: 46fadb14 Fault Module Name: kernel32.dll Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.18409 Fault Module Timestamp: 53159a85 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 00011359 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 2057 Additional information about the problem: LCID: 2057 Running SP1b
  6. There's a little mention in FCOM Vol. 2 page 10.10.41. I'd copy and paste if I could, but the reference will have to do ^_^
  7. It should be possible according to FCOM V2 11.42.34, best to submit a support ticket, looks like it got lost in that thread.
  8. I think so, I was used to entering 2 digits myself but found it didn't work that way once the 77W joined my fleet.
  9. Kindly refer to the FCOM page 11.31.37 regarding the leading zero required.
  10. You need to enter 3 figures, so 080 for F80 for example.
  11. Hello, I wanted to add to this thread because I have an issue where the aircraft pitches up on final approach following autopilot disconnect. To answer the questions above: 1) Are you seeing this on EVERY flight? Yes 2) If you disconnect the A/T after getting fully configured- does it still happen? Yes 3) do you have any trim or pitch commands mapped to hardware? Elevator trim mapped to keys on yoke, Saitek yoke for pitch control. Hardware disconnected for experimentation. 4) Do you have FSUIPC installed? If so- would you mind uninstalling it and running the same test again? (Sometimes FSUIPC does things that users do not expect because they don't fully understand some of the settings- and in our experience the only way to rule that out is to eliminate it temporarily...) Removed for experimentation. 5) In the same keeping as #4, do you have a weather engine running? Can you please set the weather manually in FSX to "Clear" and no wind and try again so that we can positively eliminate any causal factors in weather? ASN not loaded, clear weather theme in FSX. I set up an ILS, stabilised and configured for landing by 2000'. I then opened the lower EICAS FCTL page and noted trim had stablised at 4.5 units at Vref + 5. I waited until 500' AGL before disconnecting the autopilot and noticed that the elevators deflected upwards, then returned to centre. At this stage of the approach, the end result was quite pronounced and immediate correction was required to continue the approach. I took off again and joined a downwind leg while watching the FCTL page continuously. While intercepting the selected altitude, I noticed the elevator making small corrections up and down, oscillating around centre while the trim fine tuned itself. Eventually the elevator was centred and the trim value stable. I disconnected the A/P and again the elevators deflected upwards, then centred again within about a second. At this stage of flight, the slight pitch up corrected itself and the aircraft continued hands off. I believe this little deflection could cause an issue on short final. Fighting it immediately could exacerbate the situation and ignoring it could leave the aircraft slightly high but "re-stabilised". Is anyone else noticing this upward deflection on A/P disconnect?
  12. Hi, I've noticed similar behaviour during the 2 SIDs I've flown since installing SP1. Similar to your video, the green line appears to miss the centre of the fix (perhaps turning earlier to take account of the wind, as in your vid?) until it realises it's going to miss the fix entirely and decides to correct and return to the fix. With a few fixes in short sequence to one another, like on a SID, the aircraft simply flies a kind of slalom course around the fixes while appearing to try to intercept a track to fix in each case. In both cases, these are SIDs which were very accurately flown before SP1. Thanks, Chad
  13. I had the same problem: the aircraft would come to a stop whenever I turned off the Autobrake (from DISARM to OFF) after landing. The brakes would also come on randomly during flight and on the ground, although it seemed they didn't actually affect the taxi speed. Cycling the pedals would remove the issue for a while. At the time, I was using the FSX controller menu for my yoke's hat switch only and everything else was assigned and calibrated via FSUIPC. To fix the issue, I deselected controllers in FSX completely (having found a solution for the hat switch and VC views) and let FSUIPC handle everything, but the problem persisted until I removed the calibration within FSUIPC for the toe brakes. (I'd previously removed the throttle calibration to fix the snap back to idle issue I had in the beginning). The Saitek pedals need the toe brake axes reversed, so I had to manually add *-1 to the axes in the FSUIPC.ini, something you'd normally set in the calibration window. I'm actually doing quite well without calibrated throttle and toe brakes and the Autobrake issue is gone. FSX can't randomly change assignments anymore and I can set up different profiles using FSUIPC. Calibration is handled solely in the OS without any problems. There's a detailed post on the internet somewhere regarding the toe brake axis reversal edit in more details, I'll be glad to help if you need any more information.
  14. Hi Peebee, From the issue tracking thread: - Enabling Auto Time Compression will now suppress the crew alertness monitor.
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