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About 77west

  • Birthday 07/03/1986

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  1. 77west

    Cabin Pressure

    Apparently the 777-9 and -8 will also have this, despite being AlLi
  2. But not so solid that it results in a bounced landing. Emirates just found that out the hard way...
  3. PMDG - how about some actual escape slides? That would be cool to try.
  4. This almost looks like a hardware issue if your whole PC just crashes during loading.
  5. This would only apply if using the PMDG plane as AI - which would not be a good idea. For several reasons.
  6. That looks perfectly fine to me. Full names in the PMDG forums...
  7. Hi Guys I had this issue as well, I managed to resolve it by deleting the C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3 folder. Note, you may want to back up the dll.xml first.
  8. Thanks, I have a GTX1080 on order so good to see what these new Pascal cards can do.
  9. I think the proper questions is 1.) Does the real DC6 have wing flex to a discernable degree and 2.) if the answer is yes, has PMDG modelled it (I bet that if 1 = True then 2 = True)
  10. I think he meant see it, in general. Once Sir Robert allows them, they can release their own screenshots. (The approved beta testers that is)
  11. I don't have the 6 yet, but that's great service and a pretty speedy update in just a week! (now - get back to the 747!)
  12. By piloting, I actually infer at least some degree of mathematical ability. (excuse the pun) :ph34r:
  13. Amazing that sometimes a bit of piloting is actually required to fly these things... :wink:
  14. I ran that same flightplan in PFPX but said no weather and got this: FUEL CORR ENDUR TRIP 113144 ........ 13:15 CONT 5% 5657 ........ 00:51 ALTN 3079 ........ 00:22 FINAL RESV 3312 ........ 00:30 HOLD 1678 ........ 00:15 MIN T/O 126870 ........ 15:13 EXTRA 0 ........ 00:00 TAXI 340 ........ 00:10 RELEASE 127210 ........ 15:23 then same but with live weather and got: TRIP 108755 ........ 12:16 CONT 5% 5438 ........ 00:48 ALTN 3090 ........ 00:22 FINAL RESV 3370 ........ 00:30 HOLD 1706 ........ 00:15 MIN T/O 122359 ........ 14:11 EXTRA 0 ........ 00:00 TAXI 340 ........ 00:10 RELEASE 122699 ........ 14:21
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